LiluSTII online sex cams for YOU!


LiluSTII Public Chat Channel

Date: November 14, 2022

7 thoughts on “LiluSTII online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Give him 1 more day to learn and respect your boundaries but if he still doesn't do that then you've gotta end it because you're about to have a baby and you'd need someone who respects boundaries, for your sake and especially the kid's.

  2. Sounds like she's invested in being the smartest person in the room, and when it bounces she feels threatened.

    It probably won't help, but I like to react to such situations with “I don't follow…” or “I'm not in your head, you're going to have to spell it out for me”.

    The first one tends to get nicer responses than the later, but honestly, the second one is how I feel most of the time when someone is acting clever.

    Like, good for them, this isn't a movie. I don't have Sorkin on speed dial.

  3. Asking to take hot photos of your buddy's wife is a pretty weird thing to do. Like, if I were serious about the art of photography and she approached me, I'd still probably not be cool with it. I know these people. I'd have to know everybody was down with it to avoid the highly foreseeable possible bad feelings. It's just the minimum way to show respect for people and their relationships.

    But touching my buddy's hard wife, or my woman buddy's very hot husband? You'd need to put a gun to my head for any reason short of giving emergency medical aid.

  4. Haha my friend and her bf do this too and she hates it causer her bf will only have serious topics over text and not like talking. I hope this isn't the future.

  5. yep. Even if you warned her about them, it doesn’t mean she can’t come to her own conclusions about them.

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