LissaWOW live! webcams for YOU!


LissaWOW Public Chat Channel

Date: December 19, 2022

7 thoughts on “LissaWOW live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Jesus Christ. Your number one priority needs to be your sick puppy! Why the hell are you posting this here right now? Go get your poor dog some help!

    The fact that you guys didn’t get it vaccinated is straight up negligence. There are ways to get this stuff done without spending a ton of money. But you didn’t bother and now your poor puppy could die. And you’re here worried about your own feelings?? That’s disgusting.

    There are a ton of animal hospitals and programs that help for people who can’t afford pet care. Get your dog to a vet now!!

  2. “What happened to through thick and thin?” As you're defending a women turning her back on the man who risked his life to protect them both, because it was “too scary” for her. Through thick and thin… as long as she approves of the type of action lol.

  3. It's not that weird if an assumption, guy. Like before I reply to anyone on reddit I have to go read all their posts and do detective work to find out their gender. Get the fuck out of here, male.

  4. you should probably tell him, but be prepared for some awkward times at the party. But that's miles better than him not being told and then finding out at the party.

    I remember a gf of mine at the time told me after the fact that a boy in her friend group blatantly asked her to have sex with him that night. She didn't tell me until later, but had I heard that, I'd have broken his jaw.

  5. If the Adam Levine debacle taught us anything, it should have been that you can be a literal Victoria’s Secret model and give your partner multiple children and if he wants to cheat, he absolutely will.

  6. Additionally OP, don't EVER be alone with her. She's a shitty actress, but I wouldn't put it past her to scream that you tried to sa her.

  7. I really have to question your husband’s judgement and maturity. He made two colossal blunders back to back. First thinking he had actually been offered the position and secondly pulling the stunt with the old job and naming the company he thought had offered him a new job. Has he always been like this? Maybe he has had a breakdown or flipped a switch somehow

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