Lil_Bae_Akiralive sex stripping with hd cam


7 thoughts on “Lil_Bae_Akiralive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You could resume the benefits but I'd suggest looking else where for long term partnership. Your friend is doing the same. Make some new friends elsewhere, particularly around your interests, and do not tell this friend about your attempts other than “I'm going out for a bit”. If anything, there's no point in being miserable over a situation that isn't in your hands.

    Seeking people as partners is tough, but you are already at a disadvantage if the person you are seeking, well, is already with someone else.

  2. She sounds really unwell, and as frustrating as it is for you, and I do get that it’s really frustrating, you need to show her a little compassion and help her get help for whatever it is she’s going through. She’s isolating herself, and clearly not managing her life well. Her mental health is her priority, but sometimes it’s the tallest mountain to climb to get the ball rolling to get help and we need to rely on our support network to give us a hand. Help her, seek support for yourself too and you can get through this. But please, turn this resentment into compassion, it’s not good for either of you

  3. Retired senior executive from a Fortune 200 company here. I traveled 3 of 4 weeks for 30 years. First off, business stays are not booked at resorts. Perhaps a very nice hotel, but not a Hawaiian resort. That leads me to believe his boss booked a resort for a special reason and not a business trip. The 5 year anniversary is a bad attempt to have a cover story. Second, most often, a suite in a resort is a bedroom with a large king bed, with a nice adjoining living room. Third, if they had a suite that had a living room with 2 attached separate rooms, this would be much more expensive than 2 separate rooms. He clearly new this was wrong. He knew well enough in advance. I believe their never was a business trip and that this was planned by both as a vacation using a 5th anniversary as an attempted cover. There was most likely sex involved on this trip as well as on actual business trips prior. I am not sure if you live together, and if so, under which of your names. If in his name, get help to move out before he returns. If in your name, have help moving all his stuff to his office or storage unit. If in both of your names, I would just move out and not be where there are reminders of this serial cheater. Please don't be naive. LEAVE and go total non-contact.

  4. Eh, I agree it's racist, just trying to give some thoughts for the OP to ponder. I think it's possible the “power dynamic” thing is more what the OP's boyfriend meant and just worded it badly. A bit more understandable, especially if he's experienced a lot of racism against him from white people. As I said though, I'd likely end the relationship over it, I want a life partner, not a therapy project.

  5. Do not let them guilt you into taking back that person. Once they cheat, they belong to the streets.

  6. so he's obviously not a decent person when it comes down to it.

    That's a bold call. I don't agree with cheating but it doesn't eliminate all the good that someone can be throughout their lives. Even cheaters can be “good” people – just maybe not so much with the whole fidelity thing.

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