Kem Indians on-line sex cams for YOU!


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Date: September 29, 2022

61 thoughts on “Kem Indians on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. You're fine, you're just bored of hearing boring compliments about superficial stuff.

    Any guy that wants his partner to have no confidence is weak, he's terrified that you'll realise he's bringing nothing to the table.

    Unfortunately that's most guys from what I hear, there's exceptions but yeah, numbers don't seem to be good.

  2. Better yet, empathy check: ask him how he thinks you feel about being the target of a bet set up by a bunch of creeps, and if he were you, what he’d do about it!

    Also, if parents are still alive, step-brother needs to be outed for what he did, before going NC with him.

  3. I told her it might be something physic and she could talk to a doctor but she said that it is not the case and ti is my fault that she is feeling that way because I irritate her with negative thoughts.

    I am actively trying to fix my flaw, I am aware it is not OK towards her.

    She said I am the problem and I should see a doctor regarding my negative thoughts…

  4. I hope that when you hit your absolute lowest point in life, when you are blindsided enough to delude yourself, that someone comes through and calls you a fucking moron.

    You deserve nothing less.

  5. In regards to the “helping minimize access” to his addiction, I would take the lead from him. Definitely it's a wonderful thing you're willing to help him, but if he doesn't want that kind of help, to him it could feel like you're treating him like a child or a prisoner. Addicts have to want to change to change, and he seems to want to. So ask him what his plan is and how he wants you to help. It's so strong of you to be there for him through this. I only know from a different kind of addict's perspective, but the people who are willing to stay and help you are always those that truly love you ?

  6. Good Morning:) Not an ultimatum but more of a healthy nudge to allow for your relationship to flourish further. At the moment you are in a Groundhog Day situation and eventually this will lead to becoming stale and eventually even resentment. Communication is key in any relationship so convey your feelings about this situation in a positive manner but have that undertone of it really needs to be sooner rather than later. The festivities usually has families getting together and being more oriented so who not in the next 2-3 weeks to finish 2022 on a high. I promise that the weight will be lifted into 2023 and by the end of January your partner will wonder what all the fuss was about. Please let us know how you get along and any feedback or constructive criticism from you the OP would be most welcomed. Have an awesome weekend buddy and stay strong ?

  7. Right but like I don't get how it's a big deal. Sometimes my wife is like you look depressed and I go well, I'm not. And she says are you sure and I go yeah, pretty sure. And she's like you can tell me if you are and I go I know that but I'm not.

    And that's that. Not sure why this would ever turn into an actual argument. Do you guys often have big arguments over tiny things?

    And I definitely don't get why you would need to run off to a bar right away. Dare I say that reaction does seem like something a person on edge might do. If you were more in control of your emotions I don't get that.

  8. It sounds like you have some valid concerns about living with your boyfriend. It's completely normal to feel nervous about taking this step in a relationship, and it's okay to need some time to adjust to the idea. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your boyfriend about your feelings and concerns. Let him know that you care about him and want to continue the relationship, but that you need more time to feel ready for living together.

    It's also important to consider your own needs and boundaries in the relationship. If the ultimatum your boyfriend has given you is making you feel uncomfortable or pressured, it might be worth having a conversation with him about that as well.

    Ultimately, the decision about whether or not to online together is up to the two of you. If you need more time to think about it and feel ready, that's okay. It's better to take the time to make a decision that is right for both of you rather than rushing into something that you're not fully comfortable with. Good luck

  9. You wish him a nice life, hope he someday learns the women are people, and you walk away.

    You don't accept or enable someone to mistreat others and still get the privilege of your affection and support.

  10. Thank you again for the thoughtful comment.

    I guess I'm a little traumatize because I had a gut feeling in the past about something with an ex gf and it turned out to be true in the most horrible way (cheating) and I guess not I associated that feeling with imminent disaster. Also the fact I am self employed, not very busy at the moment, doesn't help, I mean, I got out of bed at like 10am today and haven't done anything except worry which Is why I decided to write this post.

    This sub only feeds into the negative thinking as well, maybe I should take a break from reddit.

  11. Any ideas what might be going on?

    she simply doesn't care about being waxed anymore, she probably enjoys being painfree, she enjoys saving a bit of money.

  12. Women have it conditioned in them from a young age to be polite and please people. It can be surprisingly difficult to say no in this situation. Sometimes the repercussions can be bad. Anyone who has been on r/niceguys will know how easily situations like this can escalate when someone is rejected

  13. Absolutely not! He flipped the food tray over? Any worthwhile significant other will respect a boundary as simple and understandable as you don't share food/utensils. I'm not a fan of it either. For him to flip the damn tray over, say the terrible things he did then storm out shows that he is immature and abusive. Leave that man in the past and find someone who loves you for you!

  14. You have to show up. You have to show up EVEY DAY. No exceptions. And you have to do this whether your gf (or ex or whatever) wants a romantic relationship or not. Because showing up, consistently is what it means to be a parent. And if you’re not ready, do them both a favor and stay gone for good.

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  17. it wasn’t even expensive. It was like a $300 chain.

    And a Porsche is a generic car brand to me.

    as a gesture

    But screw my girlfriend's birthday.

    So you bought 3 girls a $300 chain each 'as a gesture' to show how much those girls mean to you.

    But your girlfriend can wait another whole year before she gets shown how much she means to you?

    Do you really not see what your actions are saying here?

    Well I'm sure after she dumps you, you can drown your sorrows between Brooke, Vicki's and Katie's legs respectively. Since they mean so much to you.

  18. Honestly it should be an open topic for anybody. Letting yourself become fat and obese is disgusting and not healthy at all. However you can not force someone to get fit or stay fit. She’s made it clear that she doesn’t care which is fine, if that’s a deal breaker for you tho then dump her.

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  20. Abusers don't tend to make good use of therapy.

    Unless your therapist(s) majorly dropped the ball, it's a sign to run as far as you can in the other direction. Leave, block her socials, and never look back.

  21. I don't understand how you're having all these conversations and supporting her with all this stuff – if you've only talked about it twice in 10 months? That seems difficult. You are very much tying her looking for a job, and her doing stuff around the house to her showing you that she loves you. This is NOT how everone thinks about love. (Did you talk about love languages with your therapist? This might be a really important conversation for you to have. )

  22. Hello /u/mysamster,

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  23. I am pro choice, but part of that choice is allowing people who want to keep their pregnancies to keep them without judgment or punishment as that is a deeply personal choice that only the carrier should have any say over. So it was really striking to me that you are openly criticizing this person for wanting to keep their pregnancy, especially because it's inconvenient for you, which is what this whole post is ultimately about. Yes, everyone is right he should get a paternity test, but honestly, I don't think either of y'all have any business having children if this is how immaturity and selfishly you're already handling the existence of a child that could very well be his. We already have way too many people like you in the world.

  24. Potential alcohol problem? A temper?

    Everyone's got their shit. But these are pretty high up the list of red flags.

    What's to say X months down the line he starts to drink and that makes him more violent .

    You really want a relationship with someone who when emotionally charged could throw a wobbly?

    Relationships have conflict throughout. You'll likely walk on eggshells and end up not wanting to bring up issues out of fear.

    Temper tantrums show a huge lack in emotion regulation ability and at that age. If he hasn't got his shit worked out will he ever?

    Id be avoiding.

  25. I didn't realise that and damn, the dad and the husband knew each other even before OP dated him?? Were they co-workers or what? This older guy hanging out with his young daughter, yikes

  26. It's not a minor issue. If you combine incomes with this man you know he's at risk to lose his job at any time due to porn use.

    What happens if you decide to have kids, and be gets fired from him job for jerking off in the bathroom? How is he going to get another one after that?

    While he's in the throes of active addiction, porn is always going to come first. My husband is an alcoholic (sober 3 years now, so proud of him) he's everything I want in a husband, but if he refused to get help for his addiction I would have had to leave him. Addiction, no matter what too, ruins relationships.

  27. I agree with this as a strong possibility. I knew many people in late teens or 20s who stopped developing into adulthood while relying on an enabling partner or a family member.

  28. Are you upset that you’re not wanted in his wedding party or that you gave into pressure to have him in your wedding party?

  29. Good! He sounds like a huge misogynist who believes that only a man's sexual needs matter and that women need to be “pure and chaste,” which is disgusting.

  30. He is deeply misogynistic, and he sought you out because you had low self-esteem. He’s not worth the energy you expended writing this post.

    I’m glad you’re on your way to a more confident you. After you dump this loser I sense a BIG glow up coming!

  31. Move on from this guy. Everyone can make thoughtless, hurtful comments. Mature, loving people recognize when they do and sincerely apologize. Immature people deny they did anything wrong and accuse the victim of overreacting or misunderstanding. You deserve better than this.

  32. Nah, you’re not the problem. I believe this kind of immature jelousy/control needs to be met with kind but firm boundaries. ”I only want you and you have no reason to worry when I’m away from you. When I’m away with friends or activities I want to be in the present with them – I won’t sit with my phone constantly. I won’t change that for anyone. I don’t expect you to focus on writing to me all the time either when you have plans with friends.”

  33. Valentine’s Day / gift giving aren’t important to everyone. It’s likely he genuinely didn’t see the importance of getting you a gift, and he wouldn’t have known you were getting him one.

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