Kendalljoy live webcams for YOU!


Naughty teen squirt, little Kendall looking to get fucked! Control my kitty 69 // At goal: Buttplug in + oil asshole//PVT open, no pretip only naked fun ! [Multi Goal]

Date: October 18, 2022

48 thoughts on “Kendalljoy live webcams for YOU!

  1. This situation is a huge red flag and you are going to be loser in it. Try therapy and see if you want to save your marriage or not but don't try a corner that has danger written all over it.

  2. Give it time. A relationship is a fragile thing. You build trust over weeks, months, sometimes years. You can't just open it and close it. You can communicate the uncomfortable, but it sounds like you're jerking him around a little bit. Give it a while. Try to communicating openly and honestly. He has to choose to be with you.

  3. I agree with you. It would be weird for you to take a bath with your daughter. Little girls don't need to be looking at a penis. Your daughter is old enough to form memories and talk in full sentences. If you take a shower with her, she is going to tell people about seeing your penis.

    Your wife bathing with your daughter is strange. I bathed with my mom until I was 7 years old. I didn't think it was a strange thing to do at the time. I had normalized a lot of stuff while growing up. When I reflect on the bathing thing, it weirds me out, man. Not normal shit at all.

  4. first relationship when i am 34 (m) here, virgin and kissless before then.

    i would say nothing wrong to wait for later, but i also wish i started earlier because I'm enjoying it now and will always wonder how life would've been different if i just pushed myself to start earlier.

    feel free to ask me anything

  5. We met at the local bar. The band was playing and he “saved” me from his friend who really didn't know how to dance.

  6. It’s time for a little offense with defense. I would tell him the next time that he says that to the children you’re going to add him and tell him that he’s bad mouthing you because he’s maladjusted he’s angry and bitter and he’s lying. You do that enough he’ll stop because he doesn’t want that done back to him. You are letting him do this to you. Your kids will know you.

  7. That is insane indeed. Of course, it’s your choice to cheat or not to cheat. And on top of that, you can judge beforehand if the person you want to study with is even interested in you that way and will risk making a move on you. They usually won’t.

  8. Ok I’m reading this post and I can see a major lack of insight into your own behaviour. It’s her choice whether she takes plan b but you “insisted”. This is controlling behaviour and likely why she lied. If you don’t want a kid, don’t be so irresponsible. You cannot just have sex without a condom and then bully your partner into taking plan b.

  9. I think anyone would be feeling insecure when they've been lied to for 8 years about their sexual performance.

    Added to that, every response OP makes to those saying the 8 years of deceit is the problem, she responds with, I fail to see why he is upset about that. Honestly at her age her lack of awareness and empathy is pretty telling. Her inability to communicate her needs and inability to understand why that's a big deal speaks volumes about her lack of emotional maturity. I would honestly expect that from a sub 20 year old. Not someone in their mid forties.

  10. No that’s playing with fire and you know it. You mention you’re going through a rough patch…even worse

  11. It’s literally your marriage or the place you happen to love working? I’d be devastated if my husband ever thought so little of our marriage.

    You do need to decide. You can choose the job, or being with your family. And even if you do get a new job, you have ahead of you a lot of soul searching and communicating and all of those things that go into mending a relationship.

  12. Which is fine….but she brought up that old ass text a lil too quick for my comfort. It should've taken her a lil while longer to go back and find those messages.

    If my best friend's husband said that to me the day before their wedding, I would tell/show her right away (I damn sure wouldn't stand next to her and let her make vows to that man without having all the info…even if it ends our friendship). IF I decided to keep it to myself…I'd take that secret to the fuckin' grave! Because the only reason to reveal that type of information YEARS later is to be miserable, mean, and malicious.

  13. My SO and I have been together 5 years and on-line apart. It actually works out great. I love having my own house. It’s decorated the way I want. I don’t have to feel bad about a full laundry basket sitting on the floor for 2 weeks. He credits the success of our relationship on living apart and having a bit of our own space. We still have that madly in love feeling because we don’t see each other every day. If you really saw a future with this guy idk if I would totally write him off for this, but if you know you just couldn’t move past wanting the wedding and a shared house it’s best that you end it now instead of wasting your time. You don’t want to be badgering him into something he has voiced he doesn’t want.

  14. No, just no, it can go south so fast. She gets drunk, stuff happens, then awkward at best, or accusations of non consent at worse. Keep your home, your sanctuary. Don’t let someone move in ‘cause there might be a slim chance you’ll hook up.

  15. Ohhhh I see now.

    That’s just kinda dumb too though. Why the fuck do the two of them need to be there like that. Me and my friend can go to a concert and enjoy it completely separately. I don’t understand. Just going and experiencing should be fine. It’s dumb to just leave you out imo. I’d be upset with my SO too for excluding me :/

  16. Did you miss the comment where she said they have an arrangement? He supports her while she goes to school, then she supports him while he goes to school.

    He comes up short on his part of this deal. She has to take out credit card debt to pay what he can't. He is not doing what he agreed to do.

  17. Oh that's a massive cu*ts trick to propose in public after what he's done, that is so shadey

    Do not marry him, go back on your decision tell his parents and yours why. If he can cheat when you are at your most vulnerable, he'll do it anytime.

  18. It’s not you, not everyone wants to have sex after drinking too much. Besides drink sex isn’t always great so you probably weren’t missing out. He has the right to say no and it’s not about you. You are young and I understand that there is a lot of pressure to perform with the idea of birthday sex. It sounds like he had no intention and you were the one wanting it. Which is fine, but you need to learn how to take no for an answer.

  19. Yeah, it's super sexy cleaning smeared poop on someone. /s

    What is he supppossed to do, leaving her soiled until their mom returns and risking the sister get an infection?

    People care for their disabled, elderly, injured family members all the time. Hopefully, she never had to do it, but even if you pay care, sometimes in an emergency, you have to do it.

  20. Well, I don’t really think saving for a house in 5 years should be your priority right now. Finding a safe and clean place for you and your daughter to on-line is much more important. Either get some student loans to help with education or do what so many do – go to school part time and get a job. Go to on-line classes. Do your schooling and homework after your daughter goes to bed. You can just get a one bedroom apartment temporarily and give the room to your daughter, and you sleep in the living room. I don’t know where you live – but there is assistance out there. If you are disabled, check with disability social security (if you are in the US), talk to a financial aid advisor at your school. Just get rid of the girlfriend – that will remove most of your stress so you can at least have a clean environment to live in. Good luck to you and your daughter.

  21. So, two things. 1. People who use mean or derogatory terms to their SO are kind of dicks / cunts. You have an issue with someone you claim to care for and.. try to punch their ego in the balls / vagina as a proper communication tool? Boo.

    I've seen this before. I'm sure there will be girls and boys on here who can go “Oooh. Yea. They were dicks!” They set you up with “You're boring in bed.”, put you to a low, then introduce an idea that they hope now you'll agree to because “you want to impress them.” I might be off, but seen a few threesomes and throuple attempts spawn from that tactic.

    Good luck.

  22. HahahahahHahah taking care of a child costs 180k… holy shit women are delusional. Some dude works his ass off 60 hrs a week only to be told that his sahm wife works harder than him. Lol gtfo with that crap. Sahm are the truly privileged.

  23. Oh I know there’s no rush! It’s just been something we’ve been discussing. By the time I finish law school I’ll be 25 and so will he. We both know we want to get married shortly after I graduate. We both don’t want to be married later, because we both also want kids. So we picked this timing because it works out for both of us. I just didn’t know if it was “taboo” to be engaged but still living with your parents at the same time lol. We both on-line in the same state, only like 45 minutes away from one another.

  24. I will definitely seek support like a lot of people mentioned, I don’t want to end up ever again In a situation like this

  25. I don’t think he’ll lovebomb me or fight his way out of this, because our relationship was gonna end anyways. Just wish he had the balls to break up with me before getting on dating apps. I don’t say it’s over because I want to see his response, and if I say goodbye I’m worried he won’t respond back at all

  26. He just threw you a whole bunch of BS excuses for his behavior. Sending these texts crosses the line, is it only these few you know, could there be more. And blaming his mental health issues and thoughts of suicide for his behaviors. He is an adult, an adult that can reach out for help, have a conversation that he needs help, not text randoms for threesomes.

    You have time to make a decision, either he gets some professional help, if he doesn’t you should reconsider marriage and a relationship with him, if he doesn’t get help, he will continue to do this, possibly escalate and actually have a PA on you and blame his MH again.

  27. I am making assumption based on information that has been presented by OP. Of course I can not know whether they are true, but if I assume he is lying there is no point in giving any advice.

    I am glad to hear you and yor partner are so devoted to each other, but please do not tell me how you would feel if it wasn't the case, because I call bs. Op would not post here if he was in your position, so please get off your high horse.

    Some prioritise career, some family or even other things. If his partner has different priorities than him, it's obvious he will be miserable staying with her.

    What is important is that he has obligation to stay with her. He should find someone that shares his system of values.

    Coming back to the polyamory thing. I do not mind people beingin such relationships. However do not try to convince anyone that they are wrong by wanting to be only romantic and sexual interest for their partner (and geting upset by them getting their needs fulfilled by other people). This is just as valid as polyamorous approach and is shared by majority of population.

  28. Busy with work and school huh?

    Men who are interested will find a way to make time. He's either not interested, or more likely, he's got a GF who he's cheating on.

  29. it could be true im overthinking it but thats because it really got to me. any advice?

    It could be true you are over thinking it. Did he say it in a tone that meant he was grossed out by it? Did he say it matter of factly like “this is just what it is no big but doesn't it just look similar”? Can you even judge what tone he used because you are hurt? Because judging whether he meant to make you feel bad or not is a huge part of whether or not this is something you are overthinking and doesn't really matter. Also if he acted like your body is gross, that is something I know is hot if not impossible to get over. Also is he acting sorry you are hurt, or sorry what he said hurt you? Yes there is a difference, yes it is important.

    If he said it because it just struck him funny how similar the two things were (yes our parts are quite oddly created and it can be funny) but that is just the way it is no problem, it probably really threw him for a loop that you were upset. It could have caught him out and he could easily have miss-stepped from there. If that is what it is, give him a chance to apologize and make up for it. If his apology is “I'm sorry I hurt you, I didn't mean it as anything against you” then you can probably work towards fixing it. If his apology is “I'm sorry you were hurt by that gosh you are so sensitive” then you probably won't have a long term relationship no matter how much you try to fix things. Mediation or a therapist can help you tread these waters.

  30. You are closer in age to the daughters than the man. The dog is not getting trained enough. He does not care. He is not on your side (although I agree that you yelling at her was wrong)

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