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4 thoughts on “kim_yanalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Hello /u/Liestheytell,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

    Your title did not include at least two ages/genders or was not formatted correctly

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    include details about the involved parties including ages, genders, and length of relationship, and

    request advice in real situations involving two or more people

    We are enforcing the two rules listed above by making all titles use the following formatting:

    [##X][##X], [## X][## X], or [##-X][##-X] where ## is the age and X is the gender (currently M, F, T, A, NB, FTM, MTF but more can be added). You can have more than two ages/genders listed, but you must have at least two. Here is an example:

    [34NB][88-F] We are two people in an example post

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  2. You've been very clear, kind, patient, and communicative. He knows he's making you uncomfortable and yet he either cannot or will not control himself enough to do better by you. It's creepy and not at all okay. You deserve better

  3. If this is the case, I'd say you're at high risk of having an unhealthy relationship and getting into another abusive situation until you take the time to work through it with a therapist on your own. Abusers don't show their true colours right away. Six months isn't enough time to know what situation you're in, or want to comit to for life.

    People have already pointed out the red flags in your relationship and behaviour. It may seem harsh sometimes but they are trying to help you open your eyes. When they say you're young, they just mean that you don't know what you don't know yet. That comes with time and experience. Right now, you need time to grow and mature.

    And take some time to heal. You are the most important person in your life. It's best to come into a relationship feeling as whole and complete on your own as you can. The relationship does not complete you or define you. It is just one aspect of your life.

  4. It’s not my job to make you believe. I got what I wanted from this post. (an advice from guys through DMs).

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