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5 thoughts on “kendall_moonlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Thank you… I do appreciate the advice. I wish I could say that I didn't help her, but that's not the case. I've helped her multiple time… we've been together for about a year, and I've helped her with tons more things than my friend. And I get how the mind can run wild, but she knew what our relationship was like. It got to the point recently that I would send my GF screenshots of our conversations to ease her mind.

  2. I feel like this is an age old debate: do you love your spouse more or your children more? I am team children. My partner used to say he was team spouse but since having one I think he too would say kids first, adults later.

    As long as you get emotional support from him as you need it, and you’re both able to find time to invest in your relationship solo – and it sounds like you have a solution there! – I think two people who are child first can make it work.

  3. I mean this kindly but this is like the worst advice. I understand if that's your take, but then again why is my mother trying to set us up. The issue is, my ex isn't there on weekdays. She's there when I am there.

    Lastly, your answer just is saying “its her life, she can do as she pleases”. To which I reply, “so like do you want me to stop seeing my mother? because I can't keep dealing with this”. Furthermore, is that doing more harm than good then as she is alone and I am all the family she has left.

  4. Lots of women just have that kink, and that’s fine when it’s consensual with BOTH parties. In other words YOU have to be ok with it too.

    But your situation is a little different. Once drugs are involved there’s no real way to ensure a safe word is enforced either. Have either of you discussed a safe word? Because if you haven’t, you are in for a nightmare of a situation.

    Now I want you to take a moment and think about how that will play out in a courtroom when she decides it really was rape and you took advantage of her trauma. How she wanted you to stop but was to drugged to say stop. If that thought experiment doesn’t end up with you in jail, you didn’t think it through.

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