Lizaliett live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 17, 2022

30 thoughts on “Lizaliett live webcams for YOU!

  1. He is the most amazing person I know, he has the biggest heart, the kindest soul and I am lucky to have him.

    He is not. Do yourself a favor and lose weight by getting rid of this man.

  2. Your mom is the worst. That ring symbolizes an unpleasant time in your life, and it's a reminder that both family heirlooms were refashioned and gifted to your sister even though she has no immediate prospect of engagement. Like how does she justify any of that in her mind?

    Definitely tell her you've reconsidered, and see if she'll still give it to you. And 100% get it appraised and sell it online somewhere so you can get your soon to be fiance something that actually celebrates your life together … not some ill fated hand me down after though.. the nerve of some people.

  3. Oh man, I had to back and at the ages again! While I was reading this, all I was think was how immature she sounds….I honestly thought she was 18!

  4. I feel a lot of concern for your coming child. To be this fatphobic is scary and cruel. You have to address this now. If your wife can deprive her child of a whole grandparent because of some extra pounds… Will she deprive her child of friends she seems as being overweight? What if you get an injury and gain some pounds? What happens if your child is “overweight”?

    Your wifes mindset will cause so much hurt for a lifetime for the child if this isn't addressed.

  5. What exactly do you expect him to do if he does acknowledge his privilege?

    Are either of you going to surrender your privilege to elevate others or is it all just useless talk that amounts to nothing?

    Unless YOU put your money where your mouth is, as in donating to a known good cause or volunteering with organizations that serve underprivileged, please stop talking.

    If you are actually doing something other than mindlessly yapping on reddit, good for you, keep it up.

  6. I seriously hate that him threatening you was all fine and dandy for him until you brought a bigger guy into the equation.

  7. Your suffering isn’t equal.

    You asked her to fuck, not on a date. You didn’t tell her you had romantic feelings for her, and if you don’t (it doesn’t sound like it), it does sound predatory to ask if you can be fuck buddies after study group apropos of nothing. I don’t know what led you to believe this is the way people approach each other for sexual encounters. But you tried it and it failed badly.

    It is creepy, because you had no basis for the request. If you feel alienated, put your head down through class and leave the study group alone. The only way for things to improve for you socially is to appreciate how socially inappropriate you are and to respect people’s boundaries.

    As a flat rule, people you are casually acquainted to do not want to be propositioned. I know you know this rule now.

  8. either break up or marry her . you both just aren’t compatible and you should find someone who’s okay with sex and she should find someone who’s okay with waiting until marriage . don’t make a stupid choice and marry her just to have sex and then it ends up not working out

  9. Please please please stop internalizing what an asshole says. It sounds like you have extremely low self esteem and could benefit from therapy.

  10. So she is disrespectful of your relationship.

    So tell her that her attitude and behaviour are disrespectful. That if she doesn’t change her attitude and behaviour, then you are going to leave. Tell her that if she wants to continue to be friends with him, then she needs to make sure their interactions are appropriate, and any inappropriate behaviour or comments from either party and the relationship is over. If she doesn’t think she can do that, then she ends the friendship with him.

  11. Yeah I was going to say this exactly. The people I’m always suspicious of are the ones who are like, overly charming with everyone and will basically do whatever it takes to be perceived in the way they want to be perceived. That to me is a much bigger red flag than someone who sometimes doesn’t fit in with others.

  12. how I looked at this classmates body (female I assume lol) one time 8-9 months ago and that our relationship is just not going to work out.

    If something like this can break up your relationship, it wasn't meant to be anyway.

  13. And I already said OP was also pressured to marry their attacker, which happens all the time to sexual assault victims in conservative settings.

    So I did read the rest of the quote, which is equally tone-deaf and makes it seem like OP went and did all of that at their pleasure.

  14. Paying someone (generously) to clean who will also tidy can really help if one partner is less able to do housework for any reason. Weekly is good but three times a week may be better at first.

    One thing that may help is if he does not help you. that implies you are responsible and he is the helper. Have tasks that are his. Possibly even hire someone to visit weekly and make sure he has done them, watch him do them but not do them. If he has problem that he just doesn't recognise this will help him on an ongoing basis and you wont have to be the one making sure he does it, and if he is a person of usual capacity he will probably be OK after a while. With me we have the coach and cleaner all in one, so if they arrive and things are not done they just take up the mantle of coach again.

    How about you help him with meals for a while. Make meals his responsibility for a week. You may find you prefer to be in charge, which is OK, but it is a thing to try. I do suggest getting some marriage counselling. And make sure you can be in the wrong as well.. I have seen couples when one has lost the will to do anything except say thankyou because the other person is always in charge and cannot be even gently corrected. i

    The way he reforms then needs reminders is classic of me. Some people just need to be reminded a lot. We just do not pick something up then retain it. I do not know things “everyone knows”. I am female near retirement. What I do is recognise I am like that and also I have learned to clean up as I go as I might not circle back to things- but it isnt just set and forget, training me to do things is difficult. I also cant have things organised for me and they will stay that way… I am still using that stuff.

    Also therapy may be wise in case their are unusual circumstances . I know someone who finds any request to do housework upsetting, but is ok with just doing things.. they had a psycho parent- any tasks they came up with had to in progress by the other parent within one minute – even if they were on the toilet.

  15. Texting won’t cut it. Real conversations would need to happen

    Yeah you did something bad and deserve to be accountable, but now my bet is she’s playing games to mess with your head before she dumps you in a week.

    There’s no right way with this stuff, but this is a wrong way.

    Personally you need to figure out why you did it on a personal level?

    How do you change that coping mechanism to something that isn’t people?

    How can you communicate what you need here to work through whatever didn’t happen here for next time?

  16. But it sounds like this phobia of travelling is the latest development in severe anxiety. It's not her only issue.

  17. I know it did. I was there at his house for a few days with the dog after. Helping if I could with her. My heart breaks for her she’s adorable and now has to put up with a lot of pain for a long while.

  18. She’s cheating on you. You don’t realize it now, but you’re dodging a crazy bullet. Put this girl in the past.

  19. Well, if anything's possible, maybe he can get good at taking a dildo down his throat, and then give you any pointers he picks up while practicing…

    What? He doesn't want to do that? But he doesn't care that you don't want to do that either? Hmm.

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