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5 thoughts on “kymiilive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. This is heartbreaking to hear. Did your marital vows include for richer or poorer, in sickness or health? Your husband is a worthless POS. He’s a selfish asshole and you deserve someone who will support you through this. I would pack up your daughter and yourself and go back to your family and file for divorce there along with custody jurisdiction. Leave these toxic people. Don’t allow them in your house or near your child. Take a stand for yourself and rid your life of them. To be stabbed through the heart when you just want respect and a loving partner is evil. Eff him and his feelings or logic. Don’t say another thing to this vile individual. Make your escape plan and execute it.

  2. It does screw up, had it happen to me. But…not to a specific address that just happens to be a male co worker. The chances of a random screw up doing that are beyond astronomical.

  3. Why is your family siding with him? Why do they even know? It sounds like he through such a big tantrum that he has dragged even more people into it that just don’t want to be there.

    It sounds like this isn’t the first time he has been jealous and controlling in your relationship. Is this really the type of person you want to spend your life growing old with? I personally wouldn’t be able to trust someone after this with the rest of my life as I would be having to fear their reaction in every instance moving forward.

    If you feel you really want to stay and don’t want to pander to his paranoia, I’d demand couples counseling and maybe light separation at this time so he can process why he feels the need to drag you into his own taboo porn (which he should understand is completely fake) fantasies instead of rationalizing and communicating like an adult. I’d also demand you both go to individual therapy as he clearly needs it but so do you with the traumas he has inflicted.

    At this point, with his anger and demands of control (making YOU apologize for his own imagination) you should be prepared for him to say no and leave. This isn’t anything you can stop nor is it something you should to be honest. Not saying it will happen but that you should be prepared for the possibility of that outcome.

    I’m so sorry you and your family have been put in position to pander to his manic episode. I really do hope he is able to realize his absurdity and work to fix the damage it has caused.

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