Kikoass live! sex chats for YOU!


6 thoughts on “Kikoass live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Would tell me to cover myself head to toe, didn’t want me having male friends, would get mad if exes texted me for innocent reasons, said I couldn’t wear blush cuz it mimicked O face, accused his best friend of trying to sleep with me for zero reason, stole my phone without permission, stalked me and my neighbors on social media/Google, would keep me up till midnight making me cry yelling at me about my past.

    If that isn't enough for you to close that chapter of your life with cement, I don't know what would be. You barely knew this guy. Why would you risk anything for him?

  2. Yes. As a matter of fact I've made an effort to befriend my wife's ex before because I thought we would get along. He couldn't handle it though. He was a pathetic, jealous loser who brought absolutely nothing to the table. You two would get along! Lots in common after all

  3. I would hate this too, too much fallout if they don’t make it. Of course OP is a man so comments are twice as harsh than if he was a woman.

  4. Only you can decide if you are 'overreacting' or not. It sounds pretty disrespectful to me and sexist. What has he said when you talked to him about it?

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