Lolajay-19 live! sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 17, 2022

40 thoughts on “Lolajay-19 live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Maybe he just feels a spark and wants to see where things go without the extra distraction and complications of dating around.

    I shut off my dating profiles after my first date with my spouse. It felt like we had a connection and I wanted to give things a good shot.

  2. You need to have a really honest conversation with him. Sex needs to be a give and take- I don’t understand why it is so common for guys to not give head but girls still have to. What’s with that? If he won’t give you head don’t give him head until he does. Boom done.

    But most importantly you need to ask straight up “why do you not want to be on top during sex? And why do you get defensive when I ask about it?” He is being wishy washy there is no scenario where “because I said so” is valid in any argument ever. That is incredibly childish and is just shorthand for “I don’t want to talk about this at all ever”

  3. There was a bestofredditorupdates posted within the last few hours very similar. Dude was in a long term relationship, unhappy with the sex life, she wants to get engaged, everyone told him to break up. The update was now they’re married and he’s cheating on his wife because it never got better.

    Don’t fall into that. She’s asexual. Sex is important to you. This is a major incompatibility. Break up.

  4. If you don’t feel comfortable don’t do it. She needs to respect that and you need to give her the same respect. If she isn’t into something respect her and don’t do it.

  5. Well life decisions are tough to make sometimes but you shouldnt continue living like this even if you have kids with this guy, changes are worth if you are not okay.

  6. I can't see the post anymore, so presume you deleted it….

    As for you implying that I'm a 12 year-old, I can only assume that this is projection. Which would explain why your response to the OP was to run to the teacher

  7. You literally don’t have the slightest idea what life is. You’ve been in school living with your parents and have 0 experience in the real world and relationships. You met a 22 year old online as a 15 year old and claim it to be a legit relationship. Do you understand how lucky you are to be here? You could have been a statistic of missing girls and possibly human trafficking. You are incredibly naive and have absolutely no clue what the consequences could have been or can be.

    You seriously need to rethink everything, for your own sake and safety.

  8. The why is important.

    I’ve been married 20 happy years. It is a lot harder to walk out on that than a shorter relationship.

    The truth is, if someone makes a drunken mistake, feels terrible guilt and never would do it again, honestly? I’d rather not know.

    But that’s me.

  9. Hey OP. I get your point of view. But I think you assumed your bf had a hell of a lot more familiarity with your ENM world than he did.

    It’s not his world. He likely needed you to say “being my boyfriend means x: do you agree to this?” Where things went wrong is that you explained a whole lot. You tried to educate him. But at no point did you get his affirmative consent for romantic exclusivity and sexual ENM. So what actually happened here is that you messed up the ethical part – explicit consent.

    This was your second attempt at an enm relationship. Your first one was with someone clearly already interested in that. So I think you assumed more people are open to this than there are, and didn’t adjust your communication to reflect that reality.

    Your bf was probably trying to sound “worldly” when the two of you were dating. And you did a good job introducing the topic. But you never closed the circle by getting explicit consent.

    If he talks with you again make it clear to him that this is the kind of relationship you require. And that while you hope he would like to still be with you, you don’t want him doing anything he is uncomfortable with. (Another discussion you didn’t have).

    If I were you I’d post in r/ENM for advice on how to avoid this in the future. You have a good understanding of how you want an open relationship to work. But you need a better understanding of how to communicate with non-ENM potential partners.

  10. No he didnt seem awkward at all. The worst part is i wish I recorded it because the way he said it so casually is what hurt me. And he actually isnt “nice” to her usually. So I expected him to be like “hell f-in no!” and we would all laugh. but instead he agreed.

  11. I’m curious as to why I’ve been downvoted for my comment. If it’s because I ‘worked’ on the clinic, I didn’t have a choice. I was a student nurse and it was a placement. It was a gynea clinic, abortions were a small part of the service, it was mostly ‘women’s problems’ otherwise.

    I actually hated my time on there, I was 17 and it still haunts me and I’m 64 now.

    We couldn’t refuse to work on the clinic as part of our placement, but we were allowed to refuse to work on the ward where the abortions took place and I took that option.

  12. You have feelings about it enough to post online. It’s trashy and she likes it. If you don’t, walk away. This won’t be the last time she expresses something trashy. If it’s not for you, it’s not for you.

  13. I don't know how to handle this situation. I'm mentally weak and unstable person. I'm worried about her. It affects to me as much as to her. She has some illness and she lost her important people. And I'm feeling that I put her in this situation while she is at her lowest point.

  14. Maybe it's a cultural thing, let's point out the issue here.

    If she is already in a relationship with you, she shouldn't done that. She lied and betrayed you, that's a fact. Nothing can clearify that.

    You looking through her phone is invading her privacy, unless you guys have already talked about that it's ok to look for each other's phone then it's not a big deal.

    “She siad she doesn't remember and had already been 5 years ago.” No, nothing can change the fact that she's trying to cheat on you. She didn't cheat on you for 5 years so what, there's no evidence she won't do it inthe future. She try to cheat on you just in 10 days after you guys are together.

    Conclusion, people can change, she might have changed but I don't buy it, especially a woman that tries to cheat after 10 days being together as couple. Your worries are correct, kick her ass to the street.

  15. If you continue to put the kids in a dangerous situation, you are a terrible father.

    If she threatens to kill herself, you call the police and report it.

  16. I’ve actually just talked with him after posting on various reddits. I came to the decision that he needs to sign up for anger management classes or therapy. I told him that I wouldn’t decide to be in this relationship anymore if he didn’t seek help for his issues. He agreed and said he would sign up. I’m gonna start finding places he could potentially go to. If he does not go through with it then I will take your advice. It’s honestly pretty solid. We only have three months left on the lease. Thank you for your input I’m grateful for it.

  17. OK first off. People online can be anyone. They can be harmful.

    So talk to her about it and set boundaries. These people are not to know your address, maybe not even the town you live! in. The second anyone brings up any topic that isn't friend appropriate they get blocked. Anyone with a sob story about needing money gets blocked.

    She's was on reddit of all places of course she's going to get replies from men.

    Communicating is going to be important. But honestly encourage her to get out and meet real people. She could join a book club or other clubs that she would enjoy.

  18. Oops! Time for this to end. Set a date for him to move out. If he won't, get an eviction notice from you local courthouse.

  19. thank you for taking the time to respond. beautifully spoken!

    I will try to do better next time and I hope you're right in saying I can love genuinely. I think you are.

  20. Why does he not sound like he's not? He is matching clothes with her, constantly going out with her, sharing all his problems with her and even took her to the picnic because he didn't want to get bored or left out since he's not very close friends with the other phd students.

  21. You don't try to control it. You don't babysit her. She needs to be in charge of her own sobriety.

    Instead, you sit her down and tell her that her use of alcohol is unacceptable and not what you want in your life. If she wants to get professional help, you'll support her in doing that. Anything other than a serious commitment to sobriety and she needs to leave and you will be filling for a divorce. If she chooses to keep drinking then you fly her back home to her closest support system.

  22. Stay out of it. You don’t need the heat that breaking them up would bring you.

    I hope you get cheated on and nobody tells you, cheers!

  23. Sending nudes is not the issue here. That's understandable no matter how long the relationship. But any sexual talk at all from your romantic partner when you're 22 and being so horrified by the thought yeah that's a therapy issue to me.

  24. Not as weird as you trashing your relationship with your own sister for a guy who just saw you as a easy lay.

  25. Why would you say that expecting any other response? You’re basically saying that he isn’t enough for you, so you’re rejecting him too. If you’re looking for somebody who doesn’t know you to fight for you then that’s a bit odd.

  26. It kind of sounds like you’re enabling, at the very least, this guy to pursue an emotional affair with you…

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