Lia-Violett1 live! sex chats for YOU!



Date: October 26, 2022

9 thoughts on “Lia-Violett1 live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Grief will bring out the worst in people. Pain makes people lash out in ways that they normally wouldn't. And when mental health issues are present, grief definitely can amplify them, and bring unresolved things to the surface.

    I have PTSD – partly related to me losing my dad at a very young age – and there have been a handful of times where my wife has seen me at my absolute worst, during flashback episodes… She's told me I look like a caged, wounded, trapped animal, and she's had to refocus me/calm me down a couple of times. The worst occurrence landed me in a hospital for almost a week because I lost the ability to sleep and was awake for 3 days straight.

    She might be the kindest, most patient person in the world. And I hate myself sometimes that she had the misfortune of having to witness me in moments like that. I say all this to say that OP should suggest both marriage counseling for the two of them and therapy (grief counseling at the minimum) for her husband.

    Some people are very broken, but sometimes you don't see how bad it is until they're pushed to their emotional limit. It doesn't do them any favors to sweep it under the rug and pretend it didn't happen though.

  2. Hello /u/zuh1r,

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  3. That's not enough to say there's no history, he could have been verbally abusive and this new side is him graduating to physical violence.

    Which is why we need to ask questions rather than instantly place all blame on OP.

  4. As a woman, she may know what I know: no-one will believe you, so the efforts can feel futile.

    Now, would I stand there and ignore someone talking shit? No; I'd confront whoever I needed to. But at the same time, unless she's gonna whip out her license every time, no-one will believe her protests; they'll assume she's covering for him.

    Idk what the solution is, but they really need to be a united front and confront people together/

  5. Wanting to sleep with a 25 year old woman does not make him a pedophile especially a pedophile interested in incest. You're reaching.

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