LlamaRales live webcams for YOU!


LlamaRales Public Chat Channel

Date: November 13, 2022

4 thoughts on “LlamaRales live webcams for YOU!

  1. It wasn’t planned, it just happened

    You know practically every cheater says this, right?

    You didn't accidentally consent to jumping on his dick any more than your fiance accidentally fell into someone's vagina.

    Take some ownership of your decisions here.

    As for truth and questions, your fiance is a big boy. I'd trust him to ask as much as he wants to hear, and answer honestly even if you think the answer will hurt.

    Of course it'll hurt. You cheated on him. That ship has sailed.

  2. You: honey I love you but I don’t think your shooting blanks. Please go get a sperm count check

    Him: why do you think that

    You: because we have a bum in the oven again

    I would like to think your marriage is strong enough to not go straight too you cheated. A simple sperm count will show him he’s fertile myrtle still.

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