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Littlerani84ulive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “Littlerani84ulive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. ESH. OP for snapping at his wife. Wife for telling mum /everything/. Sounds like a “which came first, the chicken or the egg” scenario. Both would benefit ftom couple’s counseling.

  2. He thinks taking care of a child would be easier? Not even considering children could very well end up becoming ill /disabled. How ironic, op, would you return your kids when you’ve had enough of them?

  3. Sounds like horrible timing , and these post are a dime a dozen here….. the male best friend who wants more.

    Its almost never the girl posting here about that scenario.

  4. Yeah. Totally get that. I was just hoping for some pointers on how to have this conversation with my husband in a meaningful way that would lead to some sort of compromise. Relationship advice, if you will.

  5. Been on both sides of this sitatuon myself. You can tell her to stop until you’re blue in the face, she’s going to change when she’s ready. Don’t stand by her side, put the boundary up, and move on.

  6. Op that’s a tall order asking him to wait like that.

    It’s obvious you truly didn’t prioritize him one bit.

    In a relationship, you have to make TIME for the person, make space to fit them in. Which means you rearrange stuff or skip something or drop something to make room.

    This means you come home earlier from work or you pick up a small shift after school so you don’t work on a Saturday. You make these kind of sacrifices to show someone matters enough you are willing to move things around put towards the front.

    And the fact you didn’t even try, kept making excuses, is why he checked out a long time ago and already moved on from you, not just the relationship.

    When you have too much on your plate, you have no room for a relationship, because you have to have room for one to make it sustain.

    Your relationship was doomed the moment you got the job and gave away your only two free days you devoted to him.

  7. Most importantly who do you want to dance with? Or maybe do a half and half and include both, but only if you want to. You are not obligated to dance with anyone. Regardless it will a short few minutes of your hubby and MiL dancing and then it will be over. Don’t stress this much over something that is only a few minutes out of your entire life

  8. I don’t either. I’ve been married 26 years. If my wife was dating other men I wouldn’t be married to her.

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