Kitana55 live! sex cams for YOU!


GET VERY HOT , ♥♥ [Multi Goal]

Date: October 26, 2022

112 thoughts on “Kitana55 live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Tell her this. I'm sure she'll break up with you so you can go find another woman to start a relationship and have kids with. Do it sooner rather than later as your wasting her time.

  2. Oh this makes my heart ache. I just want to share stuff in case it somehow helps but might by useless or already known. I heard recently from a psychologist that recently studies indicate most (like something over 90%?) of our serotonin is from food. I’m mentioning it because I know ssri target serotonin. I guess it’s important because a lot of stuff about gut bacteria and our mental health is poorly understood and that there are some thoughts from this it might be so incredibly important that we should be recommending people to nutritionalists as well as psychologists. Not sure if it’s an avenue that might be something to explore.

  3. They will most likely be judged less harshly than someone older for many crimes, yes.

    People that age literally are worse at critically thinking about future and consequences than older people.

    They also Don't have the experience to navigate adult life.

    Dude, you are evil.

  4. You don't, this is a HIM thing.

    >>His response was to get angrier and insist there's no excuse for me not to always speak to him.

    I would find this utterly exhausting. It's demanding, it's intrusive, it's controlling, it isn't taking your needs into account but only his? You're already bending over backwards to do stuff that only leaves you available to him when he wants your attention? Your partner is my age-mate, and I cast exreme side-eye upon his teenage behavior here. I'm not a morning person at all, and don't want to talk. This is OK. You can't control how your SO sees you; that's on him. You can draw boundaries. “Hey, I need x time to do x. I'm grieved that you feel upset, but I won't have you blowing up at my like this anymore. There is actually an excuse for me not to talk to you sometimes, which is sometimes I don't want to talk and I want to do other things. I won't accept you making a big deal out of a totally normal thing anymore. It feels controlling to me and I won't have it.”

  5. This shit ain’t gonna go away. Ditch the family or talk to your girl. It’s all going to be a big oof, plus with DNA testing these days the kids gonna find out about you one way or another, might as well rip off the bad aid now.

  6. Funnily enough I used to do that as well – but more out of embarrassment than anything nefarious.

    I like watching pimple popping videos. It was my guilty pleasure and god forbid if anyone – including my wife – found out about it. Not sure why I felt that way but I did. But my reactions where the same as your husband. Not sure why I did it but I did it.

    The closest I can come to to explain it was embarrassment.

    Until one day she showed me one and I found out that she also watched them. Now I don't need to hide watching them.

    It “could” be as innocent as that.

  7. It is absolutely normal to fantasize about different people. It does not mean you're catching feelings for this other guy, just that you find him attractive. Enjoy the fantasy, no boundaries have been crossed.

  8. Find out which agency in your county handles child support. Most of it is handled at the county level and follows a flat calculation.

  9. 1 – 1 = 0 may be sad but that doesn't make it any less true. What I'm saying may sound depressing believe me my feelings are a result of the situation not the other way around.

  10. Hello /u/Jesus_Gonzalo. We do not allow submissions that involve minors. Should you have any questions, or if you feel this was in error please contact our mod team.

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  11. There has to be other times that they have been horrible. This is abuse! This isn’t just being mean it’s actually abusive. Block her AND your aunt. You shouldn’t ever feel bad about it. I would have called adult protective services for your grandpa who was being neglected and denied medical care.

  12. I met my wife eight years ago, she was my boss. We have a six year age gap. We make jokes about how it lol I'm 34 she's 28. When we met she was just Turning 21, I was 25. Now we have twin six years. If it works for you, who cares. You're in college, shits stressful enough. Have fun who know what the future looks like. Cheers

  13. Husband doesn’t realize he LOST your trust, and really hasn’t EARNED it back yet.

    Remind your husband, even if it upsetting, you need to communicate with each other. Talk through issues as a couple. Stay strong, you provided a good compromise.

  14. Speaking as someone on antidepressants; it can take months to even out. And lots of time to find what works. I know that I need my meds to stay healthy. I don't think I'll ever be capable of going without… That may not be her case. I would caution you to give things time though. Mental health can be a tough nut to crack.

  15. I stay closeted and wait til I can trust random strangers before I tell them I'm a lesbian. I guess I'm also deceiving everyone around me for choosing when to disclose private information ? Lmao

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  18. Can we stop it with thw while “brain development” excuse?.

    Many people on their early 20s are able to have adult conversations whitout a problem, there is also many people well into their 40s that still behave like the GF.

    Biology should not be your guide to “adult” behaviour, specially conaidering that pretty much every animal species is expected to take care of themselves before they are fully developed.

  19. Hello /u/SwordArm,

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  20. Men need to stop being so threatened by toys and understand that jackhammering their dick does NOTHING.

    You shouldn't have lied to him, but he also has no right to say you're too difficult because he can't make you cum with just his dick.

  21. Date someone your own damn age instead of someone flighty and immature. Far less likely that a woman of 40 acts like this.

  22. He's not forgetting. He knows exactly what he's doing, and he doesn't give a shit about your comfort or boundaries.

    That's not a healthy relationship.

  23. I don’t really see the point of remaining engaged permanently… but, if she doesn’t want to get married, I just need to hear that. I’d be fine with calling it off and remaining a couple. I would also be good with separating to give her space. But, yes, just sitting in this weird spot and pretending everything is fine feels like a daily rejection.

  24. You're not going to be able to hide this condition from him. So my only advise is to try to tell him about it so he can at least try to understand what's going on.

    Considered telling him in writing?

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  27. “You don't ever wanna do anything with me” “You'd rather play video games”

    May I suggest… playing a game together? There's lots of different genres and it could end up being a lot of fun. Years ago I was the girlfriend who got annoyed with being ignored for games, until i got into games too and realized how fun they are to play.

  28. Some said it might've been an ego thing of expecting to win the talent show and getting miserable when someone else did and Kate getting an opportunity to work with my producer friend that she wouldn't have had if she hadn't had the talent show, possibly toppled with the fact that she compared Kate's opportunity to how she tried to publish in the past and couldn't. No injuries or anything, but she expected to win

  29. I think he should know, but you should’ve left it for your sister to tell him if/when she wanted to. Your sister deserves to be happy despite her past and you can’t honestly be surprised she’s not talking to you..

    Were her other relationships serious? How long ago was she in a relationship?

    I understand people think once a cheater always a cheater, but if her other relationships were more like time passers, cheating is still wrong, but it’s different than finding someone you actually want to be with.

  30. You think it’s funny when you called us children? You need to stop man. You know why you two went to hot beach because you two talked and worked it out beforehand. I mean are you forgetting that part where you spoke with your SO about it? If you two found a hobby to go hot beach and liked it? Cool story man. Now focus on OP’s feelings. It’s about him not you. Grow up.

  31. Working things out only works out when there's a plan for working things out. Would you be willing to devote 3 weekends (including all of Saturday and all of Sunday) to your relationship?

    Maybe one for him – devoted to all of the rehashing that he wants to do, with you going along with however he wants the two of you to process things.

    And one for you, where any complaints about the past are off-limits, and you get to decide (with his input) what a good future weekend might include.

    And then one for a couple's retreat – where you check out what's available together, and then go and follow the process that the organizes have developed to help bring couples together.

  32. Working things out only works out when there's a plan for working things out. Would you be willing to devote 3 weekends (including all of Saturday and all of Sunday) to your relationship?

    Maybe one for him – devoted to all of the rehashing that he wants to do, with you going along with however he wants the two of you to process things.

    And one for you, where any complaints about the past are off-limits, and you get to decide (with his input) what a good future weekend might include.

    And then one for a couple's retreat – where you check out what's available together, and then go and follow the process that the organizes have developed to help bring couples together.

  33. Your wife is jealous of your ex. She's got some feelings of insecurity and they're displaying unfortunately not in the best way.

    She is giving water excuses and they're not floating so well.

    She is probably hoping that now that your kids are older, she can push the four of them out of your immediate sphere.

    Your wife seems to act like but hasn't accepted that your ex is always going to be in your life due to the three children you share.

  34. Yeah, agreed.

    I was in a very similar situation as you, OP. I started dating a man 7 years older than me when I was 18. He was 25 and ready to settle down and I had no idea what I was doing. I struggled with a lot of the same feelings as you during that relationship and we ended it 6 months after my 21st birthday. Eventually, we ended up getting back together and I'm now almost 28, happy, and engaged, but if I hadn't taken those 18 months to live my life and experience being 20-something we would have never worked out. Even now, after 5 years underneath our belt, the age difference comes up and causes problems but he's respectful of the fact I'm still in my 20s.

    This is a long winded way of saying move out, online your life, experience being 25. If you get back together in the future, great, but if you don't do this you will regret it and things likely won't last.

  35. I have. Granted, I'm disabled and have a lot of health crap now, but my mom was there when both of my babies were born, was there for and after my kidney surgery, has consistently been there for me and my kids with health stuff and whatever.

    I go with her to hers when her husband can't make it and was there when she got her cancer diagnosis. We check in weekly, and we update each other on all the health crap.

  36. In what way did you “blow it” on the date?

    If you don't think it's worth dating people you like (and who seem to like you) because “there's prettier options” then why date at all?

    If you want to get to know him better then keep in touch while he's traveling and when he comes back ask him out.

  37. In what way did you “blow it” on the date?

    If you don't think it's worth dating people you like (and who seem to like you) because “there's prettier options” then why date at all?

    If you want to get to know him better then keep in touch while he's traveling and when he comes back ask him out.

  38. I really have to agree. If he REALLY loved her.. he wouldn’t be living the life she always wanted with him right in her face with someone else. I cannot imagine for one second that kind of pain.

  39. Make a discord group and invite them all except for him.

    Hangout with them without him.

    Basically just do the same and exclude him? Why let him decide whether you can interact with them or not?

  40. feelings do not need to be justified, they are not even things that are chosen; they are things that happen to us, not a part of us.

  41. I guess it felt sort of contradictory to me at first but i'm starting to understand it better now. Thank you

  42. This is helpful. Thank you. Theres a 50% of stuff that he says that is helpful and a another 50% that is painful. Thats why I feel so confused by all of this. Does this tactic have a name in psychology terms ? I would like to see how many boxes he checks.

  43. Unfortunately, you can't make everyone happy all the time.

    In this case, she took a solvable problem and turned it into a dramatic episode, and she's not letting it go. I don't know enough about her, but you may have a sense if she's had an “I'm the victim” mindset in other ways, or tried to “make mountains out of molehills” as the saying goes.

    You can't fix someone else. You can only point out what's going on, and decide if you want to be around someone who acts that way.

  44. You need professional help – above Reddit’s pay grade.

    As a quick start – take a look at mindful meditation. Train yourself to mindfully move your thoughts away from female body building. See these things as a picture that you paint over with black paint and imagine your gf in a sexy picture instead.

    Thank your gf for how much she loves you. The point was that you stopped loving her for herself and started loving her for her body. Note there is NOTHING wrong in loving her for herself snd her body but not as a part of a fetish.

    Tell her how much you love and appreciate her often!!!


  45. My man thinks porn is real life…

    At 20 years old the fact that he's being open about what he's uncomfortable with and communicating it to you is miles ahead of where most men (and probably most women too) are at this age.

    If you sense he still seems uncomfortable find some time when you and he will be alone and undisturbed an talk through it some more. Ask him where he heard that this is something that happens, why he thinks you would be interested in that behavior, etc.

  46. Genuinely the first time someone said that to me I was 17 in boot camp bitching about my dad beating my ass if I failed. This girl was like “you know you could just never talk to them again, right? If they suck.” And it was like a million lightbulbs went off in my head. OP’s family sounds abusive asf and it’s hot to break up with psycho family

  47. You’re an idiot. Don’t talk to or engage with Alex. It’s that simple. Just like seeing someone you graduated with at the grocery store. Just go the opposite way.

    Why do you need advice when your bf literally told you it made him uncomfortable.

    Put yourself in your BFs shoes then do what you would want him to do. It’s that fucking easy

  48. First. Tell him his genes are weak. Yours are dominant. Second. Get paternity to prove it to his dumb ass. Third. Rub in his face again that his genes are weak. Like fragile egg and your genes ? crushed them like a soft elephant stomp.

  49. There isn't much you can do, you've told her your feelings, she knows where you're at and she's been very clear to you that she wants to be single or to see where things go with this new guy…

    My suggestion would be to let her go, move on, and if it's meant to be, maybe you guys will come back around and get another chance

  50. I just think OP obviously wasn’t okay with these men being around his kids and he for whatever reason didn’t speak up. I think both parents should want to meet the significant other of the ex they’re coparenting with and both should want their own significant other to meet their ex.

  51. If you’re even in a relationship where you literally have a SET OF RULES to avoid angering one another, just leave. That’s not healthy and it’s not gonna change overnight or just bc you stay.

  52. Saying this:

    Within these two months he’s probably spent over $2,500 between dates and gifts.

    Spoils me

    And than this:

    being the other woman morally goes against everything I know is right.

    Doesn't make you look better. You are in this relationship while you know he has a wife, he still wore his wedding band even though he is “seperated”. Either you want justification for what you are doing or you are immensely stupid for your age.

  53. Me saying use your head is not degrading. I was being sarcastic. I did not mean to be rude. So you did get her flowers, that's fine. I must have missed that part. Moving forward if you find yourself swamped with work or whatever, at least you have phone aka reminder apps so you try to keep your thoughts organised using it especially things that come from your lady. It will help to prevent awkward scenarios like this.

  54. An hour outside of TO is lovely. I loved an hour outside TO in the Orangeville area. I miss it. And the commute becomes ok. And it puts her closer to Niagara Falls which you can then cross the border to NY any time she wants. I’d be pushing that one, if you decide to remain married. One sided decisions rarely result in anything but resentment.

  55. EDIT: After telling her I wanted a divorce, she did a complete 180 in her behavior. She apologized for her behavior, and said she should’ve known better then to talk to me like that. She has removed any accounts of mine that she snoops on, and banks too. She’s never done this before, so I don’t know if I should consider it progress or just a facade.

  56. All of his family are very business oriented his father taught all of them from when were very young how to run a business and all the ins and outs of a business in general, but he still has advisors and a whole team of people to help with the day to day stuff

  57. He apologized for your feelings !!!!! that’s not an apologizing for what he did. There’s so many red flags with this guy I really think you should go back home to your pet family and your dogs get into therapy and figure out why you would date someone who treat you like this. This is gaslighting so hot he doesn’t take you to dates and he’s telling you that you need to be nicer and appreciate him. Girl just walk away this guy is an empty vessel he will just keep taking. One date in six months ???? yeah he doesn’t care about how you feel.

  58. Imo groomer is a better term. Yes, pedophiles also groom their victims obviously, but predators who are attracted to children and predators who go for young girls because they're easy to control are two different problems that require different solutions on a societal level. Calling all groomers of underage people pedophiles is problematic because it paints a false picture of what motivates them.

  59. You just say hey dad I got to talk to you about something in private. Me and my buddies were fucking around and we took a DNA test and I’m half Chinese. Are you have Chinese too? Is Mom?

  60. Yeah, it's kinda weird to go from “my FWB I've known a long time is being annoying” to “he's actively putting me at risk and is extremely disrespectful”. Either way, I'm not gonna put up with it anymore.

  61. He’s a loser and is only making your life worse. Dump him and find a partner with some maturity and who will help carry the weight.

  62. YTA. I know wrong thread but are you and your wife actually 12?

    Do you two actually think you’re going to become real brothers and sisters?

    You are not stepbrothers or stepsisters because you never grew up together.

    You are not going to become biological brothers or sisters just because they’re in a relationship. You aren’t children forced to grow up together.

    There’s no law against this, apart from stepchildren not allowed to marry each other if they met before the youngest was 18 and were living together in the family home. But that’s to stop grooming, like stopping the older stepchild from grooming the much younger one, not incestous relationship. This is U.K. law, not sure about anywhere else. But if you met when you were both over 18, it’s all good.

    Unless you did groom your wife? How old were you two when you started dating?

  63. YTA. I know wrong thread but are you and your wife actually 12?

    Do you two actually think you’re going to become real brothers and sisters?

    You are not stepbrothers or stepsisters because you never grew up together.

    You are not going to become biological brothers or sisters just because they’re in a relationship. You aren’t children forced to grow up together.

    There’s no law against this, apart from stepchildren not allowed to marry each other if they met before the youngest was 18 and were living together in the family home. But that’s to stop grooming, like stopping the older stepchild from grooming the much younger one, not incestous relationship. This is U.K. law, not sure about anywhere else. But if you met when you were both over 18, it’s all good.

    Unless you did groom your wife? How old were you two when you started dating?

  64. YTA. I know wrong thread but are you and your wife actually 12?

    Do you two actually think you’re going to become real brothers and sisters?

    You are not stepbrothers or stepsisters because you never grew up together.

    You are not going to become biological brothers or sisters just because they’re in a relationship. You aren’t children forced to grow up together.

    There’s no law against this, apart from stepchildren not allowed to marry each other if they met before the youngest was 18 and were living together in the family home. But that’s to stop grooming, like stopping the older stepchild from grooming the much younger one, not incestous relationship. This is U.K. law, not sure about anywhere else. But if you met when you were both over 18, it’s all good.

    Unless you did groom your wife? How old were you two when you started dating?

  65. You’re not contributing much beyond finances apparently. She’s 8 months pregnant so she is exhausted and in pain and is fully responsible for everything else including childcare.

    You need to step up.

  66. Something about reading these posts only to find out the OP didn’t go off on their souse absolutely enrages me every single time- what do you mean what should I do??????

  67. Ugh. The “I don’t know why I’m like this” line is such bullshit.

    “Yeah, I don’t know why you’re like this either, but the fact is you are. That’s completely unacceptable, and it stops now.”

    “First off, you already know exactly where I stand on this topic: I’m only interested in a monogamous relationship. So sleeping with someone else = cheating, and cheating = break up.”

    “Second, you’ve brought this topic up multiple times now. You’re nowhere near as subtle as you think you are, and it’s usually in a humiliatingly public way. That, too, is completely unacceptable.”

    “Third, you need to make a decision. You want to sleep with other women? Tell me now, and we’ll break up and you can have at it. But if you want to stay in a relationship with me? Then that means fully committing to monogamy, apologizing to me for being an ass, and promising to never even hint at cheating ever again.”

    “So what’s it going to be?”

  68. the only real solutions are either leave him or do it and tell him. you said it yourself, you don’t want a baby rn and you don’t even see yourself being w him long term. it’ll be better to do what’s best for your life bc, while it’s also his child, it’s your life. you can’t give up the only life you have for someone else.

  69. Open marriages always seem to go the same way. First either the partner that proposed it is already cheating or has somebody in mind and wants your permission to go after them. Second, the partner will go out and screw anything that moves but if you find even one person to spend time with, they’ll freak out and demand to close the marriage again.

    Seeing as you have small children and probably do the majority of the childcare, your husband likely thinks that you’ll be stuck at home with them while he’s out living it up. If you find a regular babysitter and start going out too, expect him to have a problem with it.

  70. They also just keep saying “a long time ago” but it sounds like they’ve known each other since they were kids. If this was like two kids messing around in high school, that would be pretty different to me than if it happened when they were 22.

  71. It could also be that it tempts her to be herself when she feels like she's not herself sometimes with me and to have that freedom. But she doesn't know if she really wants that or to be with me and she needs time for that? This is the reason and I don't know how to respond to it. I'm not directly number 2, she's just deciding what she chooses. I don't know, what do you think?

  72. Op that poster sounds like an immature child with the “sound insecure” bs. That's just manipulative and toxic expecting people to read your mind and react to things the way you want them to. There's better advice here.

    Definitely be clear and upfront. You don't kiss other people (irregardless of gender) when in a monogamous relationship. You're not wrong for feeling bad about it. Your feelings are perfectly valid and your wife should have known better. Talk to her. It's up to her to ask for your forgiveness and make reparations on the damage she did to your relationship. Be it couples therapy or whatever will make you feel secure in your relationship again.

  73. Leave in silence. Let him suffocate without your contact. And go get tested if you feel need the peace of mind. He will try to contact you till the end of the world, don’t give into power, he will do this again trust me.

  74. So when your daughter is 18 are you going to go to the wedding of her forty year old husband?

  75. Leave in silence. Let him suffocate without your contact. And go get tested if you feel need the peace of mind. He will try to contact you till the end of the world, don’t give into power, he will do this again trust me.

  76. I'm going to assume that they knew the day of your graduation. Even if they've been planning this wedding for a couple of years, graduations are usually held on the same day or the same weekend each year. Your brother could have simply set his wedding a day or two after your graduation instead of actually on it. I kind of feel like it was done on purpose.

    Do not set yourself on fire to keep your family warm. Go to your graduation, have a great time. And live your life for yourself and not for their approval or in fear of their displeasure. Because they will always find something to be displeased about

  77. He wants you to think he’s the only person who can make you feel confident. He wants you to feel like you need him, like no one else will ever appreciate you. It’s an abusive tactic.

  78. If you think she’s attractive and comfortable with it, go for it. She’s being upfront about wanting to be a strictly sexual relationship though, so if you don’t want that or think you’d enjoy that, i wouldn’t do it. You’re an adult and can make your choices, and you can always choose to not continue if you find out it’s not for you. The idea that a 19 year old adult is being groomed by another 32 year adult only exists on Reddit. If you’re comfortable with it, go for it.

  79. One would hope he had a photographic memory, because if it were me he were “making fun of”, he'd not see my nether regions again.

    He needs to do better. You deserve better. That's all the advice I have.

  80. I never cheated, but I fucked many cheaters in my time. The mental gymnastics they put themselves through to justify their behaviours is wild.

    One girl even got verbally abused by her boyfriend and asked me what she did to deserve such treatment. I was like….loool what do you think?

    Sorry for the dudes, but yknw what, they came onto me and it's not my issue. Ghost them shortly after though.

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