Lauren-cuper on-line sex chats for YOU!


31 thoughts on “Lauren-cuper on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. You could still be a father tomorrow unless you aren’t having sex.

    Marriage doesn’t change that result.

    Have you discussed that issue? Timelines? When you both want children?

  2. How about you work on returning the spark.

    Have a lot of eye contact with your bf. Be spontaneous in your intimacy. Do small things together. Cooking, baking, dancing. Go star gazing. Get high together. Go for a spontaneous night out without any plans, go wherever seems fun. Once again,have lots of eye contact. Quality time without techbology or thoughts about work or life.

  3. Jesus, that's one helluva hair trigger she's got. My fiancee and I say stuff like that and worse to each other CONSTANTLY just because we find it amusing and endearing. The ability to poke fun at each other and find humor when you're poked fun at is not to be understated.

  4. Trust is important and this behavior is strange… but so is looking through your partner’s phone. You need to talk about trust and how you feel about her and about cheating and address why she needs to go through your phone. If you can’t find that trust then no… you shouldn’t get married.

  5. It should make her night you turning up amid the work dross. Dressed up. Her man. A real moment of being publically together.

    She should've been beaming.

  6. You weren't though. You were unhappy about not being able to sleep with other men. He then felt forced. And 2 rules isn't enough obviously.

  7. Ultimately he is the one making the choice even if she’s making it difficult for him, maybe he would rather be single so he can devote his efforts to his sister rather than married with the inconvenience of paying attention to and caring about your spouse and her needs and feelings.

  8. when I create highly specific rules that we agree upon, almost like she doesn’t understand the unspoken no-no’s of exclusive relationships. It’s like she only follows the rules to make me happy, not because she understands their purpose.

    You're incompatible when you're treating your other half like a child.

  9. The choice goes both directions – to abort or not. It is your choice.

    But, like all choices, there will be consequences. If you decide to keep the baby, more than likely you are looking at being a single mom. Do not rely on the idea he'll come around, and don't stay with him if he doesn't – a child should not be raised by a parent who resents them.

    It will be naked, but possible, to be a single mom. You will have to be self-less for a lot of years and your needs come last. But there are resources, hopefully family and friends to support you. There are financial helps out there. Thousands of women do it, and raise great kids who are happy and healthy.

    If you choose to abort the baby, there may be medical side effects (I know of someone who couldn't have kids after her abortion. But many women can.). You may regret that decision the rest of your life. You may even resent your BF for insisting you choose abortion and you both might break up.

    It's a hard choice, and you'll be criticized for either choice. But at the end of the day, you have to on-line with it. So choose which option you can live with.

  10. You realize multiple can feel like they're wronged right? Not every relationship issue is one sided so your shitty immature response makes sense because you don't understand nuance.

  11. Unfortunately you need to get your shot together, although you had no intent to hurt him like you did, it still happened. Try you best to get the help you need

  12. “I’ve changed myself entirely for her and that’s where I think I got wrong.”

    That’s definitely not good. Improving over time, especially at your age, is expected. That is not the same thing as changing yourself for her.

    It sounds like you both lost interest in this relationship and you’re damaging yourselves emotionally to keep it going.

    You deserve a relationship that you’re actually happy in, and that could take some time to find. Until then, your current relationship is not healthy and I really wouldn’t recommend continuing with it.

  13. You've been dating her for a year. You don't say if you two are sexual or not. But if her underwear habits aren't creating any noticeable problems for her or for you or for your sex life, then let it be. Leave her vaginal health to her and her gynecologist.

  14. You're overthinking. He was your boyfriend for a long time, and you're sleeping together – I think it was just a habit-reaction, a slip of the tongue.

    Don't make A Thing out of it. If he brings it up just say, “Yeah awkward, right? Just habit, no biggie.” and let it go.

    Also, He said it was okay and he doesn’t judge me I should hope not. There's nothing here to 'judge'.

  15. Is it inflicting pain or is it the mental leap between inflicting pain and having a larger Penis? If it's the latter it can be a very easy fantasy to fulfil, if you sometimes wanted to squirm and sigh and go “wait a minute” etc and exaggerate it a bit when you do have anal sex. Like he could be interpreting noises that sound uncomfortable as a sign of well endowment. But if it's just inflicting pain for pains sake then yeah no thats just shitty

  16. So you just tell him- no, you cannot have friends over at my place anymore, period. It doesn't matter if HE wouldn't care, you care, and that's all that matters.

    Tell him they ate your food, made a mess of your place, and SHIT IN YOUR TOILET. So now you are done, and you should also take the spare key back.

    He crossed major boundaries and has told you to your face that he doesn't care- by saying “I don't see what the big deal is” he is telling you that he hears what you are saying, doesn't agree, so won't be changing his behavior.

    Take the key back, tell him clearly that he is not to invite anyone over without permission, and I'd also ask him for $50 to cover what his friends ate. Tell him he broke your trust and it has to be earned back, so you need your key back until you two are in a better place.

  17. Well the thing is he doesn't do anything for her besides support her financially. I feed her every time I change all the diapers, I bathe her, change her clothes and make sure she gets her tummy time and play with her. And all of those other things. Every time I mention I'm stressed he says I don't have anything to be stressed about. ?

  18. You're right, our situation is definitely making things especially difficult. I will move forward with making an exit strategy and keep her in the loop. I guess best I can hope for is to create a safety net and hope she jumps with me.

  19. Got a similar letter once. Same day I got a mailer from a church offering comfort to people who received shocking news.

    Evangelical church, so no shame in lying if it brings a nonbeliever to the lord.

    I would not convict anyone over a letter with no proof or specifics.

  20. Got a similar letter once. Same day I got a mailer from a church offering comfort to people who received shocking news.

    Evangelical church, so no shame in lying if it brings a nonbeliever to the lord.

    I would not convict anyone over a letter with no proof or specifics.

  21. Got a similar letter once. Same day I got a mailer from a church offering comfort to people who received shocking news.

    Evangelical church, so no shame in lying if it brings a nonbeliever to the lord.

    I would not convict anyone over a letter with no proof or specifics.

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