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Liiaalive sex stripping with hd cam


32 thoughts on “Liiaalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It's not your fault. I have severe depressive disorder and when or if I self-harm I don't show it to anyone. You should definitely do what the other redditors have said, which is to call the police to check up on him.

  2. That’s how I feel and especially since I’m pretty closed off and don’t get close to people, I just want to show my gratitude and appreciation. And we do that a lot too, we’re always getting each other snacks at work. I’m just kinda hesitant on the flowers, probably just overthinking.

  3. My dad was in his 40s when he got my mom pregnant so he's certainly not a good option, I don't even know him. And I'm unsure if any of my relatives would take me

  4. she never made him look bad or criticized him are we reading the same thing here , she was telling a story an he told her she was telling it wrong in front of her friends

  5. It weird that you say you have values in terms of sex but you call people you’ve had sex with “bodies.” Makes me feel like you don’t really see it as a sacred type of thing and you just don’t like that she has had more sex than you.

  6. Is it weird that she's insisting that she's not letting him win (assuming that's what is happening)? Yes, kind of. Is it a hill worth dying on? No. I have more trouble understanding why you're so pressed about this than understanding why she might not be telling the truth to you.

  7. I mean, does this bother you? I wouldn’t put my life on hold for them but if you’re not losing out what’s the problem?

  8. It's time to move on with out her. She's connecting with him and leaving you out. It will get worse. Trust is everything for a relationship and she keeps ruining it by not giving a damn about how you feel with her meeting AP. If she was single, find. But when your supposed to be in a relationship she's not supposed to be hooking up eith a guy without you knowing/being part of this knowledge.

    She's wrong on what she's doing. I consider her cheating. And I would be done. I do not put up ever being disrespected.

  9. Do not co-sign for him on anything unless it is property – that your name is on.

    He wanted things his way before to only benefit him – now you need to protect yourself the rest of the way.

  10. Yeah like if it was once he could have conceivably bee clipping and it just flew in there. 2 or more is intentional

  11. The person deserve respect, the belief structure does not. These are two separate things and before you jump me that goes for all “belief structures” we don’t owe anyone to feed in to “belief”. Morons believe Covid is made up, do we have to respect that? Morons believe JFK Jr is alive, do we need to respect that? Nah.

  12. If you stay with him, be prepared to accept that he will never change. If you have a kid with him, it will be your second kid cos he is your first.

  13. Moreover, what the wife is doing can bring issues down the line. Eventually the baby will have latching issues or may reject OP’s breast.

  14. So there are two ways to handle this, both however require you to stick to your budget and stop agreeing to activities without knowing all costs upfront.

    1) You sit down with him and go over your income and how this spending is impacting you and if he still doesn't get it you leave

    2)Skip step 1 and you leave the guy who clearly has next to no compassion for your situation, he calls you cheap and doesn't question anything? not a single can you afford this? or are you doing alright with money maybe I can cover more dinner or we can go to places we can both afford comfortably or hey here is this free thing to do.

  15. She should never have been in contact with the affair partner for any reason whatsoever. Buy a new pair of thong underwear. Tell your friend to divorce his cheating wife, who has no remorse, and no respect for him.

  16. You sound like you're upset because he gets to party and you can't in your condition right now. This bitterness and resentment will not just go away on its own. You have to work on your feelings about this. Also, you both dont sound ready for marriage or the baby. Good luck, your life will never be the same as it was, and I hope you prepare yourself for a “new normal.”

  17. Yes exactly. When my wife got pregnant, our going out schedule changed to accommodate that. We stopped going to the late night ragers so she could be in bed at a reasonable hour and it was fine. I also planned a few 1 and 2 day trips with a few groups of my close friends because I knew for the first year after the baby it wouldn't be likely that we'd be able to do things like that. My wife had no issues with me taking 3 weekends out of the last 6 months of the pregnancy to visit friends that would get shelved for a bit to be a parent. She used those days to catch up with friends of her own. It was great for both of us.

    Fast forward a year, our kid is older and now we plan trips with friends again knowing one of us can watch the baby alone. I've done a fair amount of over nighters with friends while my wife just got back from a 5 day trip with her best friend. We support each other fully and understand we can't and shouldn't do every little thing together. But we're old first time parents so we're pretty good communicators and we talk through issues as a team. Makes life so simple when you're each others biggest advocates.

  18. Either he was there for longer than 2.5 hours or he paid for a lap dance. Presumably most of the money was in singles given he returned the remainder to you as such: that's a lot of bills to go through. It's not impossible, but I think a guy so hot up that he would sneak around on his pregnant wife would be incredibly careful with his money, and try to make the most of every dollar- he wouldn't blow through it in 2.5 hours.

  19. Roid Rage is horrible.

    I need steroid bee packs and hubby and I try not to argue during the 7 days. My mind goes to an alter ego. The ideal thing for me is to execute all yellow jackets.

    He is choosing steroids for a reason, and he is hurting his body and mind. Please decide if you want this life!

  20. Asking a dude you never had sex with how to improve is stupid. You have to ask your husband. Its like me asking you how to look better – you have never seen me so you cant give an answer ?‍♀️ but i think you know that now. Next time: Google stuff. When I wanted to know about BJ i googled and reqd articles, than i watched videos on that topic and i just tried it with my partner. Thats how you improve.

    Tell your husband you get it and you close the friendship. Tell your guyfriend that it was inappropiate and made your husband uncomfortable so you have to take a step back. Clear open comminication and honesty is the only way to keep a relationship.

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