Are you a lesbian or another dude? It's not clear, but in any case… Have you expressed your feelings towards that dude? And what did you do after he slapped your ass?
That guy needs to know what backlash is, so even if you might come as a “lunatic” by screaming in his face and getting angry, I'm pretty sure he'll avoid you next time but if he doesn't get any actual consequences for being an asshole, why should he stop being an asshole?
The moment he grabs my shirt, I turn around and sucker punch him in the face. He drops on the road with his mouth bleeding
Yeah usually this kills people. Humans really can't take a punch like we think we can. Keep that in mind for your next story. Other than that, not bad. Characters are pretty strong, motivations are made clear. Good stuff.
This reads like your boyfriend is “contra”. Basically anything the “media” says is counter to reality. Tell him that Kanye is banned by Elon Musk on Twitter and his boy Alex Jones basically dismissed his nazi claims on his show. See what he says.
There are some people out there who will just go against convention just because certain people say don't do it. Some people are just like that.
Well, I personally haven't been in a situation where my friends left me because of the person I've dated, and I would say I've been with people a little bit older than me. Not 10+ years older, but still.
Also, I'm not from the US so age gaps aren't that big of a deal here. If you like him that's what ultimately should matter.
Wow. Reminds me of so many comments sketches that I've seen where as the comedian is on stage describing how quote-unquote difficult it is being a stay-at-home parent. On either the man's or the woman side. To
Now I'm not going to qualify this answer with the usual I'm not a chauvinist crap. None of you know me for real and so anything I say could be taken as bs, but I will say that if one person is working bringing in all of the income no matter if it's a man or a woman, the other person should certainly absolutely without a doubt be doing more of the home chores no matter what gender they are. They should be doing doctor's appointments, bringing kids to school, cleaning cooking etc. Now if you're a woman this may sound antiquated or not up your alley. But that's just the way it is and that's an equal share of what's going on.
I supported my wife shortly after we first met. She had a son who was 5 years old, they moved in with me and my wife didn't work for the next 6 to 7 years. We got married, she had our first daughter, and then she decided she wanted to go back to work for a little while. However her going back to work was a complete inconvenience because then it caused me to have to change shifts at my job which caused me to be irritable at aggravated most of the time because I wasn't getting enough sleep.
She stopped working shortly before we had our second child a few years later and then didn't work again until about 2 years ago. My kids with her are nine and 12 right now. I say this because it has been a constant struggle to get my wife to understand that it is not that I can't do these things that I ask her to do because she's not bringing in the income. It is just what I believe is fair.
Example. Before I met my wife I was doing all these things on my own no problem. Having taken on the added responsibility of her and her son I didn't consider that a lot to ask for her to take care of the home that she lived in rent free or for me to even take care of her son and take him to baseball games and sign him up for little league and basketball, etc…It is just natural if you love someone that you would do those things I believe. However my wife's just never seemed to be happy with that. She never seemed to be happy being a homemaker. That's something that I had to figure out after the fact.
Okay so fast forward 10 years later. My daughter is now 12 my other daughter is nine and her son has already moved out of the house because he's 22. We still argue18 years later about the same stuff. Why there isn't an equal distribution of chores? Why there isn't more respect paid to the fact that my wife hasn't really had to work a day in our lives and she was 24 years old and now she's 42. I seem to not get the credit for doing all of the things that a quote unquote man should do. However my wife takes no pleasure nor gives me any respect for the things that I feel should normally be done by whoever is staying home and not working.
A few years ago I retired from a pretty good job from which I receive a pretty good pension and lifetime health benefits. My wife and my step son take advantage of those things as well. And I was working for the same company for about 20 years before I even met my wife. Yet if something happens to me I have set it up so that I received less now in order to provide for my wife if I were to die before her. She would get the rest of my pension for life and that is for her life and the benefits as well.
My wife still never had to work although she wanted to go back. This pushed all the things that I expected on my wife on to me. And I will tell you the absolute truth. They were the best two years of my life. I got to spend time with my girls like I never did before. I cooked for everybody every meal of the day without complaint or a problem. I actually enjoyed doing these things. As a matter of fact I've always done the majority of the cooking and the cleaning and of course all of the yard work. But now that I was a stay-at-home dad even though I was still bringing in the majority of the income with my wife wanting to go back to work and not making as much as I received from staying home, I never ever once complained about my responsibilities now as I stay at home dad.
On the contrary I praised and lauded the fact that I was able to stay home because I work so nude for 35 years and now I have ample opportunity to really raise my children the way I want to because I was with them most of the time. So what does this mean as far as my advice to you? It will never change. You don't need therapy she needs therapy. You're doing the right thing and have normal expectations for someone who is in your position. Today's wives and husbands to a certain extent don't respect each other enough to even respect the fact that they have a good thing. You're not asking her to be a servant or slave are you? You're asking her to take more of an interest in making you and your family happy. To make that her job. I don't know of any job where you can sit down and just scroll through your phone for hours without having to do anything.
And talking about 2-year-olds needing a lot of attention? That's about right at the time where they need no attention. They have not gone to school yet and if she wanted to she could literally probably pop in a SpongeBob or learning video and just leave that kid in front of the TV all day long. Now that's not ideal, however what's also not ideal is her sitting around being on the phone and not paying attention to him or her at all either. This is crazy talk here. If your wife and you weren't together she would be responsible for all of this plus having to go to work. I just don't get it. I'm not telling you this because I have a perfect relationship myself. My wife gives me the same crap 18 years later.
So I'll tell you this. All these people telling you that you both need therapy are full of s. She needs therapy and she needs to realize that if she's going to stay home she needs to make it easier on you point blank. When I stay home my wife never had to worry about a thing. She didn't even have to worry about things that I never asked her to do when she was home all day long. I do everything. It's no big freaking deal. You know what I do I? I throw some clothes in the washing machine if need be. I cook breakfast and then after the kids go to school I take a f*** nap. Then you know what I do? Then I put the load in the dryer and put another load in the washing machine and then I cook lunch for my wife and then I take a nap. And then you know what else I do then I put some more clothes in fold the ones that were in the dryer and then I pick my kids up from school.
No big deal. I make sure the house is clean I tell the kids to do their chores I help them with their homework and then when my wife gets off work. If I want to cook again I do, if I don't we all go out to eat. Let her try to find that set up or situation somewhere else I guarantee you should come running back to you.
Seriously, this. Why wouldn't this already be set in motion? This is what showing up for your son is all about. I wonder if OP is avoiding this option for financial reasons. Sounds like the ex was a SAHM and primary care giver.
You don’t love him, you’re infatuated by him which is the steps towards love.
But fuck all of that “I don’t deserve him” nonsense. That means nothing. You have value and clearly seems interested in you.
Honestly, if it were me and I felt the way you did I would put it out there. I haven’t felt the way you do since February of this year and I miss it. Love is a wonderful thing and what’s even better is the slow fall into it. I really hope you tell him, you deserve it
And honestly, you don’t have to feel bad about not reciprocating as long as she understands that it has nothing to do with her. Maybe there will be a time where the roles are reversed. My sister used to spend so much money on me when we were younger and I worked retail. And now we’re both in a different financial position and Im able to spend more on her.
Your post was removed for the following reason(s):
Your title did not include at least two ages/genders or was not formatted correctly
Posts must:
include details about the involved parties including ages, genders, and length of relationship, and
request advice in real situations involving two or more people
We are enforcing the two rules listed above by making all titles start with ages/genders in the following format:
[##X][##X], [## X][## X], or [##-X][##-X] where ## is the age and X is the gender (currently M, F, T, A, NB, FTM, MTF but more can be added). You can have more than two ages/genders listed, but you must have at least two at the beginning of your title. Here is an example:
Thank you, yes this is what I’m really struggling with too, as he uses the word conscious a lot. So I’m so confused about whether things were assault or not ?
From what I understand they were both very drunk, but he remembers the sex acts. Says the night was hazy but each time I press he remembers more things he says he doesn’t. He also knew he could have stopped things at any point, but didn’t do this until partway through sex where he realised it was wrong. He also doesn’t know why he didn’t originally leave when he realised none of the “friends” she promised were drinking at hers were actually there? But stayed to watch Netflix with her for some reason instead…
When I originally asked if he’d forgive me if the same thing happened to me, he also said definitely not. Then changed his answer to yes later on? Which makes me feel like the first answer was the honest one because it was more consensual than he wants me to believe? ?
You need to focus on yourself…finding things to do and making friends. You need to be happy on your own; a relationship should add to that. Regardless of your loneliness or other issues, treating someone poorly is not an acceptable way to handle it. Consider therapy.
Your girlfriend is possibly not as invested as you. But she definitely wants to be her own person and not just half a couple.
Listen to your gut. If this's a deal breaker then get out rn. No doubt that's a disgusting behavior on his part talking sexually about his spouse with his friend behind their back. Most women in your position would leave the relationship. Real talk it'd be extremely difficult to trust him after this. There's likely chance he might talk about to his friends this time in secret.
Stop allowing mil with children. She will poison their mind against you. You need to have a sit down with husband on how to deal with his mother. Its a long process, good luck.
although this is probably legal and morally ok – It is a very high risk for a serious relationship later in life: There are a lot of people that accept sex work as legal but could never accept a sex-worker as a partner.
I ended a relationship as soon I found out a former girlfriend thought sex-work is an acceptable profession for her. She worked as an escort later – which was fine for me. But I could not accept this in my partner.
It would be sad if you'll find the love of your on-line one day and he drops you like a nude potato as soon as he finds out what you did to earn money.
That being said, there was a girl here on reddit a few years ago that found her (wealthy) Partner while being her sugar baby. If I remember correctly they both were very happy together.
Have one serious rule when it comes to relationships.
Are they treating you with kindness?
Now yes everyone gets into arguments and has fights and gets upset. But most of the time are they treating you wthh love and kindness because if they aren't they don't love you.
Dating is nude. Is nude especially because abusers work hard to hide it until your invested in the relationship and then they can use emotional leverage, gasslighting, emotional blackmail, threats, and all of a sudden your too busy dealing with the drama to even think about leaving.
Just make sure you protect yourself your soon to be ex sounds potentially violently dangerous.
And many abusers seek to harm hurt or kill when their partner leaves the relationship.
Sex is generally a very important part of a relationship IMO. And realistically you have zero experience pleasing her sexually and I’m assuming she realized that and noticed her mistake. She should have been upfront with you from the beginning instead of leading you on until MARRIAGE. But hey, you on-line and you learn. That’s the risk you take deciding to save yourself for marriage. It never works. Maybe don’t do that next time.
Your bf has a VERY weird definiton of “niceness”. That gaslightning here at its fines, m8. Aside trying to control what you do in your own house, with your money, with your time… He said you could have it “? He has no saying in what you can and cannot have IN YOUR OWN HOUSE.
Tbh, leave him, and told him that your cats dont like him ( just to make him a bit mad ).
She is 19, you met her when she was 12. They want her to on-line her independent life without you.
In their eyes you are bad for her long term future. Understand any other boy would get the same response out of them, so its not personal to them, but since you are the target it is very personal to you.
Advice, to them be polite, be bland dont fight with them.
They give you that raft of crap, your response is ” i am sorry you feel that way, “, and drop it. Give them no excuse to create drama that they can use against you. Limiting contact with them is a good idea. They can't bitch at you when you are not there
So your bf telling you a story of something that happened at work, and making a funny little comment about it “(at least I know both genders like me)” makes you feel like he's bragging and like it's pointless to tell you? However if he told the story and you were mentioned it wouldn't have been pointless and you wouldn't be questioning why he told you. This is ridiculous and you need to get over yourself.
Just think for a second of the ask that you made of the them. You demanded them to stop. To stop living their lives the way they wanted. This is way out of bounds dude. They love you, you might even be the most important person in their lives but you don’t have to nor get to on-line their lives. They have to carry on and on-line their lives the way they best see fit. What do you expect? That they would break up their arrangements and start living life the way you want? What would that have done? You wouldave stayed home for a few more years and then you move on with your life. Do you think it’s fair for them to give up on what they want 365 days of the year to please you to attend your your wedding? To see have you at Thanksgiving once a year? Not being there would be devastating for them but in the end it’s a whole fucking life that they have to on-line. You can’t make those demands. Your reaction at first is understandable but to hold on to this makes you really immature.
As someone who is drug friendly and has experimented themselves, you’re completely in the right.
People want different things in their partner and it is understandable that you don’t want to be with someone who does drugs when you’re against them.
Have you communicated that it is a full on deal breaker for you? Maybe he thinks that you don’t agree with them but that you can deal with them. It might be worth having a conversation about it to see how he reacts when you express how you truly feel
Why would you want to marry a piece of shit that has already cheated on you and that is now sending messages to another woman. Is there a shortage of men out there . Are you desperate to marry just anyone? Please respect yourself enough to walk away. Be the strong , confident woman that you know you can be and walk away. Respect yourself enough to put yourself first. Mr insecure micropenis can just take his engagement ring and fuck off.
Never give someone an ultimatum you can't on-line with because you might have to. It sounds like that time has come for you and you're uncomfortable with it.
Do you want the rest of your life to be like this? Would you like to rear children in this situation?
Do not wait around for her to decide, find someone who cares about you.
Keep your business to yourself. Don't become flashy until that money working for you.
Are you a lesbian or another dude? It's not clear, but in any case… Have you expressed your feelings towards that dude? And what did you do after he slapped your ass?
That guy needs to know what backlash is, so even if you might come as a “lunatic” by screaming in his face and getting angry, I'm pretty sure he'll avoid you next time but if he doesn't get any actual consequences for being an asshole, why should he stop being an asshole?
Mmmm definitely possible.
The moment he grabs my shirt, I turn around and sucker punch him in the face. He drops on the road with his mouth bleeding
Yeah usually this kills people. Humans really can't take a punch like we think we can. Keep that in mind for your next story. Other than that, not bad. Characters are pretty strong, motivations are made clear. Good stuff.
This reads like your boyfriend is “contra”. Basically anything the “media” says is counter to reality. Tell him that Kanye is banned by Elon Musk on Twitter and his boy Alex Jones basically dismissed his nazi claims on his show. See what he says.
There are some people out there who will just go against convention just because certain people say don't do it. Some people are just like that.
Well, I personally haven't been in a situation where my friends left me because of the person I've dated, and I would say I've been with people a little bit older than me. Not 10+ years older, but still.
Also, I'm not from the US so age gaps aren't that big of a deal here. If you like him that's what ultimately should matter.
Wow. Reminds me of so many comments sketches that I've seen where as the comedian is on stage describing how quote-unquote difficult it is being a stay-at-home parent. On either the man's or the woman side. To
Now I'm not going to qualify this answer with the usual I'm not a chauvinist crap. None of you know me for real and so anything I say could be taken as bs, but I will say that if one person is working bringing in all of the income no matter if it's a man or a woman, the other person should certainly absolutely without a doubt be doing more of the home chores no matter what gender they are. They should be doing doctor's appointments, bringing kids to school, cleaning cooking etc. Now if you're a woman this may sound antiquated or not up your alley. But that's just the way it is and that's an equal share of what's going on.
I supported my wife shortly after we first met. She had a son who was 5 years old, they moved in with me and my wife didn't work for the next 6 to 7 years. We got married, she had our first daughter, and then she decided she wanted to go back to work for a little while. However her going back to work was a complete inconvenience because then it caused me to have to change shifts at my job which caused me to be irritable at aggravated most of the time because I wasn't getting enough sleep.
She stopped working shortly before we had our second child a few years later and then didn't work again until about 2 years ago. My kids with her are nine and 12 right now. I say this because it has been a constant struggle to get my wife to understand that it is not that I can't do these things that I ask her to do because she's not bringing in the income. It is just what I believe is fair.
Example. Before I met my wife I was doing all these things on my own no problem. Having taken on the added responsibility of her and her son I didn't consider that a lot to ask for her to take care of the home that she lived in rent free or for me to even take care of her son and take him to baseball games and sign him up for little league and basketball, etc…It is just natural if you love someone that you would do those things I believe. However my wife's just never seemed to be happy with that. She never seemed to be happy being a homemaker. That's something that I had to figure out after the fact.
Okay so fast forward 10 years later. My daughter is now 12 my other daughter is nine and her son has already moved out of the house because he's 22. We still argue18 years later about the same stuff. Why there isn't an equal distribution of chores? Why there isn't more respect paid to the fact that my wife hasn't really had to work a day in our lives and she was 24 years old and now she's 42. I seem to not get the credit for doing all of the things that a quote unquote man should do. However my wife takes no pleasure nor gives me any respect for the things that I feel should normally be done by whoever is staying home and not working.
A few years ago I retired from a pretty good job from which I receive a pretty good pension and lifetime health benefits. My wife and my step son take advantage of those things as well. And I was working for the same company for about 20 years before I even met my wife. Yet if something happens to me I have set it up so that I received less now in order to provide for my wife if I were to die before her. She would get the rest of my pension for life and that is for her life and the benefits as well.
My wife still never had to work although she wanted to go back. This pushed all the things that I expected on my wife on to me. And I will tell you the absolute truth. They were the best two years of my life. I got to spend time with my girls like I never did before. I cooked for everybody every meal of the day without complaint or a problem. I actually enjoyed doing these things. As a matter of fact I've always done the majority of the cooking and the cleaning and of course all of the yard work. But now that I was a stay-at-home dad even though I was still bringing in the majority of the income with my wife wanting to go back to work and not making as much as I received from staying home, I never ever once complained about my responsibilities now as I stay at home dad.
On the contrary I praised and lauded the fact that I was able to stay home because I work so nude for 35 years and now I have ample opportunity to really raise my children the way I want to because I was with them most of the time. So what does this mean as far as my advice to you? It will never change. You don't need therapy she needs therapy. You're doing the right thing and have normal expectations for someone who is in your position. Today's wives and husbands to a certain extent don't respect each other enough to even respect the fact that they have a good thing. You're not asking her to be a servant or slave are you? You're asking her to take more of an interest in making you and your family happy. To make that her job. I don't know of any job where you can sit down and just scroll through your phone for hours without having to do anything.
And talking about 2-year-olds needing a lot of attention? That's about right at the time where they need no attention. They have not gone to school yet and if she wanted to she could literally probably pop in a SpongeBob or learning video and just leave that kid in front of the TV all day long. Now that's not ideal, however what's also not ideal is her sitting around being on the phone and not paying attention to him or her at all either. This is crazy talk here. If your wife and you weren't together she would be responsible for all of this plus having to go to work. I just don't get it. I'm not telling you this because I have a perfect relationship myself. My wife gives me the same crap 18 years later.
So I'll tell you this. All these people telling you that you both need therapy are full of s. She needs therapy and she needs to realize that if she's going to stay home she needs to make it easier on you point blank. When I stay home my wife never had to worry about a thing. She didn't even have to worry about things that I never asked her to do when she was home all day long. I do everything. It's no big freaking deal. You know what I do I? I throw some clothes in the washing machine if need be. I cook breakfast and then after the kids go to school I take a f*** nap. Then you know what I do? Then I put the load in the dryer and put another load in the washing machine and then I cook lunch for my wife and then I take a nap. And then you know what else I do then I put some more clothes in fold the ones that were in the dryer and then I pick my kids up from school.
No big deal. I make sure the house is clean I tell the kids to do their chores I help them with their homework and then when my wife gets off work. If I want to cook again I do, if I don't we all go out to eat. Let her try to find that set up or situation somewhere else I guarantee you should come running back to you.
Seriously, this. Why wouldn't this already be set in motion? This is what showing up for your son is all about. I wonder if OP is avoiding this option for financial reasons. Sounds like the ex was a SAHM and primary care giver.
I agree. Fuck her over like she fucked him over. And I mean that sincerely
You don’t love him, you’re infatuated by him which is the steps towards love.
But fuck all of that “I don’t deserve him” nonsense. That means nothing. You have value and clearly seems interested in you.
Honestly, if it were me and I felt the way you did I would put it out there. I haven’t felt the way you do since February of this year and I miss it. Love is a wonderful thing and what’s even better is the slow fall into it. I really hope you tell him, you deserve it
And honestly, you don’t have to feel bad about not reciprocating as long as she understands that it has nothing to do with her. Maybe there will be a time where the roles are reversed. My sister used to spend so much money on me when we were younger and I worked retail. And now we’re both in a different financial position and Im able to spend more on her.
Absolute buffoonery on your end saying you would accept the responsibility when she was, ya know… literally getting fucked by somebody else.
Hello /u/qiwinerd1992,
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Thank you, yes this is what I’m really struggling with too, as he uses the word conscious a lot. So I’m so confused about whether things were assault or not ?
From what I understand they were both very drunk, but he remembers the sex acts. Says the night was hazy but each time I press he remembers more things he says he doesn’t. He also knew he could have stopped things at any point, but didn’t do this until partway through sex where he realised it was wrong. He also doesn’t know why he didn’t originally leave when he realised none of the “friends” she promised were drinking at hers were actually there? But stayed to watch Netflix with her for some reason instead…
When I originally asked if he’d forgive me if the same thing happened to me, he also said definitely not. Then changed his answer to yes later on? Which makes me feel like the first answer was the honest one because it was more consensual than he wants me to believe? ?
You need to focus on yourself…finding things to do and making friends. You need to be happy on your own; a relationship should add to that. Regardless of your loneliness or other issues, treating someone poorly is not an acceptable way to handle it. Consider therapy.
Your girlfriend is possibly not as invested as you. But she definitely wants to be her own person and not just half a couple.
Listen to your gut. If this's a deal breaker then get out rn. No doubt that's a disgusting behavior on his part talking sexually about his spouse with his friend behind their back. Most women in your position would leave the relationship. Real talk it'd be extremely difficult to trust him after this. There's likely chance he might talk about to his friends this time in secret.
Stop allowing mil with children. She will poison their mind against you. You need to have a sit down with husband on how to deal with his mother. Its a long process, good luck.
Asking single people to join your married dynamic is probably not a wise idea.
You need to be looking for couples. Or other guys for you to be friends with.
I am with your family, this guy sucks and he is using you and you need to leave him.
Stop paying for her. You can't on-line your life in fear of what she does. You going to marry her because you think otherwise she will blab?
What…. The fuck. Leave him, get rid of him, block information to him by every means in your power, and I would add a boot knife to that pepper spray.
although this is probably legal and morally ok – It is a very high risk for a serious relationship later in life: There are a lot of people that accept sex work as legal but could never accept a sex-worker as a partner.
I ended a relationship as soon I found out a former girlfriend thought sex-work is an acceptable profession for her. She worked as an escort later – which was fine for me. But I could not accept this in my partner.
It would be sad if you'll find the love of your on-line one day and he drops you like a nude potato as soon as he finds out what you did to earn money.
That being said, there was a girl here on reddit a few years ago that found her (wealthy) Partner while being her sugar baby. If I remember correctly they both were very happy together.
So, your mileage may vary…
Have one serious rule when it comes to relationships.
Are they treating you with kindness?
Now yes everyone gets into arguments and has fights and gets upset. But most of the time are they treating you wthh love and kindness because if they aren't they don't love you.
Dating is nude. Is nude especially because abusers work hard to hide it until your invested in the relationship and then they can use emotional leverage, gasslighting, emotional blackmail, threats, and all of a sudden your too busy dealing with the drama to even think about leaving.
Just make sure you protect yourself your soon to be ex sounds potentially violently dangerous.
And many abusers seek to harm hurt or kill when their partner leaves the relationship.
Dad's a cop. There is no two sides to a story.
Sex is generally a very important part of a relationship IMO. And realistically you have zero experience pleasing her sexually and I’m assuming she realized that and noticed her mistake. She should have been upfront with you from the beginning instead of leading you on until MARRIAGE. But hey, you on-line and you learn. That’s the risk you take deciding to save yourself for marriage. It never works. Maybe don’t do that next time.
It is not your partner’s responsibility to check you.
Your bf has a VERY weird definiton of “niceness”. That gaslightning here at its fines, m8. Aside trying to control what you do in your own house, with your money, with your time… He said you could have it “? He has no saying in what you can and cannot have IN YOUR OWN HOUSE.
Tbh, leave him, and told him that your cats dont like him ( just to make him a bit mad ).
She is 19, you met her when she was 12. They want her to on-line her independent life without you.
In their eyes you are bad for her long term future. Understand any other boy would get the same response out of them, so its not personal to them, but since you are the target it is very personal to you.
Advice, to them be polite, be bland dont fight with them.
They give you that raft of crap, your response is ” i am sorry you feel that way, “, and drop it. Give them no excuse to create drama that they can use against you. Limiting contact with them is a good idea. They can't bitch at you when you are not there
So your bf telling you a story of something that happened at work, and making a funny little comment about it “(at least I know both genders like me)” makes you feel like he's bragging and like it's pointless to tell you? However if he told the story and you were mentioned it wouldn't have been pointless and you wouldn't be questioning why he told you. This is ridiculous and you need to get over yourself.
You’re right, I’m changing it
Okay so I'm not really sure what you expect? He pays sometimes, you pay sometimes? Wheres the issue?
You can wish in one hand and shit in the other…see which fills 1st..
It's time to. This isn't changing
Just think for a second of the ask that you made of the them. You demanded them to stop. To stop living their lives the way they wanted. This is way out of bounds dude. They love you, you might even be the most important person in their lives but you don’t have to nor get to on-line their lives. They have to carry on and on-line their lives the way they best see fit. What do you expect? That they would break up their arrangements and start living life the way you want? What would that have done? You wouldave stayed home for a few more years and then you move on with your life. Do you think it’s fair for them to give up on what they want 365 days of the year to please you to attend your your wedding? To see have you at Thanksgiving once a year? Not being there would be devastating for them but in the end it’s a whole fucking life that they have to on-line. You can’t make those demands. Your reaction at first is understandable but to hold on to this makes you really immature.
As someone who is drug friendly and has experimented themselves, you’re completely in the right.
People want different things in their partner and it is understandable that you don’t want to be with someone who does drugs when you’re against them.
Have you communicated that it is a full on deal breaker for you? Maybe he thinks that you don’t agree with them but that you can deal with them. It might be worth having a conversation about it to see how he reacts when you express how you truly feel
Just tell them you're not gay and leave it there. That's all that's necessary here. If they don't believe you, does it matter?
But if I had the opportunity I would date them but there is just never a chance
Why would you want to marry a piece of shit that has already cheated on you and that is now sending messages to another woman. Is there a shortage of men out there . Are you desperate to marry just anyone? Please respect yourself enough to walk away. Be the strong , confident woman that you know you can be and walk away. Respect yourself enough to put yourself first. Mr insecure micropenis can just take his engagement ring and fuck off.
she's 22… she still is a child relatively speaking
Never give someone an ultimatum you can't on-line with because you might have to. It sounds like that time has come for you and you're uncomfortable with it.
Do you want the rest of your life to be like this? Would you like to rear children in this situation?
That’s canon now.
You could have just dated his son, would have more sense than dating him.
Please dont, this WILL.NOT end well.
There are so many other younger men oit there.
Ghost the guys, he is thirsting for young girls.
Thank you a billion for taking time to respond