Kylefoxx live sex chats for YOU!


5 thoughts on “Kylefoxx live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/ThrowRA_LostMoon,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

    Your title did not include at least two ages/genders or was not formatted correctly

    Posts must:

    include details about the involved parties including ages, genders, and length of relationship, and

    request advice in real situations involving two or more people

    We are enforcing the two rules listed above by making all titles start with ages/genders in the following format:

    [##X][##X], [## X][## X], or [##-X][##-X] where ## is the age and X is the gender (currently M, F, T, A, NB, FTM, MTF but more can be added). You can have more than two ages/genders listed, but you must have at least two at the beginning of your title. Here is an example:

    [34NB][88-F] We are two people in an example post

    Please resubmit with a corrected title.

    I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  2. People do some strange things when under stress, and a break up, especially one that perhaps neither of you anticipated or even wanted is especially stressful. I can’t say for certain what his intentions really were but he may not have intended to actually do anything. Certainly from what you’ve written I don’t think he actually views you as so easily replaceable regardless of how it superficially seems.

    Take things slowly, talk it through, be open and honest and build the trust again. Maybe it will work, maybe it won’t, but I get the feeling here this has got way out of control. If you can, professional help might be a way. Go with your instincts on this though and good luck.

  3. “Hey, who are you texting?”

    If he replies with something like, “Oh, nobody.”

    Reply back with, “Really? I just notice that you've texted this person a lot.”

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