Lia-big-boobs live! sex cams for YOU!


Come or make me vibrate a lot with my new lush [GOAL MET]

Date: November 16, 2022

8 thoughts on “Lia-big-boobs live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. u/Relative_Memory_4130, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. We almost broke up a few times because of it, but after seven months, I was fed up, and he asked for another chance, and he completely changed.

  3. There’s a few things here. First, I’d certainly agree that he might be a creep, but you’re obsessing quite a bit over him “buying” people. The guy is having fun and spending money. If it leads to nothing, so be it. You keep saying that’s the case so what are you angry about? What I also think is notable is not once did you say he’s made a move on the girl you’re talking to or anyone else.

    Regarding the money, you say he pays for everything but then say she’s wasting her own money. So which is it?

    Finally, you have nothing established with this girl. She’s single. You’re single. This guy isn’t your friend. He’s her coworker. He has no loyalty to you. But again, other than spending money for drinks, what has he done?

    She’s also an adult and has her own agency to make decisions. He doesn’t take no for an answer? She’s 31. She can say no and walk away. Who cares what he looks like. Based on the information here, absolutely nothing indicates they’re hooking up or that he’s trying to.

    He might be. But he’s made no serious action showing it. On that note, what if he does? If she goes with it, it’s because she wanted to. So you’re here assuming she might.

    So in your situation, would I be pissed off? No. I wouldn’t be thinking about it at all. I’d see her as someone I’m dating who goes out and has fun with coworkers. When I’ve learned enough about her to know we’re compatible, I’d discuss being exclusive. Until then, I’d just be out living my life.

  4. I’ve asked her tonight and she has responded yet, my gut instinct is telling me something if off..

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