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LanaFanlive sex stripping with hd cam


15 thoughts on “LanaFanlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. They are an AH, and it’s all in the bit where they say they don’t work out, they only eat junk food and they’re still thin. Cos their metabolism is doing all the work for them. Wonder if they’ll hold onto their fat phobia so tightly when their metabolism eventually slows down and all that junk food and lack of exercise catches up with them…

  2. This post grossed me out.

    She is not supposed to have sex for at least 6 weeks after the birth. It’s been 3 months and you had sex 5 times already. That’s not bad.

    I get your sex drive is high but surely you can masturbate for a few more weeks. Begging for sex will put her off even more. What a selfish thing to do. She needs to recover physically, emotionally etc.

  3. A few months ago, we talked about that she might needs professional help, but nor she neither her parents can't afford a therapist, and she doesn't want me to pay for it.

  4. We both chose this path, so age gap isn’t the issue here.

    We were in an exclusive relationship of almost 3 years, so I think she disrespected me and the relationship twice and probably every time she was going to a party.

    That is not a way of behaving when you’re having a long term relationship. What do you think?

  5. You also need to think about what happens if she dies due to pregnancy/child birth. Will you raise all 3 or just your 2 motherless children?

  6. Hey there. Your relationship is supposed to be an audition for marriage, unless it's explicitly agreed that marriage is off the table.

    The first basic bar is whether your partner WANTS to marry you. If they haven't proposed after 7 years, that is strong cause-indicative that he either doesn't want to marry, or that he doesn't want to marry YOU. Doubts and hesitation should be marginal after 7 years, and with a child already in the picture.

    Even if it's a hesitance on practicality grounds (finances, etc.) 7 years is plenty of time to get all of that sort of thing sorted; and if he wants to marry you but still hasn't sorted things out, then that is strong cause-indicative that he fails another bar, which is that he's CAPABLE of sustaining a marriage with you.

    This isn't automatically all on him, though. You could be flunking the same sort of tests, because you're also auditioning. If your difficult “attitude'”is as severe as it sounds, then living with it for the rest of his life is a daunting proposition, thus your capability to sustain a marriage is also in serious question.

    The best of fortune to you three.

  7. He definitely have an addiction to porn. It sucks but it's what is happening.

    Does anybody think if I’m just really extra nice and patient and forgiving for a month that it’ll make talking about how I think this is an issue better? Like right now is NOT the moment for him to intercept this information.

    Well maybe or maybe he needs therapy. But if you're unhappy, it might be better to leave him

  8. He crossed your boundaries by coming in your mouth.

    He crossed them again by demanding you get rid of them without further discussion. Not even because of his own needs or to improve the relationship, but because his friends embarrassed him.

    That’s 3 strikes.

  9. She wanted a relationship a lot too. And she came to my city briefly with her mom so meeting her mom for a casual 10 minutes wasn't a big deal. If you're too afraid of that then it's up to you. This is another topic for another day so let's not stay on topic.

    Also, I sneaked around on her phone because she and her mom kept joking about me having another girl around at some point. And if she wouldn't have anything to hide then it should be fine.

    Anyway, you're right that if you look hot enough you can always find something that is suspicious and it's why I want to make a call wether or not to fully trust her.

  10. This is why so many women become completely wary and avoidant of backrubs. So many men only do it when they want sex.

  11. His reaction as you've described the situation sounds completely overblown and I'd definitely reassess the relationship. Does he often have such angry reactions?

    I was originally typing “reassess whether this is a healthy relationship dynamic” but regardless of his behaviour, it clearly isn't. You are 26 years old dating someone in their 30s. He has a romantic past, as will pretty much any age-appropriate partner you meet at this stage in life. It is immature to demand that they erase all evidence of it. Perhaps you need some time as a single person to work on your own self-esteem and confidence.

    I'd say it's far more disrespectful to demand someone erase cherished memories than for them to leave them as they are. Why does it make a difference that your family and friends can see them?

    Learn this now and your dating life will be much easier: a partner who has nothing good to say about any of their exes is not worth dating. They were the problem.

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