Lali & Milo the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Lali & Milo, 20 y.o.

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Lali & Milo live sex chat

Date: October 5, 2022

6 thoughts on “Lali & Milo the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You should not be getting married if you can't make your husband happy by taking his last name. It seems like you are very independent and want to keep your identity. Which is fine but you can also hyphenate it .

  2. Well, if i'm wrong this will be absolutely devastating. But in a way i'm obviously unable to express with my words, i know without any doubt that i am right.

  3. Yeah, give him his walking papers. Maybe being served will wake him up.

    He can look for a proper Victorian housewife as he learns to do everything for himself.

  4. Listen, I tried the same with friends in the past and people won’t say this but you should know THEY WILL DO IT REGARDLESS. You can kick, scream and give them proof but if someone didn’t listen before they never will.

    Your friend doesn’t give a shit what you think, or what anyone thinks apparently. I had a similar friend and it was not worth the hassle. Close as we where, you can only be around for so much shit before people start saying the same for you as they do her.

    Cut off and dodge her. Trust, she would have listened if she cared what you think.

  5. Is this what you want your life to be like? All those love bombs come at a very steep price.

    A person like this will suck your soul out.

  6. Ride or die relationships are toxic. He can take care of himself and get all the therapy if he really wanted to, but you have a baby and a dog who have no way to protect themselves and they are the ones who genuinely need you to advocate for them. Your boyfriend is abusive. Your loyalty should not be to him, but to your child and the defenceless dog. People are angry because you are witnessing this abuse and you’re too busy being ‘poor boyfriend, poor him, he can’t help it, he has XYZ and never got ABC for it’. He is an adult now. He can address the shortcomings of his childhood for himself, you should not be pushing for him to do better. You should gather yourself and your child and get out before he does permanent damage to either or both of you, and on the way you should be calling animal protection.

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