LollaAndBugs online webcams for YOU!



Date: November 17, 2022

7 thoughts on “LollaAndBugs online webcams for YOU!

  1. been through the same with my now wife. She waited until after we got to know eachother a little bit but before we made it official. no need to rush into it.

  2. Freaking hell you're pathetic and you really need some self-respect, I'm sorry if that's mean, but my god you need to hear it.

  3. Yes. It's better for the child's future to have two parents earning money and investing in their child than only having one do it. In the long term, the child benefits.

  4. I am not proud of it

    well you should be! You were being supportive and empathetic and that's mostly seen as a good thing. Sometimes, even if the friend thinks they need your support, the support you offer is just enough to make continuing the toxic relationship possible. Like, it didn't matter if he hurt her, because she could cry on your shoulder. You removed your poor aching shoulder and she promptly broke up with him for good. Well done you!

  5. Given the lack of context and reading between the lines it sounds less like her having a problem with FIFA and more like she feels neglected.

    Seeing as you’re the only one who knows the reality of the situation, be honest with yourself and examine the facts.

    How much time do you spend with her? If it’s not as much as you spend on other activities, then decide how invested you are in this relationship. If it’s not a lot, break up. If you are invested, show her more attention.

    If you’re honest with yourself and you think you have the right balance between the amount of time you spend with her vs the amount of time you spend on other activities, then (gently) explain that, and explain its not going to change. She can then make her own decision.

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