Lana , ? Olivia on keyboard! Spend an unforgettable time with us❤️ the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Lana , ? Olivia on keyboard! Spend an unforgettable time with us❤️, 18 y.o.


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Lana , ? Olivia on keyboard! Spend an unforgettable time with us❤️ live sex chat

Date: November 5, 2022

19 thoughts on “Lana , ? Olivia on keyboard! Spend an unforgettable time with us❤️ the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Wait you want him to prioritise you over his wife? Lol I know they did you wrong but be realistic nobody in a good marriage is backing a friend over their spouse

  2. Take her aside (preferably alone) and ask her what's going on. Gently point out that she seems more anxious/upset and that's leading to situations that worry you. Give her an opportunity to perhaps explain if something has angered or upset her.

  3. Listen,I get it . It’s hot feeling like you’re never good enough , etc . It just feels like you’re taking it out on your boyfriend . While yeah, he should understand how depressing it is, he made an effort . He’s on vacation & was thoughtful enough to leave you a present so you could see he cares . You could’ve literally spared a few minutes to open it before crawling back into bed .

    I have severe anxiety & depression but my feelings are my issue not my partner’s.

  4. If your friend's response is anything other than concern for you and your safety I would seriously think about why you are friends with her. There will be, and should be, fallout among the friend group and your ex but you should be surrounded by people who wouldn't think twice about ditching someone toxic and abusive like him. If you are worried about what they think of you, maybe they're not great friends. Share what you are comfortable putting out there with them but remember that what he did to you is not your fault and true friends will be there to support you even when things are messy.

  5. ESH

    it wasn't your place to do this, and you went out of your way to do it, like if it had slipped out drunk at a party or something it'd be different but you kinda sabotaged your sister's relationship

    sister needed to be honest, but if she's a serial cheater, she isn't capable of that. Everybody in here whining about “precrime” etc. should go look up stats surrounding cheaters, if sis is already a serial cheater the odds of her doing it again are basically 100%.

  6. So their plan is to live with you forever? If so, you have a decision to make eventually.

    This isolation mentality is a them problem. Moving countries requires adaption and integration.

    Emotionally guilting you both has a time limit before you both want your own lives and choices.

  7. Absolutely. But mostly when it’s super obvious.

    My father did literally 0 chores, and 0 caretaking. I noticed from a very young age that my mother was overworked.

    In a situation like OPs, I’m not sure …

  8. Have a sit down with him, explain that the chores are not just your responsibility, that you're suffering. That you're literally sick right now and he should be stepping up.

    Then you'll not be able to say he doesn't see it.

    I am literally unemployed due to my mental health being so severe. I still support my SO where I am able to (with reasonable adjustments and understanding on worse days).

  9. I would suggest to OP that if they want to know how that spa works, that they book themselve a spa day as well with the same package. That also might give him time to think about the relationship.

  10. Are you really asking this? There are a million reasons why someone might want to keep trying for the same person, that’s just love. Unfortunately however, not everybody deserves such a courtesy and OP just needs to gain a little guts and see herself for what she’s worth. If she truly values herself and her happiness, she’ll make the right choice, and it seems like it’s definitely time to call it quits. However, shaming someone for wanting to stay with somebody and try to work it out, is unnecessary. You can’t bully people into making the decision you would make for yourself.

  11. It’s not your “fantasy” that upset him, it’s you having sexual with 4 guys in front of him that has upset him- it’s not a fantasy anymore it’s reality. I can only speak for me but I doubt there is anyway to fix this. I cannot for the life of me ever understand how people think you can have a loving, caring relationship after doing something like this- it’s over. Next thing you are in a relationship- let your fantasy remain a fantasy. I would give the same advice for your partner, hopefully now he knows the emotional anguish this sort of thing can cause, and his naivety about such things have been eradicated so that in his next relationship he knows not to entertain going down this path. I cannot understand why anyone would subject themselves to this sort of abuse.

  12. Okay then end it and get into therapy. Focus on yourself and don't date until you've worked though this. Doesn't matter if it takes a long time.

  13. You can't force relationships. Just because you were willing and did put the effort into bonding with his family and friends doesn't mean he is that kind of extrovert. My husband rarely spends any time with my family (like Unless I'm going to he defiantly isn't) except for one or two hunting trips a year with my dad. Been married almost 7 years and he still calls them by first name, not mom and dad. Has spent time with my brother once alone in our marriage. Has only been to extended family gatherings maybe like 3 times and it is a regular thing. He would just rather stay home with the kids and let me go out. Its not that there is any bad blood its just his preference.

  14. I can't imagine this behavior happens in a silo. Does he often suggest things like this in other situations?

  15. Sweetheart, she does NOT want you to be healthy. If she did, she wouldn’t damage your mental wellbeing and self esteem. She WANTS you to doubt yourself and hate yourself so you are easier to control. It’s really a classic abuse strategy.

    And now that you have someone who loves you for you, she needs to ruin that too so you’ll go to her go fresh abuse because she planted the seed of doubt in your husband. She is fucked up and WANTS you to hurt. So you run back to her. So she can tell you that you deserve the pain. So you keep going back to her… because no one else will ever love you.

    Girl, run! Get therapy and never speak to her again. It feels impossible, but once you break free, you never look back. Trust me, I’ve done it.

    And if you can, try reading Out of The Fog. It will help sooo much. Google the books name and “free pdf” and you’ll get a feee copy live. The author is okay with it because it keeps people safe

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