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38 thoughts on “LissaMorelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. The post got pigeonholed from the start.

    And I get she's sad, that I got. But the DM seems to have an enormous effect on her. Something is a miss to be sad for months, does it not?

    It is what it is.

  2. Two are of age one is not of age for school, I have offered to pay for day care to let her have time for herself but she don't trust that due to things that happened in the past

  3. It’s not a manipulative answer. I said I’ve never had to ask my previous SOs for effort. I didn’t really want anything specific, but it would’ve been nice to at least receive a phone call. Is that really something people have to ask for in relationships?

  4. Her change in feelings is justified after her privacy was violated by your brother. You could look at it from the perspective that it was a fantasy of hers. Those change over time. It is possible down the road that she may revisit it but don't pressure. My personal beliefs towards 3somes is that as long as everyone involved consents that is nobody's business. But I will tell you from personal experience 3somes often involve more baggage after the fact then it is worth. Good luck.

  5. You’re an idiot. Many people have experience in their personal lives. Whether it’s them or someone they know. It doesn’t mean it’s ONLY valid when talking about it personally. Everyone shares their experiences with it, and your go to is to say it isn’t valid because it’s a “personal” experience? There’s plenty of people in the US that have the SAME EXACT EXPERIENCE as what I just said in my other comment. My partners father was awarded full custody of his 2 kids because their mother was a drunk and showed up to court very intoxicated. She was supposed to pay child support. Father only seen 1 payment before she quit her job. Child support isn’t sexist. You’re an idiot for thinking it is.

  6. There was an ASOIF post above this one on my timeline and it took me a good 10 seconds to realize this was not from the same subreddit

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  8. Sounds valid to me, I also like games but I would never waste my old girlfriends time when she came over to play a game. Sometimes we would play together but that’s the only time I’d ever boot up my console, otherwise I’d focus entirely on her. It’s a respect thing at the end of the day, to me it sounds like he doesn’t value you like you value him.

    You do need to relax a bit though I feel, don’t let yourself fall in deep with someone who sounds hardly invested. Take things slow and allow yourself the room to judge for yourself if a person is deserving of your passion. Trust like that is earned and shouldn’t be given away so easily.

    Falling fast for someone is how you fall flat on your face, remember that always.

  9. So she should tease him and intice him and catch his interest and let him make all the moves so he doesn't feel like a piece of meat? You realize you basically told her to dangle herself in front of him like a piece of meat so he could – what now? – not feel emasculated?

  10. It sucks because i do have a lot of friends I actually have an awesome friend group and my girlfriend even broke down the other day because she said it was so beautiful how we all got a long and how genuine it was and she felt bad she didn’t have something like that (my friends aren’t just my drinking buddies we all really support each other and uplift each other, it sounds super corny but we are like brothers and it’s like 10+ of us).

    But they are all friends from college who are going their own ways and just living life. So I don’t have them around like that anymore. I would play lots of video games but even now we have all slowed down because we all work now and have responsibilities. My issue is I do have social anxiety so making new friends here where I’m at sounds exhausting and my heart just isn’t into it. I miss my home I’ve been living away from it for 5 years now. So I’m just finding now that I feel like I have nobody and the 9-5 life is taking it’s toll when I have nobody to come home to during the week.

    Thank you so much for your words though I was kind of having a panic attack at work and all these comments have kind of calmed me down. I would have never thought to make this type of post ever.

  11. Why? Because this is how my parents worked and I cannot fathom why anyone would expect someone else to pay for their gas to get to their job? Sorry you're offended.

    Keep scrolling if you don't like it.

  12. Yea man what'd you think would happen…having a bestie of the opposite gender is abnormal (not wrong necessarily) but going on a vacation with just them is even weirder when you're in a relationship.

  13. The sex drive doesn’t need to match but whether or not you have one does.

    This isn’t a case of him wanting sex everyday and her wanting it every week. This is him wanting to have sex with his girlfriend and her never wanting to have sex with him.

    Which is why I said, similar to my original comment, “you need to be closer together than you are further apart. They’re on opposite ends of the spectrum.”

  14. 100 lbs is a lot to put on…not only because she has let herself go but also for health reasons. Maybe you can talk to her about joining a gym together or walking every night after dinner, so she can start dropping some weight.

  15. That change of heart is you discovering that you and she want fundamentally different things out of a relationship. It’s normal to realize that you are incompatible. That’s part of dating.

    This is also you realizing that even if you were to say no and she were to accept that limit, that it wouldn’t change the fact that she still wants it. You aren’t altering her preferences, you’re just forbidding them. That’s no way to live!, with a partner who wants something so different from you.

    Go find someone who is on the same page as you are regarding monogamy.

  16. Wow. Your gf’s response was horrible. Maybe she is just in shock? Please please don’t blame yourself. Please don’t apologise either. You did nothing wrong. Did you perhaps say something along the lines of ‘I was glad that he died’? This is a totally normal / common response for abuse survivors, particularly what happened to your family. However she may not fully understand having such feelings towards a biological relative…. But she will, she just needs to process it in my view. If not then you deserve better than her. Please do NOT blame yourself. Your feelings are normal and I think you were incredibly brave in opening up. I’m so sorry that happened to you.

  17. Nah you good I was just having fun. I literally sent my fiancé the post the minute I put it up so that he could giggle with me.

  18. Unless you are ready to talk about sex your marriage will continue to suffer and maybe come to an end. It is VERY difficult but as a guy ready to work in war zones – use your experience and talk – this is important

  19. As I mentioned, I am in therapy, in fact my therapist had a couples session with us. I think I miss the “norm”. And I want to Haye him for the abuse, but I'm not capable. I did just remarry my ex husband whom I never got over. And I'm happy with that decision. But I still have a soft spot for ex-abuser

  20. “How can i trust her to not act impulsively like this in the future?”

    You can't. This is who she is. You can't change her, and you can't trust her to behave responsibly.

  21. A woman who was happy to lie by omission and manipulate her partner and then try to force him to again commit to her without informed consent. She also had sex with him without him providing informed consent. She's a manipulator. I don't get all these comments making it about her being trans, it's about her being a liar and manipulator.

  22. Does it matter? He didn’t want to go or re+-open old wounds by explaining, she just had to go snooping and now everyone is upset. The reason is irrelevant, she should have allowed him to explain himself in his own time.

  23. I broke up with her. She hates that i didn’t give her enough time but I didn’t feel anything in the relationship anymore, even when she was being good to me.

  24. Yep and choices say a lot about a person. Imagine you had a friend who occasionally got into a tough spot and needed money. You wouldn't usually do this for anyone else, but you love this friend and you know its not his fault. So you lend him money when he needs it.

    Then one day you're in a bad spot, and you know he's doing well, so you begrudgingly ask him if he could help you out, and he says “nah, I don't want to. I don't care that you helped me out before, you chose to do that, and I'm not obligated to do the same.” Which while true, is a dick move. I'd feel betrayed and I'd never help the fucker out again.

  25. Your husband may not be “abusive” but he is creating a hostile and unsafe home for your son.

    Don't allow your sons bullies to be his step parents. He deserves so much better. Right?

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