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5 thoughts on “kiyoo_sanlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Personally I'm ok with the idea of converting my religion, so long as there is no expectation I do more beyond that. No, I will not go to Church. I will not pray before every meal. If you want to get into a debate with me, it will be very apparent I am not actually Christian.

    If she's ok with that, I think it's still reasonable. Lots of other cultures require it for interracial marriages.

  2. I think there was signs there but you probably ignored them… But this behavior is crazy and unhealthy… You should consider either therapy for him/you both or leaving

  3. It’s okay to set boundaries in friendships. If her dating/sex life is exhausting you, it’s okay to say you don’t want to talk about it with her anymore. Or set a time limit on the length of time she can vent to you.

    But you will not save her from this issue no matter what you do. It sounds like there are some complex mental health issues going on. Those are not yours to resolve. The responsibility of a friend is to support and love your friend thru their problems, not solve them, and not to the detriment of your own mental health.

    She’s drowning and if you jump in the water with her, she’ll drown you too. Throw her a lifeline, but do not get into the water!

    And fwiw, while I understand what you mean when you call her a “hoe”, it’s not very helpful or productive language. Your friend is hurting real bad and it sounds like she has an emptiness she just can’t fill. Try to have a little more empathy and compassion, even if it’s as you walk away. Which you would be within reason to do.

  4. This isn't a question anyone else can answer for you, you either decide that You want to be with him as he is, or you don't.

    It's possible for someone to be a great person but not the right person for you, if he isn't able to give you what you need from a relationship, it's neither of your fault, you're just not compatible. It all comes down to what you both need from a partner.

    Good luck on figuring this out, there isn't much outsiders from your relationship can do to help with this I think.

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