KristinaAmour on-line sex chats for YOU!


Could be time here so crazy ? šŸ˜€ [10000 tokens remaining]

Date: October 4, 2022

22 thoughts on “KristinaAmour on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. True love doesnā€™t come by easily and it sounds like you and your bf have a good thing going. Your parents will either learn to accept it or they wonā€™t. Itā€™s unfortunate your parents are so racist but thatā€™s their problem not yours. I feel your parents would eventually come around. This is your chance to show your parents they cannot guilt or manipulate you into doing what they want. This may be an opportunity to open their eyes of the error of their racist ways eventually. Either way make a decision – donā€™t keep your bf around if youā€™re unsure of what you want as thatā€™s unfair to him! Wishing you the best.

  2. I have no need to bait people for responses, I didnā€™t even want to disclose that we met on a sugar dating website in the first place. I got downvoted to hell just for saying I didnā€™t want to talk about how we met. I get how this may be difficult to understand, but everything Iā€™ve said has been true.

  3. You are insecure…without solving this you won't accept that someone watch porn and that it doesn't have anything to do with you. Did you try to watch yourself? There are so many different kinds maybe you like it and you will know that it's not cheating or about your partner.

  4. Jesus

    If I had to guess, she used you to get to a better country than her home country, you were willing to support her and have the means to do so. You are a stepping stone for her and now after sheā€™s had this child, sprinkle in some PPD on-top of this deceptive mess, sheā€™s gone totally unhinged

    She wants to keep you around so you can keep paying the bills, take care of the kid while she goes out and lives her life gobbling all the dicks within the local population.

    I do not see any reason to stay with her. Divorce and let one of the other men she is seeing, bankroll her.

    The child will be infinitely better off in a single parent household where this woman is not any type of role model to an impressionable child. If your concern is protecting the child, you need to leave this woman

  5. Tell the wife, itā€™s always better to know the truth. I always wished someone had told me about my exā€™s affair.

  6. Give your fiancĆ© some space and time to process his feelings. Itā€™s normal to be distant and cold after such a heated argument, and pushing him to be affectionate or communicative might only make things worse. Instead, show him through your actions that you are committed to making things right.

    Let him know that you're willing to listen to him when he's ready to talk, but don't pressure him to open up before he's ready.

    Until then, focus on taking care of yourself and your baby.

  7. Iā€™m so sorry this is happening to you and your son. Please start documenting everything and consult with a family lawyer. Thereā€™s not going back from this and your priority needs to be protecting your son- eventually heā€™ll end up the target of her abuse if this goes on

  8. Except it isn't the case here allas she sucked face with OP. If you don't want it you don't kiss back simple as that.

  9. “I feel like there's a step somewhere that I haven't figured out yet.”

    There might be – and it's usually the first, or, in a case like this where friends set you up, at least very early. It's the step where you actually feel attracted to this person (and him to you).

    Do you want to be dating this guy? You sound mostly indifferent here, except when you say, “Im ready to do more with this person.” Neither of you seemed excited to proclaim that you are dating when someone asked. Why do you want to do more when it doesn't sound like you're attracted to him? You don't have much in common, conversations are awkward – what is actually working about this relationship and/or what do you actually like about him? Do you actually feel like you want to spend time with him? It sounds more like you like the idea of dating someone (maybe?) than you're actually into this particular guy, but maybe I'm not reading your post right.

    This is how dating usually goes – most people most of us date are not going to be compatible, and a lot of them will be obviously incompatible from the start or very early on, so you should expect to have a lot of dates with people with whom you just don't match very well. When that happens, wish each other well and move on; you don't need to keep dating someone you're not into – in fact, I'd argue it's cruel to everyone involved to stay with someone you know you're not interested in – to appease your friends who set you up or are excited about the possiblity.

  10. You break up and say you could be friends one day but you both need many months to get over one another.

  11. Itā€™s not like they are diagnosing cancer. If someone says they donā€™t like spiders, itā€™s pretty safe to say they have arachnophobia, even without a degree in psychology.

  12. the goal is to be happy

    Yet instead of just being happy, you're thinking of how to win one over him. Nothing good can come from this.

  13. I donā€™t think you are overthinking it, I think your ā€œfriendā€ is shallow, callous, and cruel.

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