Liza live! sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 17, 2022

26 thoughts on “Liza live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Yeah and your kind of Bullshit is what makes it hard for authentic posts

    to get reviewed and assisted on here.

  2. Eww bye. I know toddlers who act better. He needs to grow up. You need to remember who you are and walk away from someone who treats you with such disrespect.

  3. He makes it seem as if this is all in my head

    AKA he's gaslighting you, which is a type of abuse (and usually leads to worse things).

    Get out while you can.

  4. When I was 18 I thought I was in love with a man half way around the world that I'd never met. We talked all the time on the phone but that's it (this was 2003ish). Looking back now I realize how silly I was being because I had zero life experience and was just happy some guy showed interest in me.

    Maybe not the same reasoning for you but take a very serious step back and think about the situation. You're in a long distance relationship with a person you've never ever seen the face of…

    I did meet one person I talked to long distance around then and let me say: if I could go back and slap some sense into younger me, I would definitely do it.

    Meet some ppl in your area. Do fun things for yourself. Hang out with friends. Don't put your hopes and dreams into one person you've never even seen live.

  5. Even with the reasoning from her being that she hasn't been there to do school work with the kids at night and that their grades are slipping? She also just came off of a divorce.

  6. You know fully what you need to do. If you stay with him this will only continue and he’ll make you think it’s your fault.

    Take back your dignity and move on. Then take some time to reflect on why you chose him so as to not make that mistake again.

  7. It isnt your job to fix her. Encourage her to get help with her depression and decide what your own needs/boundaries are.

  8. should I just say screw it and give up on him?

    Yes. Apparently bf is the reason you are losing the apt

  9. “Maybe I've got the wrong end of the stick here but I think you both need to work on your communication within this relationship. Do you think you are communicating your needs clearly?”

    We were on dc the whole time so if she needed me I was there. My headphones cable is long enough to have them on while I sleep. I told her that I'm tired and I'm going to take a quick nap.

  10. Maybe I’m old fashioned but if I’m actually invested in someone I’m going to hold off on having sex with other people if they’ve indicated they wanted to be exclusive and I would also like to be exclusive.

  11. Abusers lose their shit when their victims move on, be happy and just leave them in the past. You'll be better off just focusing on how to heal than what his stupid dumb ass thinks.

  12. What's the difference?. Im sure you have done 3some and 4some right?.

    If you can do it why cant she?

  13. Too young, not ripe. Will regret when older and you are dead bored of each other and you realize there is a whole bunch of cookies, nit just graham crackers

  14. Why don’t you understand his current decision?

    He should be able to explain clearly. Whether you agree is entirely different.

  15. I’m happy for you that you’re happy but I really encourage you to take a beat and enjoy dating for a bit. This guy might really be the one, but I think it takes longer to know for sure.

  16. Are either of you aware that this might be a serious health issue of his?

    Aside from that – my SO snores, and it's not even bad, but it will make me irrationally angry. Like I have this very lizard-brain urge to kick him or pummel him, in a very comical, silent-movie sense.

    Have I mentioned that I have bad insomnia?

    I have bad insomnia. And if I go more than two nights without reasonable rest, I become hazardous, to the point of not wanting to drive. So yeah, I pitched a fit at him once about his snoring keeping me up and I felt like I was losing my mind.

    Because he loves me, and values my comfort, not to mention my sanity, he went out and got snore strips, which help. We've experimented with different pillows to find one that makes him snore less, but he's a back sleeper. He's quite fit, so weight wasn't causing it.

    He also quit smoking, which has mostly eradicated the issue.

    Have you talked to him about the snoring?

  17. So we matched the same day that I already had a date set with someone else and he was asking me what I was up to that night, which I replied telling him about being stood up. These were the texts – Him: No way! I wish I was at X! I’d come for a drink with you for sure! I just finished at a bbq and I’m bored Me: Maybe we could go for a drink next weekend if you’re keen? ☺️How was the bbq? Was that with friends?

    No reply since haha.

  18. Same boyfriend/fiancé you posted about 2 weeks ago?

    Honestly: you seem to be looking for an excuse to get out of the relationship. You don't need one. If you want to leave you leave. If you want to stay reflect on yourself and why you are so unhappy.

  19. My first thought is that he pawned your ring for drugs. He’s ghosting you, because he doesn’t have the money to pay you back. Trust your gut. Whether it’s my guess or something else, he’s definitely acting shifty. You need a good guy who won’t take you down into this stressful way of living.

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