LeksyWest on-line webcams for YOU!


5 thoughts on “LeksyWest on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. If after 6 good years together you still have doubts she's The One, she's not The One. Set this woman free and find your One with the right cultural upbringing and family and friends and who could hold deep conversations with you. Marry her and let her make your life miserable but picture perfect for the rest of your life.

  2. “I would never, she's too old/young/fat/skinny”.

    She could always gain or lose weight, so there's the reply to that.

  3. You’ve obviously never used the “right” condoms, quality and size-wise, if you find them “unpalatable”.

    The pullout method is too fallible, your concerns are valid. Hormonal birth control that’s “perfectly safe” resulted in lifelong health issues for me, can’t fault your partner for refusing to even consider it.

    You have three options:

    A) Abstinence B) The Snip C) A good condom. I recommend Skyn.

  4. You’re both wrong. You should have been a better husband and spent more time with your wife than her single girlfriends. Your wife should not have hit you for being a bad husband. Your wife should have dumped you before making out with the stranger. This relationship is over. Couples counseling can’t fix this.

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