Kitty, ❤️and❤️Jake the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Kitty, ❤️and❤️Jake, 19 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Kitty, ❤️and❤️Jake

Kitty, ❤️and❤️Jake on-line sex chat

Date: October 10, 2022

16 thoughts on “Kitty, ❤️and❤️Jake the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You've already gotten a lot of comments explaining that these meds often take time to settle (like months), that sometimes finding the right dosage or drug involves a lot of trial and error, and urging patience. So I'm not going to repeat all of those very good points, but I do want to tell you my experience, in case it helps you have more empathy for what your wife is going through.

    I was also a very sensitive, very empathetic person. I had these soaring emotional highs where I adored everyone around me and felt like I could do anything, inevitably followed by periods of such black misery I could barely get out of bed. It came to a head when I was around 25 – I never made an attempt on my life, but I certainly thought about it – and with my husband's support, I finally sought help. I was diagnosed with bipolar II and put on a mood-stabilizing drug that I firmly believe saved my life.

    The first few months were weird. I felt sort of wrapped in bubble wrap – nothing hurt me, but nothing could really get through to me, either. My libido dwindled and my sense of humor seemed to take a vacation. Fortunately, my partner was extremely patient. He went out of his way to educate himself on my illness and my medications, and stayed by my side without pushing. He did advocate for himself when my distance was too much – and I made an effort to make him feel loved and wanted – but he never suggested I stop the meds or that my diagnosis was wrong.

    After around 3 months, I noticed a change. I could kind of feel things again. No dizzying highs, but no crashing lows, and I was enjoying my friends and life more than I had for a while. The best way I can describe it is like my brain chemistry had been a Ferrari – fast and fun, but temperamental and unreliable – and now it was a Toyota Camry. Not so speedy or sexy, but it got me where I needed to go and stopped breaking down on me. Once I had this realization, and felt stable enough to put in some work, I started seeing a great therapist who taught me coping techniques to turn the volume down when things started getting out of hand. I also invited my husband to join me, and he learned ways to let me know (in a supportive, nonconfrontational way) if he saw my mania or depression creeping in again. I trusted that he wouldn't wield that against me, and he trusted that I would make an effort to listen and see his perspective.

    With those coping techniques, after about 18 months, I felt strong enough to try to go off the meds, with my doctor's careful guidance. I tapered off very slowly, and things went mostly fine. There were days when it was overwhelming to feel things again, but I used my coping techniques, cared for myself as well as I could, and let my partner help me. I've now been mostly off meds for close to a decade, minus a prescription I take infrequently when my anxiety is very strong.

    TL;DR The two main threads running through my story are time and my partner's support. I won't say it wasn't ever hard on us, but he reminded me often that he was in it for the long haul and would do whatever was needed to help me recover. I feel stronger and more myself today than I would have thought possible back then, and after helping my husband through some long term medical issues of his own, I know that we have each other's backs in a really concrete way. I hope you can find a way to support your wife and be patient while she works on healing. A temporary adjustment period could lead to a future where your love for each other is based on mutual trust, affection, and demonstrated support – and stronger than ever.

  2. No, he is a bad person (just like the sister). He couldn’t even have some basic respect for his dead wife.

  3. And it's true.

    You're saying sane good people want to hold real guns to crying women's heads in order to get aroused?

  4. Your feelings are valid because they are yours but he’s also entitled to his. There is no “magic” way to get over resentment you just need to realize that it’s not healthy or productive to focus on perceived unfairness. Nothing stops you from having a get together with your friends after the baby or even while you’re pregnant.

  5. Propoganda…. Look up ENM because that's not what this is. His wife is a lying manipulative cheat.

  6. I know…. I was just being sarcastic about the abs comment honestly. I guess my point was, he’s risking his health for looks…. Which honestly the body he has on steroids isn’t worth it. It’s not much different looking than when he isn’t.

  7. Hi! Sorry for long update. A lot of things happened yesterday that I needed to think about. Shortly, I met M. nest morning after my flight. He looked upset. When I asked him to tell me what happened, it was clear that this situation was unpleasant for him. He seemed ashamed. Basically, he could not say exactly when she came, because he fell asleep almost immediately after his head touched the pillow. He woke up when he felt that someone was touching him. She tried to give him handjob, but he just couldn't get hot. He said “no” a few times, but he didn't actively resist. All that time she was on top of him. As soon as she got up, he ran away. When I asked him about the kiss, he got confused. He said that he was not sure that there was a kiss or not. And when he called me at night he was still drunk, which was true. Regarding A., I've tried to text her a few more times and eventually she blocked me. I've been thinking about calling her, but I'm not sure if this is a good idea. She's clearly not interested in talking with me about anything

  8. Right? Like yes let’s do an arm implant, because that’s “less permanent” than an IUD. In what world??

  9. Oh, I see. My heathens would say the same, but they become absolute animals without rules. All three of them are a bit mad…and their offspring? Jesus.

  10. Too many people treating this like a game to farm karma and just replying with what they know will get upvotes instead of actually considering different angles.

    Sometimes I hate this subreddit.

  11. I really appreciate that so much. Sometimes, when these extremely wrong things happen, such as finishing myself off!!! I feel delusional. For getting upset at them.

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