Khhloee on-line sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 24, 2022

23 thoughts on “Khhloee on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I think it’s a valid question and I would be able to justify that curiosity if someone asked me that.

    Once I had a friend text me a 3 in the morning because he couldn’t sleep due to relationship troubles and wanted advice. I happened to wake up to pee, saw the text and responded to him. My man literally stopped the conversation to ask why I was also awake.

    The fact “he doesn’t need to know that” as your response makes me concerned about other things he “doesn’t need to know about” if I’m being honest

  2. Um, king, you cheated on her for years, and you're acting like she's the sole villain here. She at least had the decency to tell you first, but you couldn't even fess up to it until after she confessed to you. You're both in the wrong, and you're both shitty partners.

    I'm so tired of saying this, but stop getting into monogamous relationships if you cheat on people. Jfc it ruins relationships e v e r y time, so why do people keep doing it again and again?

    Instead of cheating, maybe learn to communicate about your problems, go to therapy, or break up. Break up with her. Don't get into another goddamn monogamous relationship. Enter a consensual (on both sides) open relationship instead And if you want to be in a monogamous relationship (you shouldn't seeing as you easily cheated for years because you weren't sexually satisfied), make sure you won't cheat on people. Cheating is well documented to cause people trauma and ptsd. I personally view cheating as abuse at this point because it can cause so much long-term turmoil. Stop fucking doing it.

  3. This is all fair and good but don’t sleep on the comment about the husband sexting coworkers and being on four dating sites. I hate to encourage this woman’s frankly delusional anxiety about pregnancy after tubal ligation but condoms may be the right treatment for the wrong problem.

  4. Hello /u/DistributionEvery35,

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  5. Yeah you need to go to the vet or surrender the dog. You’re a monster for treating it this way, I don’t give a crap about you and you girl after reading this.

  6. You sound like you are doing all the right things. Sending HUGS, it is so very hot to break these habits and you sound ready and strong.

    Yes,you may be lonely and miss the good times with him. But know that pain is temporary and leading to better things for you. One of the biggest strategies I got from therapy was that being sad wasn't something I needed to scramble and fix. It didn't mean I was going to be sad and hurting forever. Just that it hurt right now, life wasn't quite what I wanted right now, and it was ok to be sad about it. To show myself compassion for that feeling and be kind and careful with myself. But also to remind myself that being sad is one part of me and one moment in time, and remember to listen to the other hopeful, optimistic, working very hot to make it better parts. To keep sight of the light ahead for better days, where I want to be, and what I'm doing to get there.

  7. “Thank God, I FINALLY got the one comment I was looking for when I posted this. Thank you for validating the decision I have already made.”


  8. The point is you can simultaneously support someone not getting attacked while also not wanting to have sex with them. They’re separate concepts you’re purposefully trying to link, and it’s reductive at best and destructive at worst. Unfortunately, politics will always be centered around ‘winning people over.’ Fighting for your beliefs will always be an admirable cause, but when it has real and substantial consequences AGAINST those very same beliefs, sometimes you need to reassess what you’re really fighting for? Change happens slowly. If you’re attitude is “the only thing that’s good enough is complete and utter acceptance right off the bat” rather than a continuum of progress, you’re going to be upset to find that most people are just going to give up making any form of progress, because you still belittle the baby steps.

  9. More red flags than a bull fighting arena.

    I used to joke about knocking my significant other up…

    The difference is we had been married for 5 years, and actively trying to have kids…. so….a little different….

  10. Yeah, I’m having a really nude time believing that this is the first time he’s ever reacted like this, and it was an accident. I have a nude time believing that both those things are true at the same time. Either it wasn’t an accident that he said that (and he’ll have to think DEEPLY about why he did), or it’s not the first time he’s acted that way. People don’t just “accidentally” attack others with their deepest insecurities.

  11. Yeah, but her family could still try not to be assholes about OP not wanting to miss her own graduation.

    My graduation date was given during my first year. The date was accelerated a year and a half because I zoomed through so many classes. My brother's graduation was known for at least a year before the actual graduation. So, the family could have known before the wedding date.

  12. If that was literally the message, you're not biased. You're being an adult while your SO is being a child. What is making you doubt yourself here? Has he been fairly critical of you?

  13. I think this is best answer, OP. You can feel crazy and weird and do things you normally wouldn’t after a break up. You were single, and you had every right to do whatever you wanted to, and even if you had hooked up with the other guy, you still wouldn’t have done anything wrong. From reading your comments, you were in a toxic relationship and I’m sure you didn’t receive much care from your partner prior to the breakup. All that said, he is allowed to feel some kinda way about the timing, but he also needs to acknowledge that you were single and what state of mind you were in at the time. It’s ultimately his choice whether or not this is a deal breaker for him, and no amount of saying you were right will sway his decision. My only advice is do not let him hold this over your head if he chooses to stay.

  14. Wrong question. It's not about you.

    You need to help your life partner and mother of your 3 kids to find a hobby.

    And failure (or blaming her) is not an option.

    If not for her – do it for your kids.

  15. Dude, you could work and then go to get your degree, the problem in here is that you want your father to pay for it, which I understand sadly He is refusing. Either marry or put the grown up pants and take responsibility for your life.

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