Kieran the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Kieran, 22 y.o.


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Kieran on-line sex chat

Date: October 13, 2022

26 thoughts on “Kieran the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You’re allowed to want what you want and he is wrong for turning it around on you. If the two of you were never able to find common ground, it wasn’t meant to be. Couples in successful relationships absolutely need to speak the same love language. Unfortunately, much like the topic of family planning, intimacy is one thing couples shouldn’t try to compromise on. One way or another, someone will always end up so unsatisfied that temptation is all but guaranteed to deliver you from your involuntary state of sexual frustration. The ending of this relationship was inevitable. Nothing you said to him was out of line. Seriously, as a third party observer having experienced a SCARILY comparable display of emotional manipulation, I can say from experience that you are not meant to be with this person. Ending it now, no matter the pain, will save you from experiencing an ungodly amount of future unhappiness and most likely a crippling depression diagnosis.

    P.S. No one wants to walk in on their SO masturbating to a porno while your actual sex life is all but nonexistent. Don’t make my mistakes honey. Please- you’re better off. You’ll find the FREAK you deserve queen!

  2. You need to grow up, OP. Your boyfriend deserves better. The children do come first, it’s their first Christmas with their parents separated, and your uneasiness because of your lack of understanding doesn’t trump his love for his kids. Be supportive or leave.

  3. So I was wondering the same, and I admit I’m applying my experience to this one but my first wife constantly accused me of staring at women including cousins, and one time my 13 year old sisters friend which could not have been further from the truth, but you could instantly tell she was the one with the issue cause she would say shit like “of course I don’t have the ass of a 13 year old, I’d that what you want? Or “You think that skinny girl is hotter than me? You wanna fuck her?”

  4. I'm going to be blunt. This guy sees you as good enough for right now. That means you're good enough for sex, good enough to hang out with but you are not and will never be good enough for a relationship with him in any capacity.

    He has zero plans to ever see you beyond that.

    This is the type of guy who strings a woman along for years saying he doesn't want a relationship/commitment/marriage and then someone else comes along and he actually does those things with that other woman. Why because he was just using you to satisfy his needs until “the one” comes along.

    So lose this guys number. Block him on everything. Move on. Stop allowing yourself to be used by a “good enough for right now” guy.

  5. She is not actively seeking treatment but that's because we've done that before and the medications she's been put on just turned her into a zombie in some cases, made her mental state worse in others, or did pretty much nothing in some. Talk therapy has resulted in her being told to do CBT but she says she's tried that before and it doesn't work. You're absolutely right, she treats this stuff as a crutch so she can depend on me entirely. This has been a constant issue our whole relationship which is why I'm now wondering about leaving; I've talked to her about the stress I'm under many times, she always promises to do more, then does for a little while, even applies for some jobs sometimes, but it always fades and goes back to the status quo after awhile.

  6. I'm not justifying anything, I'm just telling you what the realities are.. You said it yourself, you are both adults, no one is legally responsible for providing financial care for either of you so the care your girlfriend's parents are currently providing her is completely of their own volition and they can set whatever conditions they want.

  7. How about questioning his mental health. Maybe he's depressed. You're both sharing a life together but having individual experiences. You're both gonna have stress and anxiety and handle them differently. Talk to him. Ask questions.

  8. I had an abortion when I was 17 when I was in a similar situation. If you need someone to talk to about this then you can DM me.

    I'm 27 now and living a life I would not have been able to had I had that child with that man. Unfortunately his life continued to take dark turn after dark turn so for me it was the right decision although I don't agree with people who have multiple abortions.

    You have options. Don't let anyone else tell you what is morally right or wrong. You must do what is right for you and not get wrapped up in how cute family like can be and face the reality of what quality of life you can really offer.

  9. OP obviously tell him its not happening and block in all ways possible, but also: please forgive yourself. This asshole is twice your age and it sounds like he took advantage of your naivete. Even if he didn't, his marriage is his responsibility to maintain.

  10. I’m sorry what? My fiancé spent 4K on the engagement ring and we both each make over 100k and we’re in our 30s. I insisted he didn’t spend more so we could spend money on other things that are also really important to us. 6k is already a lot. Especially a lot when you’re BORROWING money for the wedding. Your fiancé is being extremely immature and irresponsible. I don’t even know what to say about her friends. This all sounds like some teenage drama but with real money involved and serious financial consequences at stake

  11. I have a lot of friends with drinking problems and they can’t seem to grasp how damaging it is to their relationships. Sometimes I wish their boyfriends would dump them so they could see how deeply it effects the people they care about most.

    Good for you for not sticking around to deal with the consequences of her drinking problems. Who knows if it would ever improve. Maybe you leaving will be the wake up call she needs

  12. Your post sounds similar to my experience. I've had a lot of therapy and now realise that for me personally, I'll get absolutely no benefit from confronting my parents.

    Therapy has taught me that they're not as clueless as they appeared. They knew enough about what they were doing was wrong, they were different people in public than they were in private and so they knew they should hide their behaviour.

    The other thing is they've never yet taken accountability yet for things that they've done. Not when I was a kid, not when I was an adult. It's just deflect and gaslight. I've done a lot of internal work and growth but they've remained stagnant and stunted so why should I expect anything different? A “come to Jesus” talk isn't going to shake it out of them.

    For me, doing the work in therapy, restoring my self worth and self confidence and establishing what my boundaries are has been the crucial thing. Boundaries are about what I accept from people and not about controlling their behaviour or responses and so it feels like retaining the power I've reclaimed.

    Like I said, this is personal. Your circumstances and needs may be different. I understand the hope and the need for at least closure but in reality, the likelihood of you actually getting that may be very low.

  13. OP. Based on your update I would response to your moms text that you in fact already took the test and you two need to talk

  14. I'm wondering how old the kids are. She was probably post partum and POS husband wants to f her best friend who's never given birth. What pricks.

  15. While it’s an extreme reaction, you don’t actually seem to have apologised for it, saying ‘you can piss on me’ actually makes it seem like you did it on purpose rather than the biological accident that I hope it was.

    So find some information about it (preferably from a reputable source), apologise that it happened, and then tell him that it was an accident and something that can happen during sex, and give him a copy of the information so you both can learn from this.

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