Littlepussy_kat the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Littlepussy_kat, 26 y.o.


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Littlepussy_kat on-line sex chat

Date: October 12, 2022

25 thoughts on “Littlepussy_kat the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Oh a going to have to be the aggressive one. Be firm but gentle. Maybe do a striptease for him. Get him naked and bothered. Nature will take over! Good luck

  2. How do I trust? I don’t want to end being in a relationship with him but I’ve been hurt before and I don’t want that to happen again.

  3. Yikes man. You just a hooked up a couple hours ago and then you texted her that you like someone else and THEN said “lol”? Does that not seem at all a bit cruel to you?

    I’m sure from the date you knew that you didn’t like her, why did you progress to the point of a hookup if you like someone else? It just feels icky, like you used her for sex and then tossed her aside.

    The proper response would’ve been not to hookup with her if you liked someone else, and then a couple days later just texted her someone along the lines of “I had a great time, just not feeling a connection.”

  4. Try meeting her in person in a platonic manner, and if you feel that there could be something more there, then go for it.

  5. Yes, I do know what that feels like, I used to be engaged and was cheated on. That’s also the same way every relationship prior to my engagement ended. Them… cheating on me. I know how it feels but I guess I’ve gotten so used to it where it doesn’t feel like a big deal to me anymore. It’s sad for sure and I know I’m being shitty. I just don’t feel in control ever since we moved in together she made me feel like a house pet that does all the chores while she goes out chasing her dreams. She made me feel like a housewife and an Uber driver. I miss the way she was before we moved in together. I just feel like a stepping stone in her story.

  6. You are 19. Kick this guy to the curb and start over. This is how you show him you're serious about not playing games.

  7. I’m glad to hear you’re being proactive about finding help. Best of luck to you. I hope things work out.

  8. There's no reason to presume the girlfriend is cheating, and if she is then OP can't do anything to stop it anyway.

  9. This would be a dealbreaker for me. I wouldn’t be able to continue the relationship. You may have some guys in the future not date you because of OF.

  10. What's a fair exchange? So he had a wife who exclusively loved and respected him. So what will be the fair exchange?

  11. I wish I was so lucky. One of my exes slapped me awake because she vividly dreamt I was cheating.

    The relationship didn't survive the night.

  12. I am I just asking for honesty. You and her are blaming the victim. I will never accept that either, in this case, rape or other instances where there are victims.

  13. “Lol”.

    Okay, now it's clear.

    Oh, god, I actually believed your initial post and then went to comments.

    You sound like a money-oriented variation of the famous vagina troll.

  14. Uuumm I'm a woman and I can assure you that it is not a gift giving holiday and if it is, it's normally woman giving to woman as a show of support and admiration. Is your gf aware that there is a Man's day? Will she be gifting you something then?

    She's using you for what she can get from you, then throws a tantrum to make you feel bad till you give in. Tell her to buy herself shit and help pay for holidays. A relationship is meant to be a partnership not transaction.

  15. It sounds like this is a behaviour pattern he is still choosing not to change. I understand why you feel betrayed and let down. It seems appropriate to me to be guided by that. And this sounds like a very reasonable ultimatum.

    I’m really sorry he has let you down again. You articulate your feelings of betrayal very well and clearly. You genuinely thought he was working on this with you and trying to turn things around, and he has pulled the same old underhand manoeuvre. It would be naked to believe his efforts to change are in good faith.

    He just undermined your trust in him – it’s in no way a jerk move to set an ultimatum and to let there be consequences.

    If you’re able to, I would suggest very strongly that you look into getting some individual counselling or therapy to help you negotiate your way through this immediate painful situation – it will help you to clarify what you want and what the best next steps for you are.

    Time to put yourself first, and to see the selfishness and underhanded mess of your husband for what they are.

  16. Lol. Sorry, I didn't look and saw you were a female. I do love how you said titties.

    I am completely with you on this. If I ate a woman out, then I would definitely be upfront with my friend.

    In fact, I have never dated a woman that a friend has done sexual things with. When I have a lollipop, I don't let my friends lick to the center with me, I don't let friends blow my candles out on my birthday cake, (I have a million of these).

  17. Hi OP. Tried reading through the comments but got tired of seeing people say you have porn addiction. I have no idea why that is triggering to so many people here but such is life.

    You did your part. To our knowledge, you communicated in the most straightforward way possible. Everything else will be up to her. You can try counseling but who knows if she’ll communicate more with another person involved. Sorry you were dealt this hand

  18. Move on. You already started the process, and she's only changing because it finally hit her that you're actually leaving, and you're gonna see other women.

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