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Date: October 8, 2022

20 thoughts on “Kylie-brown live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Dude sounds lazy… and it’s obviously bothered you . So if I were you I would bring this up to him that you felt let down on Xmas . Even if it sounds petty to bring up it still effected you

  2. I’m going to the the jerk here. And disagree with the point of “if it works for you”

    It’s not going to work. At best your going to build a unhealthy codependent relationship.

  3. It’s normal to feel attracted to other people. What matters is that you don’t do anything about it. Try to create automatic thought sequences for yourself that are more productive, eg. “She’s hot —> so is my gf —> I’ve had lots of flings and none have been as amazing as my gf —> I’m lucky to be with her and we’re happy and I never want to hurt her” NOT “she’s hard —> I could probably fuck her if I wanted —> ugh I’m missing out”

    You’ll probably get less horny when you age, but try to channel your horniness into your gf instead.

  4. You asked me the other day how u opened my mind up. And what I meant by that is exactly what I said. It made me feel shitty as a person to know That I had you spiraling ?I am no where near being emotionally physically or mentally stable. I wish I was more emotionally available and had more mental capacity to put the actual effort that this relationship deserves But I have to be FR . I’ve been trying so hard to live a happy life but In reality it’s draining. I enjoyed my time with you and I really really like you. But my moms right…I can’t love anyone else if I can’t love myself completely first. Thank you for all the fun long nights ?

  5. I'm not saying that this is definitely what happened, but it's possible to be mistaken about how drunk someone is. If she was walking around and speaking coherently and her brain just wasn't recording, I can believe that nobody involved is lying.

  6. God, you're a victim blaming AH. You are actually blaming your girlfriend for getting sexually assaulted. If you don't want to be with someone who was assaulted, just know that you're cutting out a 3rd of all females.

    I bet you go to funerals and tell the family the deceased deserved it and could have prevented it.

  7. You need to remove yourself from this situation. This woman is using you for emotional support but has no intention of ever dating you. She keeps you around because you do stuff for her and are always there for her. That said, you do the same in reverse. You are there for her in the hope she’ll date you one day so everything becomes transactional. Your reaction was also OTT. You should have taken a break from the friendship until you processed the news. All the yelling and accusations are not helping anyone. Bottom line, if you want this person in your life, you have to accept she will only see you as a friend. Personally, I think it’s a very unhealthy relationship.

  8. Obvious to fart harder to create such a problem where both might suggest a open window, fans etc to cope. If not at least establish dominance that you have the superior colon

  9. He's probably already cheating or planning on cheating and using 'opening up the relationship' as a cover-up. Head for the hills.

  10. It's not anywhere near that simple in cases of a man making a woman have a baby. Reproductive coercion and domestic violence are huge barriers to abortion. I've worked with many women who were coerced into not having an abortion under threat of harm to themselves and/or their loved ones, as well as women for whom domestic violence became even more severe during pregnancy and they were too afraid to obtain an abortion. Also women whose partners controlled their every move and finances, making obtaining an abortion something they could not do.

    Just because abortion is legal doesn't mean it's possible, safe, or easy.

  11. That linked thread was posted 3 days ago, so it was posted first. If the first is fake, then why did the 'real one' here from OP post after?

    I think both of these posts are fake

  12. It doesn't sound like there's been any actual compromise. It sounds like you're reaching far outside YOUR comfort zone to please him and he's put his fetish above his respect for you by secretly indulging in it. If he's going to jerk off to robots anyway, then why should you continue with the fantasy at all? Also, the control aspect is a huge red flag and when sex is involved, it can get bad very quickly. Sex is an important part of relationships, especially as you get older together and the most important thing a couple needs in their sex life is mutual respect and trust. If you don't feel like you do, then you should probably think about breaking things off.

  13. Yeah he pounded it into your psyche that you were just as broken as he is to try to bring you down to his level emotionally. If you don't feel strong, healthy, confident, worthy of love, or whole, you're less likely to leave and they can't deal with people leaving them; it just reminds them of how small they are.

    I don't want to butt into your conversation with amidtheprimalthings but everything you said really resonated with me as well, I had to leave an abuser who was a lot like your little brother and it's just so freeing to escape from someone who uses their toxicity and manipulation to drag you down so they can look down on you from above. For me the worst part is knowing that he's doing the same thing to the woman he married, but she won't listen to evidence of him being abusive. I hate that the story is going to keep repeating itself until he dies, because he refuses to work on himself in any capacity.

    But reading posts like yours help. Thank you ❤️

  14. If you're not ready to cut them off, then you're equally unready for a committed relationship. Your partner deserves someone who understands the necessity of growing up and maturing enough to recognize that your family is out of line. As long as your strategy is to allow their disrespect rather than putting your foot down for the sake of your relationship, you need to remain single, only have fwb, etc.

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