Kendra Harrison on-line webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 18, 2022

7 thoughts on “Kendra Harrison on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. My gf is this same way. And I’m open with her all the time. She just says it will pass, or its negative i dont want to talk about it. Makes me feel left out And wondering if I’m the cause of it. It’s frustrating

  2. You two are married. That means every problem that comes up along the way is teamwork. And if you can’t solve issues, even if they are “your own”, as a team, then there’s no need to stay in a relationship.

  3. 37 Male here. This post kinda hit home for me and reminded me of some similar situations I got myself into in my early twenties. Don’t change who you are for someone or ever feel like you have to hold back affection or emotions. Don’t even bother trying because you’ll never be happy. You’ll meet someone who loves the affection and sensitivity and you’ll know it’s the right place to be.

    It honestly sounds like your current gf has some serious control and emotional issues. Tread careful.

  4. You’ve let him know when is good to meet.,he’s agreed. Now it’s his turn to text you with an actual plan to meet. If he doesn’t, then he doesn’t want to meet. There’s no need to text him back. Don’t pursue him, don’t chase him, don’t be clingy. Men like a challenge and if a man is interested, you’ll know it. In the mean time, move on and focus on something else.

  5. Oh man. We know a Muslim couple, and the wife is hella suspicious of her husband all the time. The wife is always suspicious that her husband is cheating and shit. They fight all the time, too. Your comment actually explains A LOT.

    Here in the West, we women have a lot more rights than y'all do over on the other side of the planet. Women have jobs and stuff. It is insulting as hell to professional women in our culture to imply that they can't be trusted around your Men in a business setting. It SCREAMS that you don't trust other women – even in a professional capacity – because you are insecure as fuck. I don't care what culture you come from, that is messed up. Just because it's normalized where you live doesn't mean it's not wrong.

  6. This time he said he would really stop. He even suggested deleting his Twitter account. He cares, he just doesn't understand how much it hurts me

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