LilElfiee live sex chats for YOU!


6 thoughts on “LilElfiee live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Typically it is the miss3 warmth of littermates that cause the issue as well. I’d fill a soda bottle or bladder with warm water and they had a warm space to snuggle down with, but yeah this seems too obvious.

    OP if you didn’t know….one of the top three issues for insomnia, back issues, and body aches is poor sleeping due to a pet/child co sleeping. Either train the dog, get a bigger bed, do something to compromise

  2. One of the core tenets of feminism: no, you are not actually tge exception, he does hate you as much as he hates other women, he's just aware of the fact that letting it out to you, specifically, will lose him all his benefits. Instead he gets you to shit on women (but not you! Exceptions will be made FOR YOU! You're Not Like Other Women, you're safe, you're Special!) with him, encouraging him, showing him that yes, look at how women are lol they suck so much 🙂

  3. Yeah you're not as bad as my bf is but de-escalation is tricky. There's lots of variables when dealing with strangers so there's no best way to do it, but you should probably try asking your girlfriend if she wants to move somewhere else, ignoring the guy as much as you can, finding security if necessary.

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