LindsayyyLove on-line sex chats for YOU!


LindsayyyLove Public Chat Channel

Date: October 10, 2022

6 thoughts on “LindsayyyLove on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Just start making plans to move out. This doesn’t need a discussion. You don’t need to tell him what you found. It's just not working for you anymore because it isn’t.

  2. You’ve seen what she did to her kids and you’re choosing to make your kid go through the same shit? Really?

  3. Seriously I never get why so many women are universally against mandatory paternity tests. Like all it does is prevent the horrible women from ruining a man’s life, not that all women can’t be trusted.

  4. Your 29 years old and have the mental maturity of a teenager. This is not how healthy relationships work. Your relationship is over and your delusional to think it will ever work.

  5. Just do exactly what he says. Don’t confront. Dont question.

    He’s your boss. If he fucks up it’s on him. You shouldn’t care.

  6. Well first off, it’s not your fault that your country invaded another country and it’s destroying it. I don’t blame him from not wanting to go back to Russia go to Russia, so many companies and nations have distance themselves from Russia.

    It is not safe for you and your country. It has nothing to do with you. It’s the way the situation it is right now, so no I don’t think he’s been controlling at all. I think he’s trying to take care of you and keep the woman that he loves safe .

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