Lime_cat_Nanalive sex stripping with hd cam


38 thoughts on “Lime_cat_Nanalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You are 18. You are more invested in the relationship than her. If it’s your boundary, keep it and move on. You are young, live your life.

  2. His behavior at the party was obviously out of line and especially having discussed discomfort previously, would irritate anyone. Add in the DARVO after, and this guy kind of sounds like a trash partner. Is this what you want in a relationship?

  3. He hangs out with her young daughter? You should tell her there’s a violent, misogynist predator lurking around her kid, yeah.

  4. Jealousy is natural. You are jealous because she will have a perceived easy adulthood whereas you will have to work naked to achieve even half of the lifestyle she may have. However, I think I would be correct in saying she will forever be envious of you while your mother lives. The money can't replace her mother, and therefore the money wasn't “handed to her”. She paid a price, and a substantial one. Next time you see your mother, ask yourself, would I trade her life for money? Then perhaps you may not feel so inclined towards jealousy when you realise you both have things that the other desires.

  5. To be frank, it kinda sounds like trickle truth is happening here, and she is testing the waters before telling you something that happened more recently…

  6. Yea… I’ve had the same number since I was 11 so it’ll be a real bummer to change it now. But I’m switching my plan soon so I’ll change it then. ?

  7. We actually talked about this and she's pretty optimistic that I'll get it back eventually with “God will provide” mentality. I understand that she's got her own personal expenses right now and she can help with the expenses once she's free from her car loan by the end of 2023, I think.

    Right now, I'm looking at these as a driver for me to work more or think of a better way to earn more. Maybe I don't feel the burden for now but I'm hoping I don't get full.

    I just don't like that whenever finances is discussed, she tends to get irritated and a bit angry

  8. He thought you watching two things at the same time warranted screaming at you and traumatizing you while sleeping?

    Full stop. Girl that’s beyond messed up, that is completely fucked.

    Huge red flags.

  9. Exactly, mechanical toys are different. Single and in a dry spell because I’m not feeling ONS currently…full on missing human connection/touch regardless of what toys are available in my drawer.

  10. But what advice do you want your wife or anyone here to give you? Lol I can see why she laughed, because it’s a ridiculous thing to bring up. I get that it’s a serious issue but it’s up to you or a doctor/ psychologist to deal with. Other than that I don’t know what advice anyone can offer you

  11. Not to mention, he asked for sex without a condom as a birthday present, when he knew she wasn't on birth control. In fact, that definitely should be mentioned. He knew he was taking a chance she would get pregnant, and he still wanted his “present”.

  12. I believe relationships can survive differences of opinion, differences of characters, differences in communication styles, but not differences in core values. This seems like a massive value misalignment.

    He believes that women should be seen and not heard, and that might be great for a woman who believes the same and wants to raise little ladies that believe the same, but this is not you.

  13. Promise most man would have left if you had been like that for a year.

    What the fuck is wrong with you. Disgusting take. OP please don't listen to this fool with zero empathy.

    Husband chased after her “friend” in a gross, embarrassing manner, lied and hid it for 13 years, giving the “friend” the ammunition to humiliate his wife. Husband is the “evil snake”. He was the one who disrespected his wife and lied to her. He was the one who lusted after her “friend” behind her back.

  14. Dating a year and want on the deed?

    Please be easy on me if I'm being completely unrealistic/underunformed. I'm just trying to be prepared and plan ahead.

    I think you are being 100% unrealistic. Move into your own place or figure out what works for rent where you wont be building equity, but unless you're married (which you shouldnt do after a year of dating) there is no reason to put you on a deed.

  15. Ghost. She knows why you left and there’s nothing that needs to be said. Don’t spare another minute on her. Dodged a bullet.

  16. Those usually only last until the first deployment. My husband saw a few relationships break because if that.

  17. I think this is another important bit that I left out of the original post.

    I was actually fine with their one-night stand. We all thought it was funny. It was only once she told me that they'd been chatting daily and that she “just thinks he needs some love” that red flags began to rise in my head and I felt the need to say something.

    I think we all have enjoyed the thrill of hooking up with a street guy. I don't fault my sister for that. Where I fault her is wanting anything more than that with these kinds of guys.

  18. I find this marginalizing and indicative of someone who values other people for what can be extracted from then.

    Does he rate everyone too? Have icons for if they do oral, anal and lick his asshole?

    This is the type of guy who if you had a custody battle with, he would have spreadsheets delineated when and how he parented, a sex calender marking when and if you had sex and how he rates it, and other bizarre record-keeping.

    Creepy and concerning to say the least.

  19. Try living on one salary as a test. Show her how nude it is. If everything goes to shit it's going to be your fault (according to her because she thinks it's possible)

  20. To me sounds like a dispute of your time. If your not in any ki d of financial bind, you have savings and as you rightly said it's a GIFT you know how many people sell gifted gaming systems and tec claiming they are either unwanted Christmas gifts or ect. Remind her that you enjoyed it for the time that you did and make the deal as a crafter I WOULD ABSOLUTELY DO A TRADE INSTEAD OF PAYING FOR UPGRADED EQUIPMENT

  21. Ya, Neonsaber, I hope there is enough for everyone in the class because, with how things are going here, we are going to need a lot more stamps.

  22. Your wife is right. Doesn't matter the reason, cheating is betrayal of trust. They could have worked on their issues or been adults and separated but instead she CHOSE to do this.

    You are very much apart of this. You know your friend has done this and choose to stand by and let her dupe her partner.

    Of course your wife has come not to trust you. You've proven that you won't tell on her so why would she tell on you should you choose to cheat?

    The fact that you can't grasp that says that you're either not all their in the head, or you are in fact someone who would cheat.

  23. And you would trust coworkers with deep thoughts and details about your intimate life? Which they can easily backstab you with? Coworkers are not your friends whatsoever because they don't really know you that well so a coworker who doesn't care can easily turn on you because in their eyes it's no big deal to out someone's details. It already happened to her once which lead to the guy almost getting fired……sharing personal details t basically people you don't know well is very risky

  24. There is nothing much I can add to the lovely comment above, they perfectly summed up how incredible it is for you to have had this level of self reflection at your age!

    May I suggest one more thing? Have a conversation with your boyfriend about this and agree on a codeword for calling out this kind of behaviour in the moment. The more you practice, the faster you will get at identifying it while you’re doing it.

    Use the codeword for taking a pause – leave the room for a minute, go grab a glass of water and drink the entire thing (it helps regulate your system). Since you know the codeword is a signal to reflect on what you’re doing and saying, take that time to analyze your perspective.

    Make it something you can use on each other – it’s a such a good de-escalation technique as long as neither of you are using it to gaslight each other

  25. Thank you for your advice… i talked to my best friend about this situation but he didn't give me helpful advice like you did.

    I think it would be best to “forget” about the other girl, but it's very nude for me to deal with those feelings- it's my first (“real”) relationship and i always had a tendency to have a crush on more than one person at a time… i understand if this isn't relatable to a lot of people, but i struggle with how i feel (in terms of love) and don't know how to handle it.

    A physical Journal would be better in my case as i only see my gf on weekends due to long distance. I don't want to overcomplicate this but regarding my emotions i just feel helpless in dealing with it.

  26. I'd would call the spa and ask around, cause this seems more suspicious the way she lied to you in the first place.

  27. Thank you for your advice… i talked to my best friend about this situation but he didn't give me helpful advice like you did.

    I think it would be best to “forget” about the other girl, but it's very hot for me to deal with those feelings- it's my first (“real”) relationship and i always had a tendency to have a crush on more than one person at a time… i understand if this isn't relatable to a lot of people, but i struggle with how i feel (in terms of love) and don't know how to handle it.

    A physical Journal would be better in my case as i only see my gf on weekends due to long distance. I don't want to overcomplicate this but regarding my emotions i just feel helpless in dealing with it.

  28. I get why you want OP to express this but honestly entering into any kind of discussion, questions, etc is adding petrol to a fire with bullies like George.

  29. Age gap of 5 years, he's 29, she's 24, they've been together 9 years which makes OP 15 and husband 20, he's a pedophile and a groomer and that's all I need to know about this situation. It wasn't an accident.

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