Lilie_romeolive sex stripping with hd cam


28 thoughts on “Lilie_romeolive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I actually disagree that you did anything inconsiderate. If my spouse or I come home with at least two portions of food, of course half is for the other. Why wouldn't they be? That is just…being kind. If he wanted a specific sandwich he should have communicated that. He sounds ridiculous to me.

  2. As long as you on-line in that house, she will not be able to move on.

    You see it as she had an affair. She sees it as she gave up what could have been her chance at happiness because she cared about you and wanted to keep her family. Now, after 11 years of denial, she is loosing her family anyways.

    If you wanted a divorce, you should have done it 11 years ago. Instead you’ve kept her in this limbo where she can’t move on but she also can’t rely on you.

    I truly believe that this has led her to develop an anxiety disorder.

    If you want out that badly, you should write up the papers and give them to her in the presence of a therapist. Let the professional handle the mess you made.

    Move out immediately and only communicate about the kids or terms of the divorce. Don’t tell her you love her or have any more sex!

    Frankly, living like this just sounds like emotional torture.

  3. I'd love to get to the part where she already knows who it's gonna be and he is OK to go with it.

    Imho not better than setting up a break to fuck around and then come back clean as “we were on a break”.

    I sometimes miss sex with my ex, can I fuck her for my b-day?

  4. What is it about this person thst you even like? It doesn't sound like a partnership let alone a future marriage for the right genuine reasons.

  5. You’re caught up in some guy’s mid-life-crisis. It’s a cliche as old as time. Tell him that after he gets a divorce and a year has passed to contact you.

  6. He tried to drug you! What would he have done to you if it had worked? Just think about it… And i guess there are sexual things that you don't want to do and that he would have done to you if you were drugged.

    And your friend is no friend. She watch how he put a pill in your drink and then how you drink it and didn’t stop one of you. Just afterwards she told you when it wouldbe to late. Wow. That is no friend.

    Those stuff is even dangerous for healthy persons and i guess they knew about your seizures, so they are double assholes.

    Please break up with this guy who drugged you. And i worry what really was in this pill since it didn’t work. On one side it is good but one the other side you never know what the people put in this shit… Some put really toxic shit in it.

    And please go no contact with this “friend” who let this guy drug you and just watch as you drunk the drugmix. Awful. With such a friend you don't need enemies.

  7. My wife is brilliant but has as much common sense as a heap of turtles. I do NOT think I'm smarter. In fact, know I'm not smarter than she is.

    I have watched this brilliant creature do things that make me wonder if she'd be able to pour water out if a boot if the instructions were on the bottom. She's not dumb by any measure, but anything that requires common sense or intuition is my domain. Shit goes left when she's left to sort certain real world things out. It's like she's so book smart there's no room for regular mundane things.

    I suspect he's just intimidated. I know my wife has a naked time with people because she can be intellectually intimidating. It doesn't bother me, I'm generally happy my dumb ass has someone to math for me. Her ex however was constantly being an ass because she couldn't keep up with my wife in academics or in her career.

    There's a good chance some part of him thinks you're too smart to be with him. Insecurity makes you do dumb hurtful shit. It makes you feel like you have to pull people down because they are on a higher level than you.

  8. Dude.

    Why on Earth are you still dating this loser.

    There seriously cannot be enough redeeming features for you to actually sit there and take his vile abuse.

    He's an ignorant racist pig. Are you seriously going to stay with him? You gonna have kids with him so he can abuse them, too?

  9. Thank you. You put it into words exactly that explains my anger and confusion. I have never posted on here because I genuinely have no one to talk to about this because I feel either stupid for allowing him to get of the hook for this or crazy for not making it a bigger deal. Thank you again.

  10. He does work, unfortunately he works an at home job as a computer programmer. He’s essentially plays DoTA while he’s on phone calls to his job.

  11. In a few years, you’re dating pool will be smaller and your fertility will be lower, meaning that it might be too late, or at least feel that way, to leave.

    What he going to do when they pass away? I’m guessing he’ll want kids then, and you’ll be too old.

  12. In no version of any reality does ADHD make someone an asshole, that is his choice.

    The stress of emotional abuse during pregnancy is bad for both you and the baby. Constant insults, possible animal abuse…this isn’t a person I’d trust around a baby.

  13. That's what I thought – that complimenting one's partner's physique is loving, not objectifying, especially in the context of a healthy relationship with an emotional connection. But now that I know my BF doesn't see it that way, I can talk to him about what would make our more intimate interactions more comfortable for him. I don't have to talk about his body to have a good time.

  14. I'm not inclined to believe OPs claim that someone discover page is full of underage thong pics. If it were that easy to see these account belonged to underage girls, they'd be deleted fast as hell.

    I also don't agree the discover page really shows our interactions in any meaningful way. I've spent 1000x more time looking at travel content, sports etc than thong pics, but my discover page is still flooded with Sommer Ray type content.

  15. that's crazy because I know for a fact Women's day is not a romantic holiday in Poland lmao. Get your head out of your ass, today is a day to raise awareness about women's rights not to get a gift from someone you started dating 2 days ago

  16. Don’t move in yet. It’s too soon. What’s the rush?

    If you dk go ahead – talk about things before: chores, cleaning, cookingX eating habits, sleeping habits etc

  17. This is a divorce narrative, and my guess is that you want validation and support for what you are still mustering the courage to do. If I'm right, you can stop reading here, cuz the alternative I'm about to offer you goes in a different direction.

    First, you used nagging, with only temporary results, so that's off. Next, you used what many women regard as their ultimate weapon: a cold bed. No effect, so that's off, at least as a weapon.

    What I suggest instead is bargaining, as follows. Find that detailed schedule of yours, with every task that you consider a shared responsibility. Add a new Penalty column. Use a euphemism for Penalty if you prefer: service charge, labor, liquidated damages.

    The Penalties will be what you're negotiating. Money is my first thought, simply because it can be collected immediately, but you can be far more creative. I'd also allow him to “swap” one chore for another, so long as you don't wind up with the worst of them.

    Next, I think you can adapt the bargain to fit his peculiar pattern, in which he first applies himself, then reverts. That is, if he gets chores aplenty for a few days, then few or none at all for a few days, to “recharge,” perhaps he'll be able to stick to it.

    Finally, although it doesn't have to be part of the bargain, I think you have to consider not only the stick (the Penalties) but the carrot as well. Doesn't have to be a reward for doing what is merely his obligation. But if you've shown him negativity when he fails in his obligations, you might like to show some positivity when he satisfies them.

  18. My stepdaughter has this problem. She was moved hours away from my husband so he didn’t see her as often. But she hated her step father. So that is the difference. But her mom and stepdad paid for half the wedding. To keep the peace she had her grandfather walk her down the aisle and for the father daughter dance. But your story sounds like your mom wants you to do what she wants not what you want. So I vote dad. Maybe a second dance in a row if you want stepdad too. But up to you

  19. Leave for your own sake. Ghost him if you can. Block him. Move on with your life. He no longer exists. Start fresh and on-line your life.

    Learn from the last four years. Identify what you want and what you won't accept. Identify it early. Don't waste time with black holes.

  20. Leave for your own sake. Ghost him if you can. Block him. Move on with your life. He no longer exists. Start fresh and live your life.

    Learn from the last four years. Identify what you want and what you won't accept. Identify it early. Don't waste time with black holes.

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