Kinky_sex_live sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “Kinky_sex_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. As someone who has seen most people around me being ignorant about disabilities and mocking them (especially for mental ones) I really hope anyone with such issues can have the best care… it's optimistic but one can hope. I for one wish none of my close ones get it…as someone who has been halfway disabled on my leg (I had snapped it in half and took a lot of time to almost recover to normal… still have some troubles sitting cross-legged but that's it. But my family was very caring, my grandma would send mom to take me to school and my mom literally screamed at some kids laughing at it to shutting them down. None of my family members were embarrassed by it or blame me even though I broke it by a bit of reckless cycling.) I can somewhat understand how important it is to have support from your family, when I was recovering, my mom and grandma would take full care of my needs the whole 3-4 months.

  2. Why are you letting him make these rules? What do you think he will do if you break his rules? Are you scared of him on some level?

    You mentioned his “expectation” that you provide dinner even if you go to the gym. What about your expectations? I think you should start expecting as much of him as he expects from you.

    I think you should start to expect him to prepare his own meals however many nights you want. (I’d say to expect him to provide dinner for you both, the way you do for him, but I think that will end up with you either having no food or food you dislike).

    Buy yourself some frozen dinners or whatever else you want to eat that is super easy, and tell him which nights you expect him to fend for himself. Give him a couple days notice so he can grocery shop or whatever, but set your expectation and hold firm. Unless he’s abusive, that shouldn’t be something you are scared to do.

    Also, preparing home cooked meals every night is a LOT of work when you factor in menu planning and shopping. If he isn’t going to share this effort, is he going to make some kind of equivalent effort doing something else? My guess is no…

  3. You wake up, stay in PJ's, go to your laptop with a coffee and slippers. You do you “work” for 35 hours, hours in which you can go to the bathroom when you want, get a snack, grab some coffee or just shut the laptop anytime you want. He gets up, showers, changes, drive x minutes to job. Crawls around or climbs in attics, garages and basements doing electrical work in hot/cold cramped/wet areas. He is in pain most days

    “Tell me you've never worked from home in a demanding job without admitting you've never worked from home in a demanding job.”

  4. You are doing wrong. Cut ties with your ex’s little sister out of respect for your ex’s family.

  5. Personally, it’s their sibling relationship – if they wanna cuddle, that’d be fine with me ??‍♀️

    Now when it comes to almost knocking you off the bed to do so? NAH. Talk to your partner about it.

    Like why can’t they be on the couch/spare bed? Why can’t the sibling sleep on her own sometimes? Why do you have to suffer for their comfort?

  6. I did report it, but it did not go anywhere though I felt it could have been classified as voyeurism.

    I did not, I actually stopped attending therapy after maybe 2 months. Partially because I don't open up well so it was a struggle, but also because he was still unaware that I was going. When he had previously found out, I lied and told him I had just reached out for more information, but not that I was going and speaking to someone

  7. Well, why isn’t she divorced? And if she doesn’t take you seriously- there you are. She doesn’t view you as a potential partner. And are you willing to be a proper stepfather to her child?

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