KiaraCollins on-line sex cams for YOU!


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Date: November 3, 2022

6 thoughts on “KiaraCollins on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. So you’re being punished because of something another person once said? That logic makes no sense, but then again it isn’t supposed to—it’s just an excuse to exert control over you.

    If you were bi, would I’m it be an issue for you to hang out with anyone of any gender? How does he reconcile his rigid and old-fashioned ideas about gender with being with someone who is non-binary?

    Please take him up on his offer by going to the movies and becoming single. It’s not up to any partner to decide who you’re “allowed” to spend time with.

  2. I think you should really pay attention to this:

    I spent the entirety of last year getting to know myself again and I truly feel happy again.

    Ever since your relationship ended, your life took a turn for the better.

    Regardless if things are different now, you have direct proof that being out of this relationship has benefited you greatly. And the history between you two will always exist in the relationship… its damaged.

    You gave yourself a new start in life, and I think you owe it to yourself to stick to it.

    I think you two should accept that what you had… the ball was dropped and it broke. The pain of what happened will always be permanent factor in the relationship. What's trust is broken, its near impossible to repair.

    Maybe proceed as friends and pursue other people romantically.

  3. Interesting you only seem to see where you think she is at fault. How about seeing fault in the actual parent that doesn't seem to want to spend time parenting HIS own child.

  4. Well, play stupid games win stupid prizes.

    “omg I blacked out! …but also created a situation in which there would be alcohol and men around on a day in which I might be feeling lonely and something happened!”

    You didn't have to drink, ya fucked up. Take some ownership of your life and better luck on the next relationship.

  5. I've one more thing to add.

    If you where a diabetic, would he have to see you go through an episode? Like who cares if he hasn't seen you in binge. He just needs to respect this is an issue for you.

  6. It just hasn’t been that long though either. Integration with cats can take months. Cats aren’t quite as adaptive as most dogs and even dogs can take months at times.

    I’d make sure she has a safe space she can get to and away from everyone and then ignore her and go at her pace.

    He could also talk to his vet about meds to help with her anxiety over the situation.

    The clinics I’ve worked for all tend to recommend Feliway for moves and introductions. I personally don’t have cats and have no first hand experience with the product but our clients seem to find that it works and the vets keep recommending it.

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