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6 thoughts on “lolaslatary1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. How or why would you rebuild trust? He’s in love with her. This isn’t just emotional cheating, you’re literally second choice here and he’s only with you because you look like her, I’m sorry.

  2. If he had worked there for 13 years maybe, just maybe, something severely negative was causing him trouble, for example, depression, which is extreeeeeemly common in working men, especially if they have a bad/negative household.

  3. That's a kinda concerning mindset. But if money making and career goals are more important to you, then break up with him and tell him it's because of financial issues so he knows what's up.

    As someone who married someone seeming like such a “loser”, I gotta say – yeah, financial struggle sucks. But being with a partner who loves and appreciates you and vice versa is worth more than any money in the world, at least to me.

    But if money and financial stability is more important to you, that's valid. Then be honest about it and break up.

  4. If I even was just dating a guy who admitted to doing that ON THE JOB, I’d be so disgusted I’d say thanks for the time, this is over. I cannot respect any adult who would jeopardize their career over something so stupid and juvenile. Peace.

  5. im not. its possible you simply have a different experience with xanax than most other people do. that kind of thing does happen – some people metabolize drugs differently. its very very well known and well accepted that xanax acts on the brain in a very similar way to alcohol and feels very similar. its not exactly the same, but a few mg of alprazolam does produce a very strong, very noticeable, alcohol like high in the vast, vast majority of people. if you do not experience this, you are the outlier. according to the wiki page on alprazolam, it is metabolized in the liver by cytochrome P450 3A4, which in theory means that if that enzyme is present in higher or lower concentrations than normal, or is more or less active than normal, or has some kind of deviation from normal in your liver, you could require far more or far less xanax than most people to achieve an effect – in this case it sounds like maybe far more.

    this sort of thing can happen with many different drugs. abnormalities in liver metabolism can cause huge differences in how some people respond to all kinds of different drugs – not just xanax/aplorazolam and not just psychoactive drugs. when someone needs alot more of a certain drug to achieve the same effect as most people, in the psychedelics community we call them “hard heads”.

    you cannot take your personal experience with a drug and apply it to everyone else.

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