KendallGreey live webcams for YOU!


7 thoughts on “KendallGreey live webcams for YOU!

  1. His post shows clearly he has issues. I wouldn’t date someone with his mindset even if you paid me 2m per year to stick around. Widowers should know when to draw the line, or they should stay single getting off with their memories. Nobody is in your life to feel you are obsessing over your ex after 10 years, dead or alive.

  2. Unfortunately our feelings can’t always be understood, but they should be respected. Have you tried letting him know what you would prefer him to say?

  3. I think it's important here for you to help us understand the full context of the situation if we're going to be able to give you the most beneficial advice if it exists.

    To start, I agree with you; it's absolutely an inherent problem that she went through your phone and violated your privacy. Regardless of what was found, it's an indication that she already didn't trust you, and that's problematic. Is this a theme in your relationship where she does this? Separately, have you given her reason not to trust you?

    Next, what exactly was the nature of the text that she found? Was it inappropriate? Even if she's wrong to have snooped, that wouldn't change reality if you'd done something wrong.

    Then you went ballistic. Given my stance on snooping, I might not say it's inherently unreasonable to be upset about it, but like anything else, your actions while being upset can't just be excused even if you're right to be upset (and I'm not saying you're excusing them – you're clearly not). When those actions become “aggressive” for lack of a better term, the focus almost always shifts to those actions entirely and we lose sight of the initial issue. The problem there is that the two are unrelated; the initial issue still exists and needs to be addressed. But now, the behavior as a result of anger over that issue needs to be addressed. What did you do and/or say? That's also important here to help us assess the situation properly.

  4. I'm barely an adult and not married so I have no experience with in-laws but I also think that one week every 74 weeks should be bearable

  5. Before you reply to your ex you should break off the engagement and break up with your fiancé.

    Anything else is shit behaviour because all you’ll be doing is seeing how much greener the grass is before moving to the next field.

    Your loyal fiancée is owed more than that. She deserves to be treated kindly, not compared to your teenage crush without her knowing what your doing.

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