KerryTaro live! webcams for YOU!


for good lucky [987 tokens remaining]

Date: October 16, 2022

15 thoughts on “KerryTaro live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I had to remain passive, he gets aggressive from time to time, has never hit me but he pulls and pushes me around. So I laid low, lied that I wouldn't leave, things calmed down, had to sleep at his place, got out this morning, since I had things to do so he let me. Yeah, I'm ghosting him.

    The sti was a mild one, got treatment and I'm well now.

  2. not really sure what i should do then… wont be able to get over this while still talking to her daily but also dont want her to think that i dont want to talk to her anymore if i stop messaging

  3. No one would blame you if you brake up with her over this. Also, she might have sold them to friends of friend, but who did those people share them to?

    If you search the internet hard enough, there is a high chance that you will find her.

  4. I guess I'm more concerned based off the information I received from reddit regarding the loss of sex being the end of a relationship.

    I am more concerned about her leaving me than the actual sex.

  5. You don’t think I’m crazy? I was expecting doubt and break up messages bc of our age and all. I’m really surprised and honestly refreshed to hear this. I’ve never felt this way about someone. And I know the whole cliche and puppy love trope. The amount of times we should’ve broke up knowing we have ZERO strings attached and no obligation to, yet actively choosing to prevail is beyond love. Before I hear that’s toxic etc. we’re human beings who love each other and are honestly just trying to make it in this world together. Outside things usually what cause our tifs.

  6. That’s pretty impressive tbh. I’d let it go. You were happy without a care in the world before you knew her body count. Let it go.

  7. Your husband cannot and should not control your social life. She's your best friend. He needs to get over it. Just because you're married does not mean he gets to tell you what to do and not to do. You're both adults and you're both equals.

  8. Your fiancé is an idiot and tell him so. He is putting Jack more important than you. I would have given a piece of my mind to shut him up.

  9. She’s not what you’re looking for. Well, unless you’re looking for a cheater.

  10. Seriously just get out of the relationship. You know the drill do you? then you know it is mostly just a cycle that will repeat over and over and over and over. Wrecking him and you. Don't even bother, seriously endless people out there without those demons. Just cuz you grew up with it, making it seemingly 'normal' behavior for you, doesn't mean you have to deal with this now. Get out, don't spend even one more min of your time on someone who has those problems. Your life and time is valuable and you only have so much of it on earth. Don't waste any more on someone who may or may not stay sober. It isn't worth it, it really isn't…

  11. Next time tell her out loud that she isn't allowed to make jokes or banter with you like that because she spent all HS bullying you. So when she says it isn't a joke, and you don't appreciate her acting like that.

    Make it awkward. Say you know what she's doing when she makes the sly little digs and you're sorry that she wasn't able to stop that habit of hers.

    It either works or it doesn't. If family take her side, then cut them out. It sounds difficult to do but it isn't.

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