Lillie, ❤️? the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Lillie, ❤️?, 23 y.o.


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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Lillie, ❤️?

Lillie, ❤️? live! sex chat

Date: October 6, 2022

54 thoughts on “Lillie, ❤️? the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. He is at the point where he has exactly the same opinions as me

    *So basically you're taking the place of his mother? You seem to think you're helping him grow and be his own person but all you're doing is taking control of his personality. You didn't help him find himself, you coached him to have the same thoughts as you. You made it all about you instead of helping this dude find out what HE feels and thinks about things. You shouldn't feel proud of what you did…changing the relationship between your bf and his mother to then swoop in and turn him into what you wanted him to be… This poor guy will never get a chance to be his own person. I feel bad for him and his mother. As overbearing as she may be she's still his mother and you shouldn't be telling him how to act with her.

  2. This isn't normal, no. It's wildly controlling and manipulative…seems right in line with a man who would also say “it's your fault I cheated because I needed sex and you were too busy giving birth/having pneumonia/at a funeral, so I did what I had to do”.

  3. Put her on her back, legs wide open, prop a pillow underneath her ass and bend her knees so that they are right beside her tits, and ram her! You will go nut deep! If that doesn't work then she needs to tighten up her vagina!!

  4. I traumatized my whole family breastfeeding??‍♀️ I wasn’t very graceful at it, but the baby was fed. My bras will probably found for a generation yet.

  5. It sounds like you need to have a conversation with your boyfriend to discuss your expectations and concerns. It is important to maintain open, honest communication in any relationship. Please explain how you feel and why he needs to be more consistent with plans. Could you be sure to listen to his perspective as well?

  6. I think a discussion is definitely in the right step. But make sure it's in person where you can gauge his facial reactions, and tones much better. Then based on his answers you can take it from there. If it's some sincerely platonic friend that he freakishly forgot to mention, I see no reason why you would not be allowed to meet her so I would definitely be requesting that too.

    This would also be an excellent time to discuss some relationship rules. For instance, my partner and I have a mutual agreement that we do not hang out with exes or friends that anything sexual or close to sexual has happened in the past. We also do not hide our opposite sex friends from each other or sneak off with them. We also do not ignore each other in order to text these friends. This works out very well for us.

  7. If he can't handle the kids for an hour and a half I doubt he gives af about rashes or has opinions on their toys.

  8. Honestly, him excusing his friend’s cheating to me is more worrying than him being friends with someone who cheats. He seems to be behaving like cheating is fine as long as there’s an excuse to be doing so there, like his ass comment.

    I, personally, would be giving the wives a heads up as I wouldn’t want to be blind to my husband’s behaviour on a personal level.

  9. I was sympathetic until you said he found you at his brother’s house, you in the shower and him in a towel. Sounds like something out of a rom com where the partner gets caught cheating lol. I’m not saying you did anything with the brother, but it looks bad especially if he’s been told he’s infertile and you have 3.5 kids. Also, moving in with the brother after the fact is bad optics. Is there anywhere else you can stay temporarily?

    Unfortunately the only thing you can really do at this point is paternity tests for the kids. Even if you’re totally innocent the trust is broken. That’s nude to come back from. Not impossible, but it’ll take a lot of work if you and your husband choose to go that route.

  10. u/Signal_Resolution_28, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  11. Size doesn’t matter to all women, but it does matter to some women. If your gf is a size queen, that’s fair. Then you two aren’t compatible. But she can break up with you and find a bigger guy without being mean about.

  12. u/dontforgetpasswordto, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  13. I feel like i'm doubting myself, what if i did say it? I'm pretty sure i didn't. and it's not like he doesn't want me to stop talking to her, just not rely on her as much as i do. what if i'm the problem? i was talking to my mom on the phone telling her all this and she was yelling at me to stop, that he's doing this on purpose.

    unfortunately, my mom is severely allergic, so i wouldn't be able to take her, even tho she is in my name

  14. I was in therapy before but it's not something I can afford right now but I do agree, I can look at it objectively and see that there are lots of issues there. I think part of the problem is that I have a similar upbringing and experiences to a lot of the individuals I work with so at times I feel I can relate more to them than to my co-workers. I think maybe I am just too similar to them to work in that sort of role right now.

  15. She left your son at school for hours so she could fuck another man. She doesn't care about your son at all. She only cares about herself and getting dicked down by your co-worker.

    She doesn't love or care about you either. Don't force your son to grow up in a home where Mom will abandon him for dick. He deserves better as do you.

    Your home is broken. She broke it the second she cheated. There's no coming back from this.

  16. Cheating isn’t a mistake lol. It’s a choice and will always be a choice. She didn’t even cut the guy off and has still remain friends with him.

    And maybe she could’ve been able to salvage it if she came clean and then decide to plan with her friends to make sure it didn’t come to light. She created a nuke anyways, can’t be upset when it blows up in her face.

  17. You guys need to let each other go. If you find one another again later on, great. If not, then it wasn’t meant to be anyway.

  18. Interesting. I did believe this and did address this to her at one point.

    It was a very long story, but our plan was to simply meet up in the city and go see the fireworks. She had other plans such as buying a small bottle of liquor (this was last minute and I didn't have any interest in drinking that night) and going to the downtown area for some food. Although I got her a snack, she expected me to get her food while she was on the way. Problem is, I don't mind doing that, but she would most likely find something to complain about such as the food being cold, or not warm enough as she was on the way to the major city at the time. She made me believe it was my fault for not providing her with such things despite me telling her to eat and prepare in advance. I was told she would get her drink at a government regulated liquor store, but she was in a rush and although I didn't ask if she ended up getting it, I was also provided with no info as to her status until a few hours in.

    Not sure if any of thus matters now, but I do hope she ends up getting the help that she needs before doing anything else.

  19. the single person extremely likely to give your child an EATING disorder is your wife, who also clearly has an eating disorder. she has an extremely messed up view on weight and she will harm your child psychologically.

  20. Given the age gap, I don't think you are. You have a lot of stuff that's concerning and if you felt comfortable with him, him being a control freak wouldn't have crossed your mind.

  21. A decade is A Long Time when you’re in your early 20s. A decade ago, she was 13 and you were 23. She was a child, and you were already an adult for 5 years. Think about that.

  22. It’s the next state over 1 hour driving distance away. This is a lose lose situation for me I am finding.

  23. I was in a similar situation as your girlfriend. My boyfriend of 3/4 years decided to apply for a position in a completely different city without consulting me. This would last 2 years. I suck it in at the time and didn't break up with him but I resented him so bad, I ended up breaking up with him at one point. We are back together now but it still baffles me how someone could make a decision like that without even saying anything.

    Honestly, good for her. Move on, you took her for granted.

  24. What he offers is what?

    No, I do like this guy. But, it’s frustrating that he’s seeing me as an option while he tries to find better

  25. I said that, I said I liked him but I want to take it slow. I didn’t want anything serious and he did. I was scared to commit too soon but I was open to it in the future.

    No he started by replying very slow and taking hours, to being very vague and now he’s not reading any of my messages but been live. It is shitty, all I want to know is why!

  26. Thank you for saying/asking the things I wanted to in a much nicer way than I would have. I seriously don't understand why OP doesn't seem to have self respect/self esteem and has put up with all of these shenanigans.

  27. Are you 23 or 13?

    Your whole post was a shitpost about how you don't like her. You literally came to Reddit to trash talk her. You insinuated that she is faking a heart condition. Everything you wrote is mean spirited. No wonder she was talking about you. It sounds like you have it out for her.

  28. Just like trauma isn't rational, your survival isn't either. You're acting on instinct and impulse when you feel your own life and the life of your loved ones is in danger. As you mentioned with the military, when I did my service, we did a bunch of different drills multiple times to normalize the situation for the brain.

    It's a shitty situation for both truthfully.

  29. Are you actually in your 20s? Sounds like flipping jr high school. First tell your girlfriend immediately, take responsibility for allowing this to happen, you should always have a lock on your phone. They could be uploading her photos to porn websites, sharing with everyone. This could be illegal, don’t know if you are in the US, but many states have laws against dissemination. Your poor girlfriend.

  30. Uhmmm. You owe it to yourself to better, not him.

    It's scary dating a borderline with all the UPs and downs and UPs and Ups and Ups. But his toxic traits is kinda unhealthy for me.

    I'd suggest break up with him while continuing therapy. This is one of the few times I can suggest takinf a “break”.

    Once you're better you can reevaluate your relationship with him and maybe try again if he's worth it.

  31. For cheating to be forgiven if at all the cheater needs to work like hell to wind back the wronged party’s trust. She isn’t.

    Sorry dude, time to get a good lawyer.

  32. I do think going to a psychiatric hospital would benefit him

    You going in would help you. Run from him

  33. Lol no. His behavior is not okay because there’s hair on the bathroom floor sometimes. But good in you for being better than OP I guess.

  34. It doesn't sound like you have a relationship worth saving to be honest. If one person doesn't put in any effort in a relationship and constantly hides things, it's over. Get legal advice and make your separation official.

  35. And she can do a paternity test while pregnant and it is not harmful to her/baby. No need to have a “who is the father” suspense movie.

    I cannot imagine your bf staying if the baby is not his. It is very unlikely either of the guys will stay. I would assume the best you could get from them is child support. So think nude if you are ready to have this baby as a single mom, psychologically and financially.

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