Little-couple live! webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 4, 2022

28 thoughts on “Little-couple live! webcams for YOU!

  1. He obviously enjoys hooking up with you. That's a very good start. It's more difficult to say how things will develop, but, so far so good.

  2. No, I’m suggesting she speak to a therapist, come clean to her husband with all of this (you said he would yell, but made no allusion to any threat of abuse), and that you stop discussing her impending divorce with her and put some distance and boundaries between you two.

    You’ve gone way over the line of your previously established polyamorous relationship. Plus your last line is just more of the same delusion you’re feeding yourself. If she doesn’t “need” you, then she won’t be traumatised by you saying “I’m not going to be involved in your marriage, it’s fucked up for me to be discussing the problems you have with your husband without his knowledge. You deserve space to properly process everything.”

  3. This is who she is…

    She's willing to go somewhere you are specifically excluded.

    What kind of partner is that?

  4. space is was diff than a break or separation. break mean they have freedom to do what they want. space is you two just doing your own thing for a min.

  5. I can see what you mean by creating a sense of obligation cause I can find a lot more examples for it. He actually said your exact sentence (I'm not gonna let you leave now that I've got you) to me. And thanks for the tips. It's quite mind opening since I might be a bit inexperienced. I'd definitely take a look at the book. Thank you so so much.

  6. No, it's not. The relationship between a man and a woman (or between any genders) is between them only. The love they feel for each other and the health and status of their relationship is for them two to maintain and try to keep. That love might still sometimes disappear, which does not mean that they would stop loving their children in the same time, since that is a completely different relationship.

    People grow apart to different persons than they were when they met. Sometimes one (or both) spouses grow so comfortable in a relationship that they stop appreciating it and do any effort. Some people think that their spouse needs to put up with all their toxic shit just because they are married.

    I have seen healthy relationships break up because the people were tired and didn't try to fix the relationship anymore. I have seen people put up with violence in a relationship without breaking up. I have seen platonic friendships that spouses maintain just for as long as the kids online at home.

    Relationships are complex and it is naiive to think that a relationship is functional just because you are married.

  7. They like those girls the same way they like looking at porn stars in action. They would probably even be willing to sleep with them if given the opportunity, but at the same time the vast majority of those men would never date one or take them seriously.

  8. As a gun owner myself, do yourself a favor, me, and the general public. DO NOT BUY THIS PERSON A GUN! Do yourself another favor and get rid of this dude! He sounds like a 10 year old kid, is obviously not very mature, and he may turn violent toward you at some point in time! Please be careful how you handle this situation!

    And as stated this person if he uses this gun in anyway illegal you will more than likely be added as an accessory.

  9. Not being able to feel regular sexual stimulation or orgasm is a pretty major side effect. Is this the first combination of meds you doctor has tried? You should definitely bring it up with them and try to find a better combination for you, this level of sexual dysfunction is not fine and it's having an effect on other important parts of your life.

  10. Yes it’s true…men don’t care about the things I have to offer lol. What ARE the main things they do care about? 1) sexual attraction 2) that she’s warm and kind 3) that she leaves space for him to pursue/doesn’t seem needy?

  11. Private doesn't mean hidden from your SO. It just means not publicly displayed. Good communication means discussing stuff like this with your partner. Not on the first few dates, but if you're at the point of moving in together, this is a discussion that should have been had. Some are cool with it, some not.

    There's no right or wrong, just different preferences and boundaries. I'd never have married my husband if he kept up photos of old girlfriends, but it's fine if he wants to keep old love letters in a box in our closet.

  12. I’ve been so patient but he does not see how this literally could push a person to their breaking point

  13. True. I just realized that when we broke up. I was young when we were engaged, and was very naive. I wanted to do the right thing. And ended up doing the dumbest things ?‍♀️

  14. The bare minimum is a partner visa which you'd need defacto status and a decent chunk of money to pull off. If you're not ready to move in together I don't know of any feasible way for her to stay.

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