LindaHoneyed on-line webcams for YOU!


6 thoughts on “LindaHoneyed on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Ruins it how…?

    It’s pretty normal to stay up later than usual when you’re in the early honeymoon stage of a relationship. It’s not some trick she played on you.

  2. Posts like this are why it's so important we, as a society, teach people about healthy relationships at school, what an abusive relationship looks like, and how to escape from it.

    Spoiler alert: this isn't a healthy relationship.

    This is the 4th time you've posted about this guy doing things that most people would consider to be controlling behaviour, and yet, apparently, you're still questioning whether you're the one in the wrong here.

    You aren't.

    You are a victim of a controlling relationship, and the sooner you escape from it the better. You're 21; you've your whole life ahead of you. Do you really want to be walking on eggshells, being told what you can and can't do, who you can and can't see, for the rest of your life with this guy?

  3. I didn’t say your house was on fire.

    If he lived 1000 miles away, the best you could do is call the fire department for him and tell him to get out. That’s all you can do. That’s this mental health stuff. All you can do is be there for him, and he has to decide whether or not he wants to leave the burning building.

  4. Based on the age of your child, badmouthing is not going to be enough to gain primary or full custody. Taking aside the aspect of whether or not some comments made may have been accurate, the comments go primarily towards you, not the child, and the child is too young to understand them. Therefore, custody may have provisions to stop some level of badmouthing when the child is present and that'll likely be the end of it for now.

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