Keileen live sex chats for YOU!


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Date: November 6, 2022

29 thoughts on “Keileen live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Well, now you are just projecting your insecurities onto her. Dude, she already is dating you. That means she is interested in you. Stop being so dramatic.

    If she thinks less of you because you are not rich (which she also did not earn, she was born lucky) then she is no one you want to be around.

    You cant tell me you dont care about the money and then say you are afraid she thinks less of you because of money – that is contradicting yourself.

    Again, my advice would do you well. Try to let go of these thoughts or you might end up sabotaging something good yoursefl. By creating an issue that is not even there to begin with.

  2. I'm 99.9% sure it is not yours. If your vasectomy was a success, you would have a low risk at the first 4-6 weeks. Thats where they do a test again for a sperm count.

    From January to July? Seem very long time. I will do a DNA if she insists.

  3. Hugs and kisses on the cheek are ok. Cuddles and holding hands with the opposite sex while in a relationship?? That's not going to be an acceptable thing for most people (male or female). Sounds like you have some trauma that you need to work on before you cna be in a healthy relationship. Your boyfriend isn't the problem here

  4. Yeah I'm trying to give it time to see if it'll improve. I just don't want to be a year in and it's the same or worse and then I'm fantasizing about old flames and how great sex was with them instead of my current gf.

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  8. Honestly if this was in the US what your ex's family members did was cyberbullying and harassment. It's finally taken seriously in many parts of the US, and a federal crime. The FBI gets involved.

    If it isn't taken seriously in your country, I highly recommend you try to change that because it is needed and you have a good story to tell.

  9. She is a cheater. Twice in two years isn’t a slip-up or a mistake or a lapse in judgement. It’s a pattern. My guess is she cheats on you constantly and these are just the ones you know about. But no matter what, there is no way you can trust a thing she says. I think you know what to do, but if you need someone to say it … it’s time to move on and let this girl go.

  10. Him acknowledging it’s selfish is not the same as him trying not to be selfish. I can acknowledge* I’m punching someone in the face, it doesn’t mean I’ve stopped doing it and my acknowledgement hasn’t made it any more ok than if I weren’t mentioning it. He’s welcome to feel as selfish as he wants to feel, it doesn’t mean it’s right.

    I’d argue it’s actually very, very wrong because of what r/maybe_growing_wiser said. You’re the one risking your body, your health, your comfort, and even your life over 9 months and if he left you you’d be the one stuck with the bill all for what? For a man who said “yeah I know this isn’t what you wanted but it’s what I want and even though I’m not taking on a majority of the risk I still want to get what I want at the price of your comfort. I’m not a jerk though, I’m acknowledging it’s selfish!” Like you’d risk your life for a man who is fine risking you for something only he wants?

    Look up what can happen in a pregnancy. Women can get intense morning sickness for all 9 months, lose all their teeth, loose all their hair, and that’s not even the life threatening stuff. You want to do that for a man who is trying to strong arm you?

    *edited for spelling

  11. Apart from therapy maybe he needs to find new hobbies or a place to meet new people around his age. It seems he has a very narrow worldview/ circle if he really believes 26 is too old…

  12. This would be a deal breaker for me. It wouldn't matter how much I loved him. There are lots of people you can love but shouldn't be with.

    I couldn't forgive the dishonesty and what it says about his character (as your partner and potential father of your children) is abhorrent. Additionally, on a smaller but still serious note, you'd have potential legal and financial issues hanging over your head for years.

    You need to talk with him of course. Do what you feel is best but don't be afraid to walk away. There are some things you can't come back from or undo.

  13. This is his normal. Look up cycles of abuse and lovebombing. When things go back to cuddles and being loving and affectionate, it will only cycle back to him being abusive again. And he will keep up the cycle of finding excuses to leave you for baby mom #1 then eventually wanting you back too. It’s a manipulation tactic on both of you.

  14. She's being touchy and verbally flirting. He doesn't reciprocate but he doesn't want to get rid of his friend and it would be hypocritical for me to ask when I have guy friends.

    I trust he can control himself. I can't trust that she won't seduce him

  15. It sounds like a mix of toxic masculinity and insecurity. He probably always saw you as the child that he was guardian over. He “protected” you but could also overpower you if you got out of line. He can’t do that now. As a parent he should feel proud of you, not intimidated by you. You two need to have a serious conversation, possibly with a therapist.

  16. Especially with emotions/stress running high people say things they don’t mean, not to deflect any blame from her regarding the situation but you’ve known her for three years and nothing else has tripped your senses, I don’t think she actually wants you to die. unless there’s some missing info I understand the situation weirded you out but personally I think you’re being too sensitive.

  17. You need what is called “emotional skin” lol. Was it a nice thing to say? No. In the entirety of your lives together will you always say the nice thing? Hell no. It happens.

  18. She still used you. You were a rebound and nothing more. You didn't answer my question. Who is more important, your gf or your ex?

  19. This is something you tell your mom, your sisters, your friends, or your therapist. Including the part about you feeling terrible about it.

    This is not something that you tell your husband.

  20. She's not her best friend. She's her competition. She doesn't want any man to like OP. She wants their attention.

  21. Hey! Sorry I am not really sure what you mean by this? (I’m super sleep deprived haha so could be that)

  22. A very anxious and mistake-prone woman getting emotionally involved with a guy who has a superiority complex is a recipe for disaster. All the available personalities in the world to couple up with and you picked the one that would be the absolute worst for you.

  23. A very anxious and mistake-prone woman getting emotionally involved with a guy who has a superiority complex is a recipe for disaster. All the available personalities in the world to couple up with and you picked the one that would be the absolute worst for you.

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