Keikosan live sex chats for YOU!


pussy fingers [Multi Goal]

Date: December 1, 2022

7 thoughts on “Keikosan live sex chats for YOU!

  1. That’s a tough one and one that I was in a similar situation recently. My partner is in a field where they can look for a job and within a week have 5-6 interviews while I applied to 500 jobs heard back from 5 and interviewed for 2 and would get passed on. It’s tough but you have to just communicate with your partner. I know it’s frustrating when people constantly ask you if you found a job and I know from experience I’ve lashed out cause I thought they were being mean or what not but in reality just talk and explain it to them and even show them that you are really trying. Best of luck!

  2. Genuinely this. Was thinking about posting the exact same thing. I'm reluctant to downvote folks but holy crap did some of the replies from OP deserve it ? told someone who commented “yet here you are, wasting my time” to a person who seemed concerned about her getting caught up in an abusive relationship. Yeah, trash city up in these replies.

  3. I’m not sure if my obsession is the reason or the copying mechanism that’s the thing. I go back and forth. My husband and I have discussed our issues together and we are doing therapy.

  4. We call once a day. I would talk about more interesting topics with them, but they just wanna hear about my day, which is sometimes a bit annoying (after a long day at work they start asking questions about work and again giving advice).

    I think it’s also a Balkan/Eastern-European cultural thing…

  5. Eh, I'm not really one for telling someone whether they should settle for something they may find lacking. Whatever the reason. Sometimes people just aren't sexually compatible, but sometimes communication and exploration can help. So, there's that. But if physical appearance is high on your preferences and you just aren't physically attracted to him… Some people can overlook that if there's enough of a spark, some can't. Fair enough either way.

    I'd suggest stopping and taking stock. Do you miss him or do you miss being in a relationship? Do his positive qualities outweigh your general preferences? Is this something you could see yourself potentially having a problem with again? Things like that.

    It wouldn't be fair on him if you can't go back into it without letting the same things that lead to your relationship failing the first time to just resurface, especially when it's not really anything he can control like a behavior.

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