Keisha-ortega live! sex chats for YOU!


show tits for you [GOAL MET]

Date: November 10, 2022

20 thoughts on “Keisha-ortega live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Right? OP says that the gf has made the relationship a priority but she is about to be halfway across the world for an unknown amount of time, at the very least a month. And she won't entertain the idea of him tagging along for the first month.

    The relationship is definitely not a priority for her. She wants someone to eventually come home to while she has fun on her own.

  2. Absolutely you should tell her if she’s a good friend of yours. She might try setting someone else up with this guy. You don’t need to try to convince her he’s awful or anything, just tell her your experience.

    I hope your therapist is working with you on taking the time to get to know someone. He was showing you red flags very early on and it’s important to recognize them. Speaking from experience, having more awareness early on has saved me from going down dark roads with unpleasant men. Learn from this experience! I hope you are recovering well.

  3. Just to clarify : i didn’t keep going till she sais that she’s liking it and asked if she wants me to stop or keep going she said keep it. Anyway thank you for helping me out budd

  4. Take as much time off work as you van get. Then talk to a doctor and get a script for varenicline.

    Also a lot of smokers have undiagnosed anxiety or adult ADD which they're trying to Self-Medicate for.

    Don't get your ego too involved in being “productive” at work or people thinking badly of you because you're feeling strung out for a few weeks. When you make a dime, your boss makes a dollar therefore family comes first. Let the boss kill himself over his work ethic, he's worth it.

    I'm not saying that nicotine doesn't help with anxiety, but there's much better treatment options out there that last longer than an hour or so, don't give you a stroke at age 45, and don't make you smell like toasted, lightly fermented ass.

    Please talk to a doctor about getting mental health treatment.

    Do it for your new child. If you're not willing to switch to

  5. You are in an abusive relationship. It really doesn't matter why she scratches, pinches, bites, and hits you in sensitive areas. It is very strange behavior and you need to stop seeing her.

    If you find yourself unable to break up with her please see a therapist. You deserve someone that loves you and the more time you waste on this one, the longer it will take you to find someone else.

  6. Well, she has Bipolar 2. Always wondered what role it could be playing in our relationship, but I couldn't glean much from just like… internet research.

  7. Do not bring strange women to your house while your child is there. Get to know them, and find these things out before letting them that close.

  8. Don’t even tell her that it’s canceled. Let her find out the hot way. Every time you reply she’s just creeping back into your life to continue to manipulate you.

  9. Sounds like she's pulling a fee lanser with a dash of mice andry. Seriously though, talk to her because she needs to get help. If she can tell you, she can tell a doctor.

  10. If he is surrounding by play boys all the time , then do you think he will also be a play boy/ really irresponsible in a relationship?

  11. For what it’s worth, I’m a guy in my mid 30s, married to a woman in her mid 30s, with a toddler and we’re trying for more. In saying that, I surely understand the “time clock” aspect of things. I just absolutely will always advise someone in OP’s situation to run regardless. Maybe she doesn’t end up with a kid. But that’d be better than having kids with an absolute scumbag.

    To respond to you specifically, I’m not really sure how that’s a “manic episode.” You didn’t want to continue dating people who weren’t on the same page as you. That’s a good thing.

    I then think your timeline is a bit much, but I can certainly confirm that a pregnancy after 35 is considered “geriatric” but that doesn’t have to mean anything. As I continued and finished the post, I honestly largely hate your chart, but I agree with your conclusion. She should dump him.

    As for your chart, here are my issues; a year going back and forth? Just don’t do that. Heal how you heal and if it takes a year, so be it. But people need to be disciplined about reality. To be fair, I promise you that I absolutely went back to exes over the years. I’m not here sitting on a soap box like I’m perfect. I’m just luckily in a position to be able to provide advice which I’m sure many won’t listen to just like I didn’t.

    I largely agree with after that for the most part until 33. Not suggesting rushing a marriage, but advising living together another year is unnecessary.

    Enjoying being just with each other after that? Fair enough. Everyone’s different. But logically I’d expect this discussion to have happened before getting married and I certainly would assume they’d wait three years in that situation. Like I said, I’m happily married. But marriage doesn’t change relationships. It makes it legal. No one should need any amount of time of marriage. You already know your partner.

    Again, all else you said is spot on.

  12. His concerns are not reasonable. It is a professional relationship.

    If you really want to allay his concerns find a female PT. There are plenty out there.

  13. It's more than just being nice to make me feel good. Irs the fact he went really out of his way to hide something that I was already honest and upfront about. I was actively losing when we met and I was happy and proud about it.

    I don't think its a white lie to go out of your way to try and stop more weight loss to turn around and say different two years in when I'm actually less weight now.

    Compliments or reassurance is one thing and well intended but he really went ham on the fact he wanted me not to lose weight.

    Now a random day in 2023 that was always fake and never true? Literally hours before we had sex and he was holding my belly and telling me he loved me and my body. Then he snaps that I'm never going to be that hot? It doesn't add up I'm sorry.

  14. Honestly, all kinds of things might be at play here. Your mum is acting shady, I agree. This does not mean she cheated. She might have been sexually assaulted and fallen pregnant with you as a result. You mentioned a grandparent having slightly darker skin like your own. It could be that this grandparent has a genetic secret which your mum knows about. It‘s up to you if you want to do some digging or not.

    I personally know I‘m my parents‘ child, my family looks and sounds very similar. But I‘d never take a DNA test like this because you never know what secrets you might uncover. I already know of a „secret cousin“, let‘s say.

  15. she's always felt uncomfortable with the idea of me paying for her flight.

    I can totally understand her being uncomfortable. I don't know how playful or goofy you two are but maybe you can say, You can “pay me back” by visiting me. Deal? Deal!

  16. My dad wanted to be self employed, and he was eventually but when he was just starting out he worked a regular full time job. Once his business took off he was able to step back from his regular job. It’s just what people do unless they are rich and have access to endless amounts of nepotism money.

  17. Your husband is at the very least having an emotional affair possibly physical with the amount of time the they stay together. There is a book recommended on many forums about affairs. Not “Just friends” by Shirley Glass.

    He is prioritizing her over you and that should not fly in a functioning relationship. Your spouse should be your number one priority.

  18. “I do not want to have seggs anymore”

    I'm sure that everyone understands including your husband. I don't think that you should be going anywhere close to that until you've healed emotionally and certainly not be forced to 'rip off the band aid' and just get on with it.

    If so you might want to move in tiny steps by first rekindling affection and a re-establishment of your husband as a safe space. Hugs, cuddles, forehead kisses. Accepting any of these would be a start towards normalising your relationship.

    Q: Do you feel unlovable and might be projecting that onto your husband almost like to push him away before he pushes you?

    If so, I'm sure that's not the case. We are all worthy of love. I don't know how I'd cope if my SO was assaulted like that but I'm sure I'd veer between homicidal rage, overwhelming love and a deep despair of helplessness. I would not dream of raising sex as an option – all I would ewant is to support them in any way that I could. Accepting support from him might go a long way towards reconnection. You might want to move in tiny steps by first rekindling affection and a re-establishment of your husband as a safe space. Hugs, cuddles, forehead kisses. Accepting any of these would be a start towards normalising your relationship. It absolutely doesn't have to be sexual in any way but rather a reaffirmation of your bond.

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